Props to survivors who've been preventing my NOED

I put this in a comment in my latest story thread, but I feel it deserves its own thread.
Yesterday I had three trials where survivors prevented my NOED outright. This happened to me for the first time a short while ago, which I thought was just a fluke, but yesterday it was a regular occurrence. If you're someone who does this, props to you. I wish all my teammates did the same thing.
I've done it as well have to seen the Survivor challenges in tome 3
Im pretty sure there is 3 or 4 challanges for cleansing totems i got them all in my games i had when i was doing the challanges
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I didn't see all the challenges, I just kinda do the ones I find easier depending on whether I'm playing killer or survivor, but that makes sense. However, one of the groups claimed it was just out of fear of NOED. If this keeps happening, I might replace NOED with something more useful, like Corrupt Intervention.
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Once everything gets the challanges done i think it'll go back to normal again i wouldn't worrie about it but one Challenge on page 3 of tome 3 specifically calls for an escape was 0 totems left in the map im sure that might me be the one getting you
I'd say its just the tome causing it
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I would say "You're welcome" but I think that we're on different platforms.
I'm just so over versing this dumb perk that it's now my personal objective to do everything I can to prevent it from occurring.
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Doesn't matter, you're awesome for actually using its counter instead of just complaining about it.
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That makes sense. Well, I'll swap it out anyway and see what happens. Maybe my trials will go better.
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Yeah it don't hurt to look at the challanges when new ones come out to get a idea of what survs might be doing anyway i always do
It does help while people care about doing them
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Meh. I'd probably just forget it all anyway (ADD). Besides, this way I get to be pleasantly surprised.
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I always try to break a totem or two every match for those sweet sweet 1K Boldness.
I just wish the 3 other Survivors would break a totem each...
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Noed should just be deleted
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Yeah i don't blame you it adds a little spice
Well good luck out there
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That's exactly what these survivors did. Get on it!
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I complain BECAUSE I do the counter and still get punished.
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My problem is when im solo and do like 3 or 4 totems and hope one of the other survivors did the last one or 2 and then im the one who gets hit with it even though i did the best i could personally do.
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I also complain. To other survivors, not BHVR. The counter is there, it's the survivors' fault they don't use it. That's also why I made this appreciation thread, because survivors who do this deserve praise.
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I hear you. I play SWF but even we can't always get every totem. If NOED comes into play I rip the other survivors a new one in the chat. They just have to do one totem each, and we'll take care of the other three, how hard is that?
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Rank 1. I bring small game every match and I clear totems. Pretty much never get hit with noed and I escape 60+% of my games.
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I always go break all totems first thing. I hate when my team falls to NOED. It's always exciting when in end screen I see the killer brought NOED and I prevented it.
I'm always like "I'm the hero!" Lol
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Damn right you are.
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Definitely in part due to the tome challenges but it is so satisfying as a survivor going to endgame screen and seeing you prevented it.
I had a match a few days ago against a legion who seemed kinda friendly, only really frenzied, never downed anyone but lately that's become a bit suspect, like they condition survivors to trust them and hit with noed at the end.
I just happened to be running small game and detectives hunch for the tome challenges though and when he did start m1ing after all gens were done and you could tell instantly he was expecting it to proc, especially when he hooked someone and bloodwarden activated
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I died to noed earlier after doing 4 totems, for once I wish ps4 had postgame chat so we could have a friendly and productive discussion about it.
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Yeah, I was actually very excited because I thought survivors were finally countering NOED for once. It'd certainly make my survivor games more enjoyable. Then I found out it was just because of the tome challenges. Very sad.
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Yep, I did really like detectives hunch though especially with inner strength so I still use it, it is very hard though still I find to make sure you've got every single one when you don't have a map. Hopefully other people will be the same with continuing to search for totems after the challenge
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That’s me 😎
Love rubbing some bones 😎😎