So this is what it's like playing as Rank 1 killer.
It does happen... but not all the time
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I've been getting rainbows like all my games today.
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Yep another cherry picked match that happens one every ten matches.
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I face more red ranks... with a few games that had less
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I was playing survivor today, r1, and played against a dude it was literally his first game. I had to point out to him that he could break pallets then let him down me so he could figure out how to pick me up and hook me. Poor dude could barely figure out how to cloak and uncloak
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I had one sweaty match today the rest looked like granted not this crappy but still all Rainbow.
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At least some of us are willing to teach others how the game goes
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I remember my first game I didn't understand the concept of the game and just kept hitting them on the hook thinking it would kill them lol
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I did that too but because i thought it was funny. Still do 😂
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I believe you man i also had days with lots of rainbow matches, but whenever i see a post like this showing just one match and a title like yours gives the impression that its always like this, wich its not true and its incridibly misleading.
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Title is mostly a joke but ya majority of my games are against red ranks. But today was weird. Like that game for instance lasted like 4 minutes they didn't even do a gen. Trapper on Lerys.
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Ok dude, sorry if a came a little hostile there but some people on this forum try to make it look like the matchmaking is completely broken (i mean it is kind of broken sometimes). And yes depending on what color of the rainbow you are it can be pretty holarious or pretty annoying.