Let's Discuss - Horrible Ultra Rares (& how to possibly fix them)
We know them, we see them pop up in our Bloodwebs and we all groan.
It's the most expensive item in the Bloodweb yet it's also one of the worst things you could possibly get for either a Survivor or a Killer.
DBD has had a weird history with Ultra Rare add-ons and offerings. In that... They're not exactly "Ultra Rare", and they are sometimes either incredibly underwhelming or completely overpowered.
But frankly, I feel like the more recent Ultra Rares has just been... Garbage. Deathslinger's URs in particular. I feel like they are just not worth the amount of bloodpoints you need to spend to get them. The ability to aura read Survivors inside your Terror Radius while you're reeling someone in, on a Killer that encourages you to have it as small as possible kinda defeats the purpose of that add-on entirely.
I feel like a better way to make this work is just to have him aura read outside his Terror Radius rather than inside. Your view point is restricted anyways since you cannot exactly look behind you while reeling someone in. And it would fit with the playstyle of playing to be as stealthy as possible, to get the drop on Survivors. Since you know, his Terror Radius is already small to begin with.
And if anyone is complaining this is "too overpowered", it's an Ultra Rare. It should be powerful. But it shouldn't be restrictive.
Same with his other UR which exposes Survivors he reels in from 15 meters away. I've played enough Deathslinger to know that reeling Survivors in while they are far away from you is a lot more impossible than the devs probably imagined it might be. Mainly because Survivors has a ton of obstructions to help them yank your chain off or just enough so that you cannot reel them in completely for you to get the final hit in. Not to mention how situational it is to shoot Survivors within a distance of 15 meters.
I suggest for this add-on to just be changed to give Deathslinger another bullet in his chamber before he reloads. Reloading is the one thing that takes up most of his time especially during a chase, so having two Bullets with one reload could be really useful and it's not like it's gamebreaking. It still requires the player to be good at Deathslinger to get much usage out of it.
Maybe my suggestions are unreasonable, but I feel like anything would be better than what he has right now.
I really like your suggestions lol; one extra bullet for slinger sounds like one of my nightmares but it's ultra rare, it's meant to be strong.
A killer I've wanted some add-on changes for is demo-boi, since his ultra rares are pretty bad.
Leprose Lichen currently shows the aura of all injured survivors when travelling the upside down- usually survivors will either be healing against demo so he doesn't get much out of it, or it's very likely that you won't actually be able to get to the injured survivor in time.
I think it'd be cool to have it show all survivors within a certain range of the exit portal- say, 20m. If it's travelling because of BBQ then it can get some extra information as to where they've run off to, or it's just random travelling to a gen you think they're on, you get confirmation if they're hiding nearby or not.
Now, red moss. It's old effect became base-kit and since then it hasn't seen much use. There's no point giving him the undetectable status when he stomps around like the giant who's just had his harp stolen.
Since you're using this add-on to be stealthy, how cool would it be if it just removed the sound of you exiting a portal? No need to screech at the top of your lungs to tell the survivor's what you're doing.
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I think the devs are afraid of creating add-ons too powerful. The last true godly UR we had was the glove add-on for Oni and it got nerfed pretty bad.
Anyways I will leave my part
Yes, Demogorgons ultra rare add-ons are bad (and so are most of his other add-ons)
Leprose lichen is the less bad of the 2, but its still bad. I used it a couple of times and I didnt get much value out of it because in most cases I didnt need to teleport, and when I did, all I saw was some glimpses :/
To make it better
- Make it so that you can see the auras of ALL survivors on the map
- Make it so that it applies an status effect to injured survivors each time you teleport, that would be pretty cool
Red moss is outright trash, what the hell can I do with undetectable if I do a fuckton of noise anyways? the extra portal cooldown is really detrimental, the one time I used it 2 gens got done because my portals were still on cooldown and I couldnt teleport
To make it better
- Completely rework it and make it a shred related add-on
- Maybe something along the lines of iridescent coin, if you land an attack from certain distance of the survivor, its an insta down.
- If it is too powerful, make it so that you can no longer break pallets with shred to balance it.
Deathslinger has bad UR as well.
Iridescent coin is actually pretty fun! but not that useful, I have managed to down like 5 survivors with it, which is not bad, but not great.
To make it better
- reduce the distance just by a bit, 12m should be enough to make it powerful but not overpowered
The hellshire iron is also fun, but not good, one of the most important aspects of deathslinger is his diminute terror radius, making this add-on terror radius based is pretty dumb
To make it better
- Make it so that it is no longer terror radius based, and instead make it similar to surge, you can see survivors within a 32 meter radius.
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i feel like reworking red moss to make it a shred related addon would make a lot of sense, one ultra for portals, one for shred
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Anything would be better than the current ones Demo has right now.
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Agreed, I hope the devs consider giving my boy demo an add-on rework
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rainbow map buff can see killler
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That's already an add-on for the Key.
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ik but still i thnik that would be cool
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Hillshire Iron: For as long as a Survivor is speared, the auras of all other Survivors outside the Deathslinger's Terror Radius are revealed. After a Survivor is freed from the spear the auras last up to 6 seconds.
Iridescent Coin is an actual change so hopefully I can structure it correctly.
Iridescent Coin: Removes the Redeemer's Reel mechanic, Survivors hit with the spear have it lodged in them and are considered Speared for 1 second.
Survivors hit with a spear while already lodged with a spear will inflict Dying upon them.
Lodged spears are removed when a Survivor is put into the Dying State.
Survivors can "Dislodge the Spear" (action like Snap Out of It taking 12 seconds), failing a Skill Check applies a -25% Regression penalty.
Moderately increases Speargun reload time. (2.75 -> 3.5)
It's more of a new power but I wanted to have it synergize with Hellshire Iron while also literally being just a gun.
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Ghostface's Outdoor Security Camera add-on should be changed so that it reveals all survivors, whether they are in his TR or not.
Iridescent King needs some kind of downside. It's absolute busted that it does literally 4 or 5 add-ons worth of effects. It should both reduce the charge rate of Static Blast and either decrease the size or increase the detonation delay of Shock Therapy. Or maybe it removes Doc's ability to see fake Doc auras. IDK something this add-on is ######### stupid (on top of Doc himself being ######### stupid but I digress).
Pig's Rule Set 2 should also reduce the repair speed of survivors that have a RBT. Something like 6% would be reasonable.
Legion's Fuming Mix Tape should make survivors scream within 24m of a generator when it is damaged and remove the penalty to the power bar when hitting a basic attack.
Myer's Fragrant Tuft Of Hair needs a rework. Infinite one shots is ######### stupid. Instead FTOH should do this:
- Causes Evil to be gained passively up to 95%.
- Removes the limit of Evil the can be gained from each survivor.
- Increase the lunge range during Evil Within 3.
- Increases movement speed by 5% for 10 seconds after putting a survivor into the dying state with Evil Within 3.
- Reduces the duration of Evil Within 3 by 25%.
IMO this is way more reasonable and still holds a lot of value for the killer. The fact they get Evil passively and can stalk survivors infinitely means they can just keep getting EW3 over and over, but survivors have some counter play options now. Killer also gets another lunge buff on top of the buff already given in EW3, and they get a speed buff if they down someone so then they can more effectively snowball.
I just really hate this add-on because all it takes is 1 survivor to feed him and now you are one shot the entire game. There is a reason they changed NOED from infinite to 2 minutes, and then to a totem. And there is a reason LITERALLY NO OTHER EXPOSED STATUS LAST FOREVER!!!! Because it's ######### stupid.
Odd Bulb for flashlight should have the consumption penalty removed. This thing is pretty worthless because the boosts to effects is overshadowed by the consumption penalty. Better to use Intense Halogen which is almost as good but no penalty.
Styptic Agent (not an UR but important to mention) needs to be changed. The whole problem with the old Styptic/Syringe was that it was a free hit. Syringe is fine now that it is an passive heal, but Styptic is still a free hit and it's stupid. IMO both add-ons should do the same thing just at different rates. When used they both inflict the Broken status and passively heal you. Remove the ability for perks/add-ons to affect the timers, and have only the add-on consumed not the entire medkit (similar to BNP). Styptic should take 40 seconds, Syring should take 20 seconds. As a survivor these are still super valuable because you can use them then do something else while healing automatically. Basically you can do 2 things at once. But Styptic specifically would no longer be a free hit. That ######### is annoying AF as killer, IDK why they thought it was a good idea. Current Styptic is 1000 times better than current Syringe, and this makes no sense because the former is Very Rare while the latter is Ultra Rare.
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I hate the current iteration of Ruleset No. 2, as it promotes people with an RBT on to work on generators in order to reveal the auras.
SO! Let's punish them for it instead.
- Disables the Survivors' ability to see the Auras of Jigsaw Boxes while their Reverse Bear Trap is active.
The other one I'd look at changing is Huntress' hatchets and it is literally just giving it a minimum range.
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Amanda's letter: I love this add-on it is transformative but situational because you have to Crouch to activated and whilst crouched you're slower than nurse transform crouching into something you going to do reliably.
Also due to the small range you're not going to really get much use out of it in really wide open maps and closed Maps are your best option so not only are you moving slow but it's very map dependent.
All of these would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that you lose three reverse bear traps and only have two boxes practically making the reverse bear trap you do have pretty much pointless before the endgame collapse change I would literally just use this to keep one survivor locked in the game for a while I can't even do that anymore.
My suggestion make this fully transformative change Amanda from a stall based killer into an ambush based killer.
1) Remove all reverse bear traps and jigsaw boxes ( let's be honest the one reverse bear trap with a 50/50% chance of getting it off wasn't helping you much with stall)
2) Increase the Aura reading range between 18 and 24.
3) increase movement speed when crouched this would encourage pigs to stay in Crouch a lot longer rather than just going in it every now and then to get an aura Reading.
4) if all of this is too strong add movement speed to penalty to Amanda to balance it out but at least test to see if it's too strong before you jump in with the movement speed penalty
Ruleset number 2
This addon has been a point of contention for a while most people tend to ask for it to be added to base kit and the response is usually but that would be a bad idea as it would encourage change to be complete gens faster so people could see where the boxes are.
When that response is usually given I always ask a question and then why is this an ultra rare if it's more detrimental than beneficial
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honestly, the Hellshire Iron (probaply butchered that name, sorry xD) would be so much better if the effect would activate for, lets say, 4 seconds after succesfully realing someone in.
that way you have the ability to look around to check for any new targets, and if you didnt see any you can focus back on the chase.
same for Demogorgons aura Add On btw. it should just show auras for some time after emerging from a portal, not while traveling the upside down...
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To be fair, Deathslinger's expose effect add-on is better than most in terms of balance out of the 3 available. It's not handed to you on a plate, you have to earn it through conditions. Unlike Huntress who can just have it from the get-go. I know Clown's pinkie finger is annoying but it at least has conditions on it and requires him to get within m1 range, allowing for counterplay.
I would honestly change it so Deathslinger can shoot about 2-4 meter's further with the exposed add-on, if it were to get a change, or maybe some other effect such as chain strength/ reload cooldown to give it a little more worth.
His other ultra rare add-on is rather terrible as stated and really provides nothing for its duration since your already reeling for a hit. There's also infectious which provides the same effect but when your able to fully look around.
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you and me both fellow Demo main
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While I think the idea of absolutely pushing a Survivor to work on the boxes before the Timer starts ticking is a good idea, the fact that a teammate can potentially set the timer off before the Trapped person can actually start to look for the right box would make things pretty miserable for people who ain't cream of the crop.
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Billy and Bubba’s Ultra Rares are the worst in the game, hands down.
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You just made FTOH way stronger. Combine it with the Lock of Hair and you'll be able to down the entire team with Infectious Fright.
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Trapper- Yes
Wraith- Yes but why choose either when Windstorm exists.
Nurse- Ehh...they’re okay
Myers- Tuft of Hair is one of the best ultra-rare add-ons but Judith’s is meh.
Hag- Mint Rag is super strong. Waterlogged Shoe is niche.
Doctor- Both are good
Huntress- Probably the most broken ultra-rare
Freddy- Both are good
Pig- Rule Set #2 should be base kit and Amanda’s Letter is mediocre at best
Clown- Pinky Finger is good. The other is meh.
Spirit- MDR is amazing but Father’s Glasses is for newer Spirits who can’t track.
Legion- Both are decent
Plague- Black Incense is the best ultra-rare in my opinion and Iridescent Seal is pretty good
Ghostface- Meh
Demogorgon- Terrible
Oni- Terrible
Deathslinger- The exposed one is okay the other is meh.
I don’t think many killers have TERRIBLE ultra-rare add-ons but most are just “meh”. I don’t believe many need a huge add-on change. Demo and Oni are the only ones that have both terrible ultra-rare add-ons.
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Remove odd bulb, buff styptic, make an ultra rare addon for key and maps
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I'm surprised noones mentioned nurses ultra rates yet. Matchbox is worthless as you only just move faster than survivors at a decently sized downside while bookmark just removes her ability to loop
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You can already do this though. I've faced several Myers using FTOH and Infectious. It's ridiculous.
The difference now is that you have only about 30 seconds to down the entire team, where before you had the entire game once you got EW3. There would be more room for counter play on the survivor's side.
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Death slingers ultra rare should be 10 meters, that way he still has to hit a decent shot but can actually use it , iri family seal? Make it like mangled and action speed slow till healed..not super but useful still , demos addons..geez idk what can be done with those..maybe dramatic shred hit recovery? Or perhaps expose anyone who cleanses a portal for say 30 secs?
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For deathslinger his UR expose addon even just a small reduction to 12 meter would make it so much better
For his detection ultra rare i would rather have survivors within 30m scream everytime you fire your gun, that way you atleast will know when someone is behind you seing how your camera gets fixed when reeling
I like the idea of having 2 shots although it does amuse me how much a headscratcher it would be if you look at how that harpoon gun actually works
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But with the speed boost and lunge it's so much more powerful.
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I wouldnt care what addons nurse has if that stupid recharge didnt exist
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But it's not infinite. You have a limited time to make use of those buffs.
I'd much rather deal with a stronger FTOH that's not infinite than be one shot the entire game because 1 survivor fed him EW.
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Finally, thats a good idea. I think pigs addons are trash all together, even the aura reading one comes with a heavy penalty. The same thing has wraith, but he hasn't any penalty.
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With a Lock of Hair it's more than long enough to down 3-4 survivors.
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I feel like Plague's Iridescent Seal doesn't need the movement speed reduction. Getting a free corrupt up to five times a match is nice, but not so good that the downside is warranted imo. Especially when survivors determine when it activates.
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Still less time than infinity.
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But at least there's still counterplay. The main reason Fragrant Tuft is strong is because survivors are often too scared to do anything during Tier 3. But you can still loop it. A movement speed bonus AND an additional lunge increase will make him nearly impossible to loop. And you can pop tier 3 as many times as you want because of the removal of the stalk limit, and it'll be really easy to get it after the first time.
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This idea is beautiful.
Incentivises survivors to actually go and not pop generators instead for them to look for the Jigsaw boxes.
It also gives some counterplay to the survivors as they could 99 gens and complete them when they think people are safe. However still leaving room for the pig to fight back with perks like Pop Goes the Weasel, Surge and ruin that could punish the 99 percent
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1) No it wouldn't you'd just have to drop pallets early.
2) He only gets the movement speed boost if he downs a survivor in EW3.
3) He doesn't have it all the time. He would have EW3 for 30 seconds.
4) Killer mains would never give up infinite one shots unless the add-on was actually good.
5) There is no counter play to FTOH. The counter play is "don't get stalked" but you can't control what your teammates do. So while you might be able to counter play him your teammates might not, therefore it doesn't matter if you can or not. With this change you would actually have agency over when he tiers up ON YOU.
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1) You'll run out of pallets eventually. But he can always have access to tier 3, especially if it passively charges to 95%.
2) I know he only gets it after a down, but it's already easy to snowball with him using Infectious Fright. The speed boost and increased lunge will make it even stronger.
3) He would not have tier 3 for 30 seconds. Tier 3 lasts 60 seconds. 75% of that is 45 seconds. With Lock of Hair that's 85 seconds.
4) Not sure what you're trying to say with this point.
5) The counter play is rush gens before he can tier up and loop him as if you were injured once he does. He has a large terror radius so you can easily make it to a loop without him sneaking up.
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1) You will run out of pallets against a permanent one shot, what is your point? At least now you have to force him to stalk you and don't always need to throw the pallet. Also I never specified the rate at which he gains it passively, but it would be rather slow, such that he would need to stalk at least 50% each time to get it within the time it takes to do a gen.
2) Then remove one or the other. This is just a suggestion obviously it needs testing. The point is to make it a viable alternative to the current version. Something strong that would have more counter play and balance.
3) My bad. I meant reduces by 50% not 25% that was a typo. And this is MULTIPLICATIVE, so normally it would be 30 seconds, and with Lock Of Hair it would be 50 seconds (because [60+40]*.5= 50). So at best he gets an extra 20 seconds, but now he has to stalk more/wait longer to get to EW3 and he uses 2 add-ons in the process (where it might be better to go with extra stalk to get EW3 faster).
4) I'm saying no killer main, especially a Myers main, would agree to changing FTOH unless the new version was inherently better. Do you read how much they complain on these forums?
5) Rush gens is not counter play. That's literally the game. You should be rushing gens against every killer, that's the optimal way to play. To state this as counter play is like saying the counter play to Iri Head is "don't get hit" or the counter play to Forever Freddy is "never fall asleep". That's not a practical option. The whole problem with FTOH is that you are one shot the entire game. Unlike if you CHOOSE to stay injured against a Legion or Plague, against FTOH you have no choice. There is a reason that no other Exposed effect is infinite, and that's because it's just really dumb. Getting EW3 with FTOH and a stalking add-on is not at all hard. Just focus on stalking until you get it and then you have full control over the game. My friend thought the same as you, I asked him to run FTOH. They had 3 gens left when he got it then got down to 2 as he hooked the guy he was chasing at the time. Once he did, the game MASSIVELY swung in his favor. And he didn't even do a good job getting it as fast as possible, he took some chases/hooks before he got it AND he was playing on Ward, both of which hurt him. But he still walked away with a 4k at 2 gens left because he had an infinite one shot. He changed his mind after that. Infinite one shots with no way to counter it other than "don't get stalked" (which again you can't control other players) is just stupid. PERIOD END OF STORY. It needs to be changed.
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To be completely honest I think they are all fine, the devs should just make the addons actually rare instead of finding them in every level.
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With a 50 second duration it's a little less busted, but it's still very strong with the speed bust and lunge increase. I don't think either of those should be added. Your suggestion already has a lot of different effects as is. The speed boost also encourages slugging with Tier 3, which is already insanely strong with Infectious Fright, and the devs probably won't encourage that any further, as we've seen with the post-PTB changes to Oni.
I'd also like to mention that it is impossible to get Tier 3 with FTOH from one survivor. They'll run out of juice before that happens. You would need to fully stalk 2 survivors to get Tier 3 using FTOH, which usually takes a lot of time. If survivors are actually doing gens, they'll get at least 3 done before you hit Tier 3.
I'm not saying that FTOH should never be changed. I really wouldn't care as long as Evil Incarnate is still possible to get, since I rarely use FTOH, but as a Myers main I think your suggestion sounds really overpowered.
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If you stalk 1 survivor fully you will be at least 50% to EW3. Again all it takes is 1 survivor to feed him for him to get it early, and then there isn't any counter play except "rush gens" or "don't get hit".
I would rather the Myers be encouraged to slug with FTOH than be one shot for an entire game. IT IS STUPID. It just is. No other Exposed effect lasts forever. The closest is Devour but as that is tied to a totem then it's technically not forever.
As for Infectious, Calm Spirit completely counters this perk. Considering that Doc is stronger now, and that a lot of killers (particularly Onis) use Infectious, it means it's not entirely unreasonable to run this perk now. I run it often and when I get a killer with Infectious it pretty much guts their entire build.
Again it needs play testing. If we could remove the speed boost/lunge then fine I don't care honestly. I just don't want killer mains to say "omg you nerfed this add-on". I'd rather have a stronger version with more counter play as a survivor main TBH.
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Iridescent Head: Make it do something else completely.