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Facecamping killers still get too many rewards

Ferr0r Member Posts: 10

We just had a doctor which puts one on the hook and facecamped the whole game. As a good team we did everything to get the guy from the hook. But because of the facecamp he could easily get another survivor on the hook.

Eventually we escaped with three survivors.

But still this facecamping killer has 21k points. I mean, devs, i know facecamping is a choice but cant you at least punish them with low bloodpoints and derank? Why shouldnt you facecamp if the reward is so high ? Besides facecamp is freakin boring to do...

There must be some kind of way that killers dont get points if they stand still , no ?


  • Whut
    Whut Member Posts: 25

    You have DS, Borrowed time already and a new meta perk is incoming. Im not entirely sure why you are complaining about face campers, because you very rarely see them anyway.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    If killer camps do gens and get out your team gave the camper all those bloodpoints by trying to save.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    I mean you fight against the doctor

    The doctor is probaly the killer that gets the most bloodpoints because of his power.

    That's where his bloodpoints comes from, his power not the hooking part.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    If you had just gotten out he would've had nothing.

    Whenever I get a facecamper they usually get like 5-7k BP.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Problem with the „just do gens and get out“ comments is: that pretty much guarantees every survivor to depip or maybe black pip plus they also don’t get many BP, probably less then the Facecamper..

  • Ferr0r
    Ferr0r Member Posts: 10

    And Waterfall.

    You guys are so short sighted. Unbelievable. I am taught in this game to go and rescue your fellow survivors. One for all , all for one. So yes I try to rescue them with borrowed time and DS.

    But you both miss my point because i'm not complaing, i'm looking for a solution.

  • MintMintz
    MintMintz Member Posts: 13

    You may see them rarely, but I see them daily, almost hourly. You obviously don’t know how much of a hassle it is if you’re not complaining enough or seeing it enough.

  • Whut
    Whut Member Posts: 25

    Ofcourse you see them daily. But you are just focusing on the bad games, like many others are. Its easy to look at ######### gameplay, while you had good games as well. Besides you can always play something else, or play killer yourself when you get frustrated.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Here is a team that played smart vs a face camping bubba. They focus on the gens. even with noed, the killer only got 2k and only 11k points. While the survivors who escaped and were not bubba victims, got far more.

  • Ferr0r
    Ferr0r Member Posts: 10

    Again bad arguementation. 'Go play something else'. No , i want to play DBD and i want to play survivor cuz i have friends (wink wink). Like said above, you see them daily, hourly, ... and i'm rank 1-5 so its not something for low ranks.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    This was playing smart. He will depip as long as he only got those two hooks.

    Trying to save takes good coordination but if you don't play it right then that's your fault. Just rush the gens (especially against incorrectly played Bubba) and you'll force them to depip.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    yeah i was glad two people made it out. Since the last time i face a bubba that was face camping. The team was smart until they try to save me at the end. Which just lead to a 4k for the bubba. Thankfully this time, people escaped and deny the bubba as many blood points as possible.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    We had a similar scenario yesterday. Basement Bubba with insidious (and third seal?!) hooked someone in the basement as the end of the game. We ran out which was smart and made him depip. Everyone needs to understand what to do in this scenario:

    • Hooked Survivor: Don't attempt escape and struggle.
    • Other Survivors: RUSH GENS!

    Also I like to punish all facecamping Bubba's since they are playing him wrong. If you need to facecamp as him then you don't deserve to wear his mask..

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    But why should that one survivor that initially got caught have to be left on the hook to lose a pip and waste their time because they got matched in to a game with a bad killer that can’t play properly? Also the rest of the team getting no altruism points or chase points will prob lose a pip too if not just about keep one?

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah, any bubba who plays the game normally and doesn't face camp. They have my respect. For everyone gets to play the game and earn some blood points.

    Which yeah, survivors need to learn what to do against a face camping bubba. Which is do what you said. Rush gens or for the hooked person, buy as much time as possible for your team mates. Since at this point, it not about your own personal gain or pip, it's about denying the killer as many points and kills as possible.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    That killer got everything he wanted though. He wouldn’t play like this if he wanted blood points. 2 kills is not bad at all and 2 survs got even less points than him and depipped. The other 2 that escaped probably also depipped or black pipped.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    What do you mean with "still"? What did change that could have had an impact?

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    is it even a problem? i mean it's a tactic yeah scummy tactic but still acceptable just like slug etc. and the reason why the doc get so many point it's maybe 'cause his skill that reward many point and hit from your team that trying to unhook the camped survivor, if i were you i'll not trying to save him just ignore them is the best choice you have to do

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    @Ferr0r Short sighted? The killers job is to KILL. Face camping is one strategy to use. How that makes somebody short sighted for an objective is beyond me. Yes, face camping is a bad strategy. Yes, it sucks for the person on the hook. They are already punished by the low bp output of such a strategy. It is only rewarded when players feed into it. There is no solution that can't be abused by survivors. Suck it up, do gens, get out, move on. If you're on the hook, either hold out, or give up and move on. If you want to keep trying for the save, go for it. Just don't act surprised when you 1) Farm them off hook and 2) Reward the killer's behavior by giving him more chances to earn blood points.

    @kurtisohhbee If you do gens, then the killer will depip as well. We all have matches where the other side wastes our time. Be it survivors that suicide on first hook, or face camping Bubbas. You deal with it, and move on.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The killer is standing still doing nothing for two full minutes. He gains no BP and even gets a Chaser Emblem penalty for being close to the hook.

    If the killer is getting rewarded, it's because the survivors are doing the rewarding, either by suiciding on the hook (in the case of the hooked survivor) or by throwing themselves on the hook (in the case of everyone else).

    If the killer is getting rewarded, it's your fault and nobody else's. Every mechanic already punishes campers. Do the gens and GTFO.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Maybe he wasn't actually face-camping but just staying where the survivors obviously were, if you were doing everything to get him off the hook. Why chase if they come to you?

    Best thing you can do, generally, is not bother trying to unhook anyone unless it's super safe or they're about to hit struggle/death. It doesn't help the survivor if they're unhooked 2 seconds after a killer turns a corner any more than if they're unhooked 2 seconds before they start struggling. Let the killer stand there the whole time and do gens, if he is legit face-camping. If he's not, he'll get tired of even "proxy camping" (lol) if gens start popping while he's waiting for the death.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Facecamping is good if you as killer is tired of stressful red rank games and wants to derank. There is nothing in the rules saying you must play for the gameplay fun of survivors. They will stand there and mock you at exit gate anyway without losing points for it. If you want to complain about it then complain, it won't do you any good.

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    They do get punished already with the emblem system. Doctor himself as a character typically gets a lot of points as it is. Your team should have focused the objective and only gone for him at the end. The more your team interactions with him face camping, the more points he is acquire. He still would have been punished by rank.

  • jake1989
    jake1989 Member Posts: 29

    they are so bad can only tunnel - camp, they waste time camp - tunnel then coming dbd forrum crying devs pls fix gen speed, only dc punish killers think before tunnel - camp but what devs do they do it worst put ban with out punish killers, now killers dont afraid someone will dc, devs can punish only surv, devs = camp - tunnel is strategy what a nice story, and ofc drunk servers, broke hits 4 m window, you drop paliet 10 sec faster and still down you, soooo fair job

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692

    A facecamping killer gets the exact amount of bloodpoints and pips they earn during a match.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    "as a good team we did everything we could to get the guy off the hook"

    there, thats the source of his points.

    did any of you hooktrade with him? how many times did you get hit, shocked and started a chase? all of that counts positivly towards the killers points, so instead of the 5k to 9k points he would have made without you interferring, he made 21k.

    that means it wasnt "the game rewarding him for facecamping", that was you, as the survivors, rewarding him for it.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    The answer is in your complaint: "As a good team we did everything to get the guy from the hook"

    Facecamper -> Good team -> G E N S

    Dont try to get him off the hook lmao, playing right into his hand

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    As a good team, you shouldn’t be around the hook when the killer is camping. The best thing to do is do gens. You feed the killer points by surrounding him. It’s your own fault he had 21k points.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656


    People here like to claim camping doesn't reward the Killer, but it really does. True face camping is the least rewarding against a team that knows not to feed the Killer. But even then the Killer still gets decent BP, even if they depip. And what do they care if they depip - it just puts them with lower ranked survivors who don't know the best way to deal with a face camper...which will allow them to bounce back.

    Proxy camping is extremely rewarding because it allows the survivors an opportunity to off-hook but almost guarantees a hook trade - and if there is no BT - it can guarantee 2 hooks for the price of one when you combine it with tunneling. Lather, rinse, repeat for easy BP/PIP.

    The frustrating part is that these two play styles require absolutely no skill. They can be done on any Killer at any rank. As long as you can catch at least one person, which with all the changes made to the game combined with killer speed/blood lust/hit priority, it would be really hard not to - you can execute these with moderate to even great success depending on who you go against. There is almost no downside...especially if you're the 'type' to derive your enjoyment of the game out of ruining other people's experience - like so many are.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    He got rewarded because you went for saves. Do gens, leave and let him have like 3k points

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2020

    I hear people in this forum say this a lot, "Face camping is rare." Umm, it is not. I play survivor everyday with a few killer matches every couple days for dailies and some lower key matches. Every day I encounter a face camper at least once or twice, every single day. And with the volume of complaints I see on these forums it is not the unicorn some people want to make it out to be.

    I am sure people will say, well this killer got low points and only 1k so his camping only hurt him in the long run. But it also hurt the poor guy on the hook who just wanted to play a match and most definitely walked away with no points and a depip.

    OP is right more should be done to discourage this kind of play in a match. Because clearly, "just do all the gens" is not detrimental enough to change the facecamp culture.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    @LALYTHIA So how far is the acceptable distance for a killer to be after they hook someone? Do they need to high five the survivors headed there to unhook on the way out? Cause killers don't have any emotes.

    It'd be nice if the game gave killers a Radius of Politeness around the hook.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    @johnmwarner except even in that scenario, the likelihood of finishing all 5 gens with 3 people and escaping by the time the 1st survivor died is pretty low, unless they had a spectacular first chase. Especially in a random match. Thats if a face camper doesn't bring NOED, because you dont have time to do 5 totems and 5 gens with 3 people. Which is why this isnt a particularly valid argument. It may be the best possible strategy currently available. It doesn't mean changes don't need to be made because this is a bullshit aspect of the game that should be less desirable.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I’ve said this multiple places, but I’ll say it again: this is why I run Kindred. If I’m being facecamped, I automatically accept my game is over. I will then do one of two things:

    If my team is doing gens and punishing the behavior, I will try my damndest to last two minutes and one second on that hook. The behavior is being punished and I’ll do what I can to assist in that punishment.

    if my team insists on coming for the save and no one is doing gens, I will suicide. I do not advocate for rewarding the behavior and denying him two hooks from me is the best way to punish it I have left.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 239

    Face camping killers only get what you give them.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    @LALYTHIA assuming all 3 survivors are on a gen by the time the survivor gets hooked that’s time for each to do one solo gen and team up for another. Meaning if the survivor didn’t go down instantly all gens pop. Yes NOED can still hurt here but that’s always the case. A camping killer applies LESS pressure than one that’s moving because he literally only pressures one survivorx

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    Jeez, which survivor demolished you with those perks? stop saying this #########. You're comparing perks that activate when like, once a match to a scummy game style that ruins the fun for everyone. And you must be ######### braindead to think soul guard is going to be meta, because i've seen many people just like you saying how hex totems disappear in the first 5 seconds of the match, now out of a sudden it doesn't...

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    Rarely see them? Ha.... Try playing any match on console then come back. (:

  • Pizza_Dweet
    Pizza_Dweet Member Posts: 68

    If someone face camps punish them and be sure they get a 1k instead of a 2 or 3k plus, some campers see gens getting done and go for it.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Just a PSA, sometimes it isn't even the killers plan to camp but he stands there for a second and survivors start swarming. I have literally hooked someone and within seconds seen two survivors crouching right around us waiting for me to walk away and make the save, so I stood there. I am now pressuring THREE survivors at least, if that fourth wants to work a gen solo be my guest.