New Prestige feature : the singular capacity

AtraXis Member Posts: 79

In Dead by Daylight, you are able to prestige your characters when they reach the level 50. This action doesn't come without consequences, because you will lose all your current perks and addons on this character. The actual Prestige mechanic rewards you with a prestige skin, and the promise of getting more rare loots in your bloodweb. However, many players don't prestige their characters, including myself, because we consider it's not really worth it. That's why I thought of ways to make prestige more interesting for players. Here is one of the ideas I came up with.

The singular capacity :

The singular capacity is a simple concept : when you prestige your character, you will unlock on him a personal capacity, that can't be used for other characters. It provides you a permanent passive ability working during the match. This capacity would consist of 3 differents tiers, just like perks, but you will have to prestige your character to increase this level, prestige 3 being of course the tier 3 for this ability. It would work for both killers and survivors. It would add more depth to the survivor side especially, right now, the choice of the survivor you will play is mostly based on the character itself, and not what he has to offer. With this new mechanic, your character choice will make more sense, because it will go with the singular capacity you want to play.

Examples :

Here are some examples I came up with while imagining this mechanic. I'm sorry if anything conflict with actual perks, it's just a concept and I'm sure some people will have more inspiration than me.

The Trapper Singular Capacity : Each 60/50/40 seconds, the Trapper recover automatically a trap in his inventory if this one isn't full and if there are still available disarmed traps on the map. The trapper can also choose to freeze a placed trap to prevent it from being called back to your inventory if disarmed by survivors. (Ctrl to freeze a trap at its position)

Dwight Fairfield Singular Capacity : Your allies are able to see your own aura if you are within a range of 36/44/52 meters from them.

The Shape Singular Capacity : Evil Within II will passively recharge up to 50% in 60/50/40 seconds. This effect will stop once the Shape's Evil Within will be above 50%. This effect doesn't work for Evil Within I. (I don't have the exact amount of charges needed to tier up, so I decided to display the total time needed to recharge from 0% to 50%).

Nea Karlsson Singular Capacity : Your maximum speed while crouching is increased by 90/95/100 %. Your stagger effect duration from falls is reduced by 40/50/60 %. (Yes, my idea here would require to rework Urban Evasion. And yes, I know that the stagger effect reduction has already been nerfed on Balanced Landing, that's why I took lower numbers. Just a reminder that this is a concept of course).

The Huntress Singular Capacity : When you used all your hatchets, you can call upon the entity to instantly reload 1/2/3 hatchets. Works only twice per match. (press the special ability button to instantly reload) (twice per match sounds justified because being able to reload hatchets whenever you want is probably broken).

Feng Min Singular Capacity : You don't make any reparation noises while working on generators. This effect will also apply on survivors repairing the same generator as you. Failing a skill check won't cause the generator to explode. This effect apply to a maximum of 1/2/3 survivors working on the same generator.

The Demogorgon Singular Capacity : While travelling through the upside down, the two portals used to travel will remain hidden for the survivors and won't be sealable for the next 40/50/60 seconds. This capacity will then be on cooldown for the next 60 seconds.

Ace Visconti Singular Capacity : you search chests 80/90/100% faster. Searching a chest will guarantee an item with a rarity superior to uncommon always equipped with two addons.

The Pig Singular Capacity : You start the game with 1 additionnal reversed bear traps. Your crouching speed is reduced by 30/40/50%. Your movement speed while crouching is increased to 95%. The skill checks trigger odds in jigsaw boxes is increased by 5/10/15%. (The default movement speed of the pig while crouching is 90%, or 3.6 m/s).

Ash Williams Singular Capacity : Any survivor taking a protection hit while you are carried by the killer will gain the Endurance status effect for the next 40/50/60 seconds. This effect can only apply to one survivor when you are carried.

Additional notes : This post has been created before the prestige rewards announcement, and it's probably a good timing to make it public now. I really like the idea of in-game advantages if you prestige your characters. I'm also sorry if anything conflicts with actual perks, I might have already mentionned that, but to be honest, it was easier to come up with ideas on killer powers, because they are all differents. And of course, feel free to make your own suggestions, and don't limit yourself to characters I didn't included if you think you have better ideas than me for one of those mentionned above.


  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    It would be an interesting addition to the game. I don't see them implementing it however, because it would throw the balance of the game out of wack. Also, if survivors were to all get unique abilities, it would incentivize people to choose a certain survivors for their abilites over who they can relate toward or aesthetics.