is farming bad?

podkall Member Posts: 109

In a way that killer is not killing just hooking than hitting survivors than he lets them leave.

Is that okay or are there any rules against this? I don't mind it just curious I also sometimes do it but very rarely.


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,951

    Farming is something we frown upon as as a rule. It's also something that is reportable in game especially if you are forcing players to farm against their will.

    Speaking as a player, it's incredibly boring to be stuck in a farming match!

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    Some people don't like it, others appreciate it. I don't think it's bannable because it's pretty rare that people do it. I wouldn't worry if you've been doing it.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    I had match where farming killer didn't kill just hooked couple of times than carried them so they could wiggle out traps and everything and than 2 of them DC'd idk if it's internet or if they actualy wanted to die I wasn't there I don't trust farm killers even if they sound nice.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    I farm when Im genrushed and have nothing to do about it, then I just smack pallets because Im frustrated. if a survivor wants to farm they just do it, otherwise they just leave

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    Doing gens without killer pressure is boring and DC's punish now so... I'm little both sided on farming you feel me

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    If 5 gens are done and I have 0-3 hooks there is really nothing I can do, man

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    In order to be safe, I put a Survivor in dying state, m1 the air in front of us and spin in place a few times. I repeat these motions a couple of times and if the Survivor spins on the ground, I pick them up and let them go. That way, anyone who doesn't want to farm can just sit there and get hooked.

    As long as you don't force them to farm, you don't have to worry. If they act like it's a normal game, play normally. I recommend you play the beginning of the match as normal and see if they're a bunch of potato solos. If they're not and know what they're doing, don't farm. If they are potatoes, most would appreciate the farm.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Here's the thing, farming for Bloodpoints is really not as great as most people think or act. You spend like 20 minutes doing all kinds of stupid stuff to get 25k-30k each whereas you could just play two games "normally," and still make that much or more. Of course queue times will impact this, as well as games where multiple people bring BPS or cakes but as a rule of thumb farming isn't an efficient way to make more bloodpoints than just playing the game.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    You say especially if you are forcing players to farm,whereas another mod @drimmalor says it is ONLY if you are forcing players to farm. Here is the thread he even says and i quote... "Farming" off the hook is different than going into a game to work with everyone to get points. Neither are inherently bannable as long as it's not griefing.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited June 2020

    To my knowledge, it's only bannable if you're forcing people to farm, or punishing people who don't want to farm by killing or griefing them.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    its not necessarily bad, its just extremely boring to be in a farming match. Also, it’s really frustrating having to wait a long time in queue to not be able to play the game

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    Farming isn't bad, and it decreases a grind for a very grind-y game. Nobody is ever banned for BP farming and nobody ever reports each other for BP farming either since everyone has something to gain from it, everyone gets bloodpoints. Although "griefing farming" where you're working with the killer and purposefully farming your teammates is a bannable offense.

    The devs and mods should also probably know that if they don't want people farming, maybe don't make the game a huge slog and grind to P3 / all T3 perks. It's even worse for new players who have to cross the hill of dealing with the sheer amount of content that now exists in the game. Which not only presents a decently steep learning curve, which is intensified only by the fact you've got an intense grind ahead of you which no amount of skill or knowledge can do to change.

    I can't imagine joining DBD in 2020 with some 19 killers and 22 survivors and without spending any money, grind for base perks, eventually prestiging, along the way getting iridescent shards to get new characters, just to grind for new teachables, to later unlock on your main so that means investing more BP again. Repeating 3 times to prestige and on top of that still going through hours and hours to unlock other individual characters with shards, and doing this for BOTH sides on a main for survivor and killer if you really want a balanced experience for DBD.

    I love Dead By Daylight, but had I not joined when I did in 2016, I may not have stuck around for as long as I did.

    No amount of being "Frowned upon" excuses this immense and widespread problem that plagues even veterans who have unlocked most content by now and are just working toward decking out new or old characters that aren't their mains.

    So long as farming only earns you a glare and a frown from the devs or community members who think it's boring, the benefits FAR outweigh the downsides and people will continue to do it as long as this intense grind exists. We wouldn't do it if there wasn't a reason to, end of story.

    In the current state of the game, I would encourage everyone to play the game normally as often as possible, but when a farming match makes your way by circumstance: take it up, let it happen, don't fight it and don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially if Bloody Party Streamers and other BP bonus offerings are at play, take your bloodpoints and enjoy them.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    As Mandy said, it's generally frowned upon, but if it's happening, just do gens and leave. I hardly ever run into a farming killer who forces people to farm.

    IMO, if other survivors are farming for bloodpoints, they aren't hurting anyone.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    I couldn't agree more. I've tried to get multiple friends into DBD and they like the prospect but its just the initial "Okay, you gotta play for hours when you have zero idea how to win, then dump points into a character you might not even like, get the teachable perk you NEED to win, then dump points back INTO the character you actually wanna play, rinse and repeat, over and over and over" that makes them shudder. I swear, the day the devs remove perk levels is the day I will actively advertise this game to my friends, until then, it's my obsession and mine alone.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Obviously the grinding challenges are the issue.

    Taking in to account lobby wait times and the pure ridiculousness of some of the challenges/achievements, having a day at the farm is sometimes preferable.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    "until then, it's my obsession and mine alone."

    I felt that. My friends don't care to play DBD either even though I've been consistently playing it for almost 4 years now. It's why I'm on the forums and discord server because I got nobody to talk about it with, especially on an experienced level, irl.


  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    Consider that if everyone wants to farm, nobody in that match is going to report it. Mandy and I are saying the same thing, and I also personally don't like farming matches. I'd rather play the game properly.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well me being a farmer killer myself I put rules for certain scenarios in. I only farm for myself while letting them slowly win the game.

    When I am stomping without tunneling or camping (which are boring) because the survivors don't help each other I try not to hook people thrice before everyone is on death hook.

    This way I can get maximum bp while providing them with a killer that "tries" to win. I hit them, slug one or two but let them recover to finish their game.

    But if they take their sweet time not even trying to finish I will slaughter them and only maybe give last on hatch because I maxed out already.

    Otherwise when they are better than me I can try hard for my 4 bbq stacks and play like normal.

    But the time where I would let them farm of me are long gone because those game take foreeeever to finish.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    There is two scenarios when I go to farm:

    1. If survivors stop playing seriously. If survivors just want to get bloodpoints I feel kinda bad to kill them. I don't know why.
    2. If survivors unbearably bad. As once I got rank 20 Meg with 2-3 hours of playing. She was so clueless I just coudn't kill her. I tried to give her hatch but she wiggle out and run opposite way trying to hide for about 5 minutes.

    Also I never kill Dwight even if he act toxic. It is just my little rule. I just hook him twice and then just give him a hit if he appear until I kill his teammates. But it is not like bloodpoint farming. I'm trying to make him feel like I'm dangerous anyway.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I usually dislike farming both as a killer and as a survivor, because i dont have much spare play time and a farming game is just wasted time.

    However, things like legit (early) dcs happens. if this happens and i am the killer, i play the game normaly, only i dont hook anyone for the 3. time, just slug them. If i got them all down, i won, and then i let them all escape. This way you still get the thrill of a game (even if you are in a disadvantage), but aren´t punished point and pip-wise for someone dcing

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Thank you for clarification. I agree though farming is boring, and I mentioned somewhere I don’t even think it’s that much faster way to earn BP. Also once you give any indication of farming people take it too far, as a killer I’ve actually had to kill survivors before because they wouldn’t do gens at all just wanted me to keep injuring them over and over.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Yes, farming is bad, once I got a splinter into my hand with a shovel.

    If you mean farming bloodpoints, I don't think so, just like everyone says if they don't want to farm, don't force it, if they do then roll with it.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    Well, dang, man, what platform do you play on? If it's pc, add me on steam: Mikeadatrix.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I think the distinction is important, though.

    It's one thing if it's considered to be acceptable behavior across the board as long as people aren't being forced somehow.

    If the behavior is against the rules and could land you in trouble but the only protection is hoping someone doesn't report you, that's a very different reality.