Solo Survivor.. Sigh

Tjiani Member Posts: 78

Solo Surv is a freaking nightmare. Match after match = Tunneling, camping, slugging, mori.. I depip match after match because I don't get to do #########. I get caught, hooked, unhooked right in front of a camping killer, tunneled, hooked again, or Moried.. Next match = repeat.

Freddy, Doctor, Iri Lullaby, Freddy, Iri Lullaby again =repeat. It's the same every freaking match. Why are you so determined that survivors aren't supposed to get any points? It's just killing as fast as possible by any means? You do realise you are not the only one with a mission and not the only one meant to enjoy this game? And then you complain about how survivors are toxic? I used to love this game, but it's so frustrating. Killers gets so many points for doing so little. While I as a survivor needs to cleanse totemts, do gens, heal, unhook, get into a chase, open a door and escape to get points enough to pip. If this is the way it's going to be, can you then at least give survivors more points for doing stuff, or lower the amount of points you need to get to at least keep your rank?


  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I get what you mean, sometimes you just can't get momentum going game after game. I try to switch up my tactic when that happens. I take 3 info perks: kindred, spinechill, empathy and use a healing perk like we'll make it or botany knowledge. The plan is always know where the killer is and what he's doing + saving/ healing teammates. I find that this works to get a grip on your matches. When you do engage in a chase you'll probably have done enough to at least black pip so tunneling etc. doesn't matter as much. Although I usually pip with this build. Also don't immediately start a gen but be a little patient.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've had a blast a solo survivor this past week.

    I went on the DBD Discord because very rare I find good players, and the ONLY SWF I did, they were complaining because they "Wanted An Easy Killer" they brought meme perks without me knowing, meme builds and we all died.

    Idiots. I'll check out that Discord like, next month or something. Got SWF PTSD after that.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    It's not always possible. I just had a match with an IRI lullaby. She gets me, camps me like crazy. Someone unhooks me and she just tunnels me to the ground. I can't outrun her, I can't hide.. I get hooked again.. And the same thing happens. I never got to do gens, totems or anything and this happens in like 8 out of 10 matches. People being camped should NOT get punished for a killer being a prick. At least they should get a safe-pip. It happens so often and so constant. Obviously the devs doesn't want to punish killers for this tactic but it's fine punishing survivors for it? At least give the person hooked the entire match a chance not to depip at least?

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    I would LOVE to see you loop an IRI lullaby? How long can you keep that going?

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I know how you feel, I play almost exclusively Solo Survivor and I've had it pretty rough in the past. I can only tell you that getting better at the game and getting to red ranks has improved my experience considerably. I also dodge lobbies with keys, Blendettes, 2-3 man SWFs and multiple flashlight users. Avoiding having those people for teammates has increased my survival rate, as the Killer rarely brings in a mori when those things aren't present! And use Kindred + Decisive Strike as well! Very important solo perks.

    In the higher ranks, yes, you'll run into the rare Iridescent Head user or facecamping Bubba, but it's really not that bad. I laugh when the Bubba is revving his chainsaw in front of me, and just wait until the next game. Losing a pip or two really isn't the end of the world, and if you just expect it as part of the game, you won't let it get to you and you'll enjoy the game much more.

    (There's also the rare facecamping Myers.... he nodded at me while I waved my arms up and down. I genuinely laughed)

    The only thing I don't like is when I use a Streamers and the Killer goes for the 4k slug at the start of the game with Billy + Infectious Fright.... that's annoying ๐Ÿ™„

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Huntress hitboxes/latency are ridiculous at the moment, that combined with iri head/ infantry belt is a nightmare. Once you're spotted and she decides to tunnel you off hook I agree that you can't do much. Even if it takes time for her to catch you my experience is this doesn't end well. That's why I go full stealth if my matches go like that, if they can't find you they can't do that to you early in the trial. I play extremely immersive if I figure out a huntress has these add ons. And yes I also go down eventually but I don't consistently lose a pip because stealth saves me. It can be quite hilarious to stealth around while the killer keeps checking the gen and not finding you. Especially when you leave the area she's agressively patrolling to complete another gen. I agree that a match like you described ain't fun or fair to the survivor that gets targeted first. But try to change your gameplay to salvage the match a bit.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Being a Solo player myself I understand the frustrations. The rank system being borked for survivors doesnโ€™t help either (You seem to get to red ranks by just playing the game rather than actual skill)

    Maybe when Skill based MM is introduced it might get better.

    Very frustrating when someoneโ€™s used up all the pallets and thereโ€™s still 4 gens left. Or when thereโ€™s a camping killer that butchers your team because they choose to try and save rather than work on gens. The list goes on.

    Solo survivor life I suppose.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I love playing solo and going in with no items. I feel like rambo when I escape

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Ah yes, I remember that one. The Rambo movie where he couldn't fight and ran away without hurting anyone or using a single weapon. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ yeah he just kept chucking pallets at those bad guys then running back into the bush

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I have never played in a group that wasn't a farming group. And solo is not as bad as people make it out to be. Been to rank 3. But usually settle for 4-5 as i dont sweat anything.

    Ive had red rank survivors farm me, brown ranks leave me on 1st hook, been tunneled and camped. Maybe had 1 iri head huntress ever in my survivor career. On Xbox. That may matter.

    Ive stopped caring about getting out every match. Do some gens, heal some people, if i escape great. If not oh well, theres next game.

    I don't bring in items, except maybe a brown medkit. I try not to unsafe unhook. I never crouch spam. Or point or taunt. I give killers gg most times.

    I would be rank 1 if i ran voice comms with a group, but in reality, despite being able to camp and mori off first hook, i get killed more because survivors play stupid then killers using "cheap" tactics.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I can loop a Huntress fairly efficiently as long as I don't play stupid, and more importantly don't focus on the fact that she has iridescent hatchets so I don't screw up on the mental game. Last time I faced one wouldve been about...a week and a bit back? I'd say not last Sunday but the one before.

    Anyways to the point, went two minutes before she decided to give up on me, got me with two basic hits later on (screwed up on the mental game) and then wasn't chased for the rest of the game.

    Don't remember another game with iri Huntress since then.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'll be honest I phrased it very poorly (I shouldve said people talk so much ######### about it when many things they say I find fine). There are definitely problems, some noticable, others not as much.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I play solo survivor and I have good days and I have bad days. I'm terrible at looping though and more often than not get lucky on losing the killer. I had a match a couple of nights ago where a survivor sandbagged me, made up for it by unhooking me, but then ran ahead of me to the exit gate instead of taking a protection hit. NOED wasn't even in play, so it frustrated me a bit. It's things like that why I pretty much do my own thing at times, because I can't trust the other survivors.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,393

    As someone who mainly plays solo survivor when I do play survivor, you just have to accept some games you will lose and not get much out of it. Some nights are just not good nights and the best thing you should do is to stop playing survivor for a bit as playing tilted isn't going to help you play better.