What map would you consider your boogeyman map?

If you don't understand the saying I'm sorry. I'm wondering is there any map where you feel, no matter the team or killer your playing you always do bad on?
For me (proven again today) it's always badham preschool 1 as Killer. I always struggle on this particular variant of the map and I don't understand why. Mentally now it's the map I fear the most, even though I really shouldn't.
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If the map is Haddonfield, whether I'm killing or surviving, I am going to come away with minimal points and having been not really an asset to the team/the game if killing. I don't know what it is about that map that brings out the potato in me, but it does. Every. Time.
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The entire Coldwind Farm realm and Haddonfield. I hate that ######### corn so much.
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Haddonfield or coldwind
The framedrop inside the corn sucks the fun out of me
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Hawkins. I can't stand that map.
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I fear no map!
But BPS...
Bloody Party Streamers are freaking CURSED!
I've almost never had a game go well with them - regardless of who uses them.
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Hawkins lab if to pick one. I just get unlucky way too often on that map as both killer and survivor.
As a survivor I generally don't like closed building maps as it sometimes is hard to find gens and often hard to find totems.
As a killer I'm also not a big fan of a of Swamp maps and Disturbed Ward.
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Saloon. I always have problems on Saloon, I dont even know why.
Its not like I never escape or never 4K on those Maps, but it feels like I have to put more efford in either of those than on any other Map.
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Seem always do badly in Badham when survivor and Dead Dawg as killer.
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Disturbed Ward. Hate that map so much.
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Badham. I'm just sick of that map and I wish there was a system that prevented you from getting the same map so many times in a row
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As survivor, Hawkins.
As killer, Ward.
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Shelter Woods. For some reason i feel lack there is a lack of pallets when playing as a Survivor, but when i play as killer there are more pallets than trees 😁.
A bit extreme of course but you got the gist.
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Haddonfield and Ormond. I fear both equally. Nightmare maps as killer. Well, unless I'm playing spirit, then can any map truly be terrifying?
As survivor just the game as it has very few vaults, nightmare for lithe.
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Dead Dawg Saloon, ######### that map.
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It's probably the unsafe pallets for survivor and for killer the stupid breakable walls. I also do very well as both sides, but that map is unfun. It's genrush while someone puts up a 15 second chase, or waste time breaking walls, get genrushed then sweat for the 4k. Not fun.
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You see it too? For me It's always like this 😥
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The mcmallian map with th tree in the center
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When I saw the title I thought this was asking what is your best Myers map. Big sad.
To answer the question its either Hawkins or Shelter Woods as survivor. Garbage maps. For killer its any of the corn maps since I main Myers and you just cannot stalk through that darn corn. The corn blindness is real.
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I'm lucky I never have your problem with that map. It's already tough enough as killer so I don't want to feel like I'm at anymore of a disadvantage like you do lol
Corn blindness is a real problem. I don't know why Billy or Bubba haven't started cutting that away yet lol
I remember when that map came out I hated it but I've now began to like it. I find it less annoying now since totems aren't as popular. Do you feel like you just do bad on that map regardless of your killer or teammates?
I actually believed this for soooooo long lol anytime I was playing as survivor and my mates brought multiple bps offerings I would die. I hate wasting points so it makes sense that the one who cares the most about it, always died getting it.
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I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I can usually manage at least safety pip with a decent amount of BP in games, but I stg every time there's BPS I depip with like 3k BP. Feels bad man.
For on-topic posting: The Game. Can't do it as either side, I just can't navigate it for the life of me.
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I notice the amount of times on that map I want to go to a gen or hook and the doors are shut it's extremely annoying. It literally feels like the game is shuting them just before I reach the area lol
My mate feels the exact same way. He always hates that map and feels like even bad teams get multiple gens done on that map even if he's playing well.
Is there any particular variant you struggle with? I seem to do well on all other variants except the original.
When it comes to this map i have a superstition. If I'm survivor and a crotus offering is played we get the clown version. If an offering is played when I'm killer I always get the disturbed ward version. I swear this has been the case the last 10 times this offering has been played.
In a row? I feel sorry for you on that one lol
You just dislike these maps or feel like for some reason you struggle more on these than you should?
I hate this map for that reason. I actually feel like the tile spawns on this map are like that for me. Got 4 TL walls out of the 5 tile spawns on this map.. and as killer I had a game where 3 of them were jungle gyms lol
Yea they are both pretty tough maps as killer. But I know that before I start so I always try harder and usually get a good result because of it.
I like how easy that map is for setting up a 3 gen. As long as the gens near the main building are kept then I usually can force out a 4k.
It's shelter woods. Very few pallets on that map as survivor.
What do you think it is about that map that makes you struggle so much? I'd understand killer but it definitely is your boogeyman map if you struggle as survivor on it.
Micky and corn = bad day. Rotten fields in particular is a really really bad day for him lol
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@CashelP14 pretty much. The layout is just a nightmare to me. That plus the reworked Lerys. I used to like Lerys. But after it's rework I can't stand it.
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Easily the new Lery's Memorial Institute. I had no problems surviving old Lery's. I have no problems on Hawkins or the Game. But this map just ticks me off to no end. I survive maybe 1/20 games on Lery's, and I know everytime I play on this map its gonna be a Depip and I'm not gonna have fun. Sometimes I DC outright the moment I get it and alot of times my friends gotta convince from doing so otherwise. If I'm gonna depip regardless on this horrible map its gonna be on my terms rather than waste time on a bad match. Keep in mind, I'm Rank 1 every season and Have 2,000+ hours and I still hate this map with a fiery passion.
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I remember before the new variants came out I felt the same way. Pig, Huntress, Billy and Bubba (I'm sorry my friend) I've struggled with on this map even though I been doing extremely well on every other map.
I actually find the new version more confusing as survivor since the size was adjusted.
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I will say I disagree with the DC'ing but yea that map is extremely tough as survivor. This map and shelter woods are the two maps I see as the toughest as survivor in the whole game honestly. You can either get really lucky with spawns or not.
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Haddonfield is the worst map in the game and I stand by that. The fences are very annoying, the hooks are very far apart, the windows are pretty overpowered as well, on top of that, the map is pretty big. The only redeeming quality about the map is sometimes the gates spawn close together.
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Definitely Haddonfield, with Badham being a close second. I ######### HATE fences
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I tend to do terrible on Lery’s. The map is super dark and boring gameplay because survivors just hide. Unless you’re a stealth killer.
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Do you both dislike the map or always get unlucky with it? I mean do you have any superstitions about a map? Such as me saying I always struggle on badham one for someone reason.
I don't mind the layout of the map or anything but I always just feel like I play bad on it.
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Saloon isn't necessarily hard it's just really boring. It's genrush and hope the killer can't handle it, or get genrushed and have to sweat for the 4k.
No looping or interaction in it because of how unsafe the damn pallets are. That map SUCKS and is even more worse designed than Hawkins.
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Yea I hate the tiles on that map. As survivor and killer I find them extremely confusing and hard to understand.
Yea it definitely is a gen rush map. Its definitely a map I don't want to get as killer.
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And Osmon a close second. It has terrible performance, the terrain is annoying with lots of weirdly shaped objects that are annoying to move around and it is way too huge.
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######### that map. It needs a fat rework. At least the Game gives both sides a chance, that map sucks.
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The red forest and black water swamp.
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The Game. I just don't want to play on it ever again tbh :'( On either side
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Ormond for obvious reasons.
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I actually love the Game map. To me it's nearly the most balanced map in the game.
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There's a lot there lol I agree with shelter woods in particular and I also hate swamp as survivor and killer.
I'm surprised at that. Why do you dislike it soo much?
Yea I agree. Why would anyone build a water tower on such a tiny hill?
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I don’t mind Saloon in general but I hate the fact that some tiles (especially the main saloon building) you HAVE to break the walls because it’s too safe. They’re basically pre-dropped pallets. No mind-gaming anything, just break the wall and chase to get a normal tile. Then most of the pallets are super unsafe.
I won’t complain about Saloon though because there a far worse maps than that. Springwood, Haddonfield, Mother’s Dwelling (it’s WAY too big), YAMAOKA, and Ormond are all far worse.
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Autohaven with the gas station idk why but I usually do bad on that map (im a killer).
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Meat Packing Plant is my least favorite map for either side. I like to play trapper as killer and there is no good place for a trap there. As survivor I am not a huge fan of any of the indoor maps but like this one the least, I get turned around there easily and have trouble keeping track of anything like which gens are done, where doors are etc.
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Not a fan of corn as killer as a survivor i don't like the underground facility(Ghost face and peekaboo myers) are usually the killer and they played that map.
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Same lol, but I can see why it'd be reworked to add more pallets and make the current ones less safe. That being said, it is one of my favourite maps.
Yamaoka is FAR better than Saloon, and that used to be my least favourite map before I realised how badly designed the Saloon is.
Springwood is bad, yes but it isn't half as stupid as the Saloon, at least it isn't COMPLETELY survivor sided.
Haddonfield is also badly designed, definitely, but all the devs have to do is reduce pallet safety. But I still see the Saloon as FAR more unhealthy for BOTH sides, but Haddonfield does make one side (survivor) way too strong, so I can understand this taking priority.
Mothers Dwelling can easily be reduced and Ormond can have the amount of pallets reduced.
Dead Dawg Saloon is just an unhealthy map for both sides. It deserves a rework. Although I can definitely understand if the devs were to rework Haddonfield or Mothers Dwelling first, but that doesn't excuse the fact that the Saloon is a disgusting map for both sides.
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I personally hate Yamaoka because it’s super dark on console and you can’t change the settings, it’s a stealth players paradise. It’s still not great balance wise but it’s not THE worst.
Unpopular opinion but I believe Springwood is worse than Haddonfield. The school is an awful building for most killers and the map can also spawn fences that are longer than the Great Wall of China. Now that Balanced Landing got nerfed a while ago, Springwood is far worse. Haddonfield isn’t even that bad with it’s pallets, it’s mainly the buildings.
Mother’s Dwelling isn’t bad based on what tiles can spawn but it’s the size of Saturn. That map needs to be shrunk like the Temple and it’ll be fine.
Ormond is the worst IMO. It is nothing but one giant pallet loop with a strong central structure. The map is huge, has nothing but safe pallets, AND a strong central building. I also HATE those long wall loops that spawn on Ormond, Red Forest, and Yamaoka.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Saloon is a great map but it’s still relatively new so I’m doubtful it’s a high priority map change when they have maps like Ormond and the main building of Disturbed Ward that has existed for far too long. Especially because it implements the new breakable wall mechanic and doesn’t have any loops that are problematic. Most are unsafe.
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I guess I can see your point with Ormond tbh, highly doubt the devs will leave it as is. The Yamaoka one I definitely agree with btw, I used to be an XBOX player myself. I still see Dead Dawg as the worst rn though, but hey, we have different opinions! :)
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You guys share different opinions and aren't tearing each other apart?! Disgusting lol I thought this was Dead By Daylight!
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Nah @Poweas is a cool dude who never tries to start arguments with anyone. It’s totally fine if he has a different opinion, that’s what the forums are for. I respect whatever opinion he has.
What has DBD come to though? People who don’t tear each other apart? That is unheard of! XD
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I was getting ready for a mortal kombat style battle lol darn this community isn't as toxic as it was perceived to be 😂
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Me and @MegMain98 are actually really good friends, plus @MegMain98 isn't the type to tear someone apart about their opinion, which is one of the reasons why me and him get along so well.
You should see his walls, we talk about our favourite killers all the time, I heavily respect him.
When crossplay comes out, I'll definitely be playing with @MegMain98 if we find a time that suits us!