Wasn’t DS stun buffed because of enduring? But enduring no longer affects it...



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Non-Obsession DS was even worse than knowing who has the DS. The Obsession could be dribbled, even tho this was a terrible mechanic and it is good that it is gone. But when someone had DS and was not the Obsession, there was nothing the Killer can do about it. Nobody will carry someone, let them wiggle a bit and starts dribbling from that on.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Don't see the point in going after the hooked survivor when the savior is ready to be hooked — remember, he can't have DS because the hooked survivor removed it.

    If you decide you want to go after the hooked survivor, you risk borrowed time and the original slug could crawl away. That's a lot of time wasted and you could potentially get nothing from it. 🙂

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2020


    I do. It can add more pressure because you now can have two hooks for the price of one.

    Arguably there is going to be scenarios like the ones you present that would make you question why, but since they would know how DS works, they know they can't get stunned by it.

    Slugging is a luxury in this game, that's why it is a meta.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    And if the survivor throws themself at you? Like otz hooked a survivor in the basement the other survivor came down went for a unsafe unhook so otz pulled him off of course and he gets hit with ds and loses them both. He didnt tunnel they abused ds in every sense.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    DS should deactivate when you enter a locker. That would make it less of an immunity perk, but still a strong one regardless.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    He had to grab the guy becsuse obviously itd take 2 hits to slug him so he would have lost them both each way because of either ds or the survivor tanking the first hit and using the speed boost to get away. Also i run ds unbreakable bt and deliverance. Congrats i have a build that has a answer to pretty much everything the killer does.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited June 2020

    Then congrats, you must go against terrible killers that tunnel you than the obvious unhooker.

    And I'm not referencing Otz video, I don't care for him. He got his 4k at 3 Gens, who the ######### cares. I want to know what normal killers go through on a daily basis, and what normal survivors go through on a daily basis and why DS has to remain as it is.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Slugging is the most riskiest thing you can do in a game because a survivor can easily reset the entire team. As the killer, it's important to know when it's just right to slug since that's what going to win you games.

    What you're saying is to slug the savior and save them for when you need to remove the hooked survivor's Decisive Strike timer. This can, in best case scenario, reward you 2 hooks, but in worse case scenario, give you 0 hooks.

    Now, what I'm trying to say is that hooking the savior ASAP will immediately take away the hooked survivor's Decisive Strike. Then, with good tracking skills, you should be able to find the hooked survivor and chase them without fear of Decisive Strike. You're guaranteed 2 hooks every time, you avoid the risks slugging altogether. 🙂

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2020


    No one is denying the risk that it takes to slug a person. I am not arguing that point. If risk was all it took to get people to see that something is “balanced” then DS would be fine AS is in the eyes of some people... you know the ones who think “well it allows for riskier plays”. Which it can but you still need to be able to execute it.

    Anyway? Back to my original point. What I am trying to argue is that by default you COULD stay within meters from the hook, wait for the right moment and force a trade off instead of allowing a survivor a safely unhook. Ive done it many times as it is. All you have to do is leave the downed person on the floor, wait 15 seconds and down the other who just got unhooked. With your idea it will just create build ideas around camping and that is not something I personally find fair, considering they would get around DS that way... and that by design the perk can (in the right situation) become an anti camp tool.

    You are much better off downing both than hoping you’ll find the unhooked survivor after killing time hooking the savior. Especially if you are playing someone with long range or high mobility.