Left 4 Dead Chapter

I would love to see a L4D chapter in the game. I am a huge L4D fan, so are the devs (every original survivor has L4D survivors clothes in their inventory). Bill is already in Dbd, but they can also add a killer. I think, that Tank, Witch or Hunter would be a great pick. Chapter could also include a map, like from "The Sacrifice" campaign. What do you think guys?
i think they can add the tank as killer
and then the rest of them as skins:
hunter=legion skin
boomette/spitter=plague skin
witch=spirit skin
jokey/boomer=clown skin
charger=hillbilly skin
smoker=deathslinger skin
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Honestly they could give the deathslinger a legendary skin to make him a smoker very easily. I was actually a little sad that the death slinger wasnt released as a killer for bill in the form of the smoker
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i think they can add the tank as killer
I'm not so sure
They are way, way, too strong to work in DBD. I mean they are so massive many tiles and pallet loops would have to be entirely reworked in order to accommodate them
Not saying I don't want the Tank, I'm just not sure it could work without either tuning the game completely or heavily nerfing the tank himself
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Hmm, I think Witch, Hunter or Charger would be the best option for killer. Charger would be similiar to Hillbilly, Hunter could be almost the same, as in L4D but with cooldown on jumping and Witch would have to be reworked a little bit.
Tank on the other hand would be too boring I think. M1 killer with ability to throw rocks? Nah.
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The main problem would be his width, those shoulders go a full human length.
But in terms of Power, there's Nightmare for example, who can't do lots of things from the movies.
Nerfing characters from their original product's been done before.
Heck, there's a lot of Survivor characters who got a buff after joining this game: They all know how to repair Generators. 😉
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Unless I'm missing something from the lore Bill is the only one who actually knew how to repair a generator before getting sucked into the realm, right? Seeing as canonically that was his last action in his title...
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Yeah, there's also the chapter The Passion in L4D in which they repair one which turns off in the middle of the getaway preparation.
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The Passing is from L4D2. I think you meant "The Sacrifice" . Last gen breaks and one of the survivors has to restart it and sacrifice himself. Canonically its Bill.
I think Tank is the most known zombie from L4D, but I can't see him breaking pallets in other killers speed in Dbd. That would be ridiciulous. It would be hard to make him work in Dbd.
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Someone else made almost the exact same thread today. They were talking about a killer from Left 4 Dead as well. Is this a new campaign or something? I can't really remember much from the two games to add any input on that front. Just found it curious there was two similar posts in one day. Are the games still pretty popular? I know mods for it were getting a lot of play at some point.
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It would be kind of funny if he just started yeeting pallets at survivors.
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Yea, I saw that too. Maybe the other guy saw my thread and decided to created his. I created this one, because some guy uploaded a L4D fan made chase music for Witch today or yesterday and I thought it would be cool to have a killer from this game in Dbd.
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I want legendary skins for bill so i can play as Rochelle,And The Witch As A Killer
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Oh I see. I dunno. I know what those creatures are and that's about it. I honestly didn't even know that's what Bill was from until a little bit ago. To me the creatures were more memorable than the characters. I was just wondering what the sudden interest was about lol. Thought maybe it was like the guy that keeps trying to get Frank from Dead Rising in. I like that guy,lol. You never know. I would've never guessed Pyramid Head was possible,with how things have been with Konami.
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Once they announced legendary skins, having all the other LFD survivors immediately got me excited, and I really hope they do it. I would die happy if I could play as coach.
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Yea, I would love to play as Nick. Maybe they could also add some voice lines.
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L4D maps would be really neat. Having The Sacrifice be split into 4 different maps like the acts would be fun.
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With would be pretty neat to play against with her scream playing a part in her power.
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No i meant The Passing, there's a generator there.
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You also got to consider that the tank walks on all fours, that might deter them from making him because so far every killer walks on two legs... except nurse, and tank walking on those tiny legs only wouldn’t make sense