How do Killers deal with 4 man SWF with OoO??

Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Title is self explanatory, just curious how y'all deal with 4 man Swf running OoO so they can pretty much relay your location at all times.

Post edited by Zwergz112 on


  • DeadArsenal
    DeadArsenal Member Posts: 221

    By losing, because balance is a joke when SWF is involved. They don't even need OoO to beat you because they can relay your location 90% of the time without it. You might get lucky, you might push one of them to make a mistake. You might even basement hook them. But remember you're not allowed to camp hooks and you're not allowed to tunnel according to the Survivor Handbook so if you get 1 kill you will receive a gigantic amount of salt from people that just can't quite understand you're a human being that likes bloodpoints too.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Ignore the OoO until your mid chase and they make the mistake of being to close. You can easily catch them by suprise and get that first hit. Then chase them and down them. From here its kind of up to you. Nobody with a brain would blame you for camping them. You certainly dont want to go to far as that person is your top priority. You want to try to slug them off hook and then down the other person. When its safe to do so hook them again (play around ds).

    If you have to leave them slugged to stop gen progression do so. The hope is though that team comes over in force to save the object and they often do. But if they dont you have to switch tactics and go after other people too. Ive found, for WHATEVER REASON the person running OoO isnt very good in chase, so once youre close often they go down without to much fuss.

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    throw the game and camp the guy running OoO then move on to the next and if i see them in lobby again i just bring a ebony mori. I don't give to ######### about pipping that much from one game if you're out there trying to ruin someone's fun then ima ruin yours

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited June 2020

    I don't. Find the exit gate, and stand in the corner with your back to the map, so they don't get chase bonus. Alt tab and watch some cat videos. Keep an eye on it, though, so that the moment all gens pop, you can open the gate yourself. I actually relish the salt they throw at the end about me 'wasting their time.' No need to put yourself on the chopping block for their benefit.

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    like how everyone just throws the game as well lol, really shows how much killers hate going against object especially when its a swf, but the devs won't rework the ######### perk for some dumbass reason

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    I mean, I just play tbh. It has stopped bothering me now that I am currently in rank 20 for both categories since I took a few month break, and even as a rank 20 killer still getting paired with low green ranks.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    I kill them.

    I know. Novel concept.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited June 2020

    You slug everyone, you keep slugging until every one and each one bleed out.

    That's how. It's also a free, constant BBQ so hell yeah. Bring it on.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122
    edited June 2020

    Easy, I don't play.

    They don't happen very often, so I'm fine with a depip if it mean not getting humiliated by a game mechanic the devs refuse to balance around.

    Post edited by HealsBadMan on
  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,825

    I tend to get a good chuckle when this happens when I'm playin Bubba due to easy PWYF stacks right off the bat...then I kill em all. In all seriousness though, OoO can be countered depending on your killer. Might be rough as a Huntress per say due to her low TR leaving a much greater area for OoO to work, but the perk cant work inside your TR. If playing a killer like Trapper for example, you can still place traps as long as you envelope the OoO user inside your TR. Heres an example video...

    All in all this match kinda went sideways QUICK, but you can see that he was able to make good use out of some traps early on by getting too close for the OoO user to see where traps were being placed.

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    play as toxic as possible until they got superb annoyed

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    OoO is toxic so be toxic back just like i do when i camp their sorry asses :D

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    I try to play the game, because you can’t know their level of coordination just from there being an OoO user. If it becomes clear they’re full on tryhard coordinating though, I become just FASCINATED with a wall in the basement. Seriously those things are interesting to look at.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    If the OoO proves decent at looping, kill everyone around them. It’s hard hiding as object when they’re the last survivor left.

  • Soapbar
    Soapbar Member Posts: 60

    Hag/Trapper: DC/Cry in a corner until game is done

    Ghostface: Laugh at their OoO, tunnel it relentlessly

    Wraith: Laugh at OoO, still cry anyways because you're Wraith

    Legion: Get 0k, pip up anyways because you're Legion.

    Oni: Get Blood Fury, sanic over to the OoO and show them your long, girthy kanabo

    Billy: Same plan as the Oni except you don't even need to get Blood Fury lmao

    Clown: You were going to lose anyways because you're Clown

    Leatherface: See Previous. Alternatively, Basement Bubba them.

    Demo: Everyone knows where you are regardless so you really don't play differently

    Freddy: Teleport, Tunnel, Trivago

    Pig: RBT the Object, never let them do a box, take satisfaction in their death

    Nurse: Thank the Object for showing you where to blink.

    Doctor: You didn't need Object to find them anyways

    Huntress: Use Object to make sick cross-map shots or just cry in a corner

    Deathslinger: Cry when they head to a loop you can't shoot them on

    Spirit: Make Object regret their life choices

    Myers: See Clown. Alternate, just tombstone them lmao.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 577

    When i play bubba I always run insidious. Insidious is mine insurance policy. If they want to Bully me well, i make sure to Billy Them. Otherwise i dont use insidious and play the game with 3 perks.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2020

    how? usually they are swf with lots of hours and against those u always bring an ebony, thats how you play against that, checking their profiles you will know.

    if u didnt expect it? play the game, unless you are freddy shouldnt be that bad, jsut play the game in the scummiest way possible so they will regret running that perk again, as i did to an object of obession today she died on first hook and i didnt even camp her i was playing the game but her teammates even being swf were getting decimated in the end when they tried to rescue her i shock to the hook as doc they never could get her even with wall between me and them. in the end when she was about to die i placed myself in front of her for 5 seconds saying yes, think twice about bringing OoO again, also she offered lerys very bad call i was doctor she probably tried to ruin my fun and her teamamates aswell by body blocking me trying to bug me on pallets when i get stunned placing behind me, disgusting, i sayed gg in the end with 4 gens still up, not even a word. SHOW SURVIVORS than KILLERS CAN BE TOXIC aswell. they will learn, they will dont you worry... when people are trying to ruin your fun u ruin their fun, as simple as t hat sadly u need to get good at the game in order to do that against taht kind of people.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I ignore OoO, keep chasing the rest if playing with most killers and if I happen to be playing bubba I don't need to answer since it's self explanatory what I would do.

    I only camp if I see an OoO, I don't camp on normal games, not even when the survivors are toxic.