Kilers Exposed effect should ignore endurance effect. (excluding things from perks/addons)

ie billy/lf, myers and ghostface, Oni etc. they all ignore healthstates and put players into the dying state. with more and more perks coming out that add additional uses of the endurance status effect (with potentially more and more down the line) it seems a lil wacky that a hit that would normally completely down a survivor and is usually earned (specially in cases like oni and myers) or is relatively hard to hit (lf/billy curves) that they can tank a hit with a bottled addon, a mettle of man, a borrowed time, a soul guard etc.
like. idk just seems weird to me, that a survivor can stand right in front of me tbagging at my myers whilst i stalk and expose, before hitting them, that they don't go down, or i can come back to a hook save in tier 3, and down the unhooker, but i gotta wait 15s of immunity for the hooked player who just got saved in front of a t3 myers. its obviously a minor issue, and not something that really needs to be adressed (Expecially since making bt just outright countered as such could lead to more killer camping which is a huge no no) but like, idk. just seems weird that they have 15s of garunteed immunity from all attacks.
like an injured player can take a hit from an insta down attack by using a styptic agent in front of the killer, then tanking a hit for their healthy ally who would normally be instant downed by idk a chainsaw or t3.
Honestly i really don't want this to be changed. but edge cases with insta downs on enduranced survivors just feel... off? like you would normally down them no matter the health state and off they are zooming.
No lol this has to be a bait post MoM borrowed time and other endurance perks are there for the purpose of protecting you from a hit your just asking them to buff camping
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Exactly what I thought
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So basically, buff already strong/mid-tier killers/killers with instadown addons, but don't help the killers that actually struggle to keep up with the game's pace?
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Thats exactly it. i don't want any buffs or nerfs. the title is just how i feel like the game feels like how it should play it just... doesn't?
absolutely not. clearly didn't read my post. i hate camping. i also don't want the exposed effect buffed or endurance nerfed. it just feels mechanically and thematically odd that there are times a claudette can tbag having a chainsaw shoved directly into her body, and times she cannot.