Slenderman chapter idea

Killer : The Slenderman Base movement speed : 100% Terror radius: 24
Passive- The 8 pages : Generaters are replaced or blocked off by the entity. To power the exit gates, the survivors must find all 8 pages found throughout the map randomly. The Slenderman will have aura vision for only 7 or 6 out of the 8 pages to avoid camping/holding the game hostage. once all 8 pages are collected, the slenderman gains a 10% movement speed buff.
Power: Look but don't see: The Slenderman is completely invisible to the survivor (just like spirits power) until a survivor looks at the killer (like ghost face). The Survivor gains a debuff of movement speed and a sensitivity decrease that ramps up in effectiveness while The Slenderman gets a movement speed increases that also ramps up the closer The Slenderman and the survivor are. The snap out range is a base of 20 meters and ramp up or down is 1% movement speed per 2 meters while the sensitivity is a decrease of 15% for every 5 meters for survivors (base mouse sensitivity is 50% so that's how i scaled it). The surivor will also suffer from the killer instincet like ghost face if they snap out The Slenderman. The Slenderman's M1 or basic attack instadowns survivors ( to even it out a little bit since the survivor can spend the time looking down the whole game). The Slenderman returns to the invisible state 20 seconds after a survivor stops looking at The Slenderman and can't basic attack while invisible.
1- No where to hide: Once a killer puts a survivor in the dying state, all the lockers in a 12/18/24 meter radius of the killer become blocked by the entity. If a survivor is in the locker while the perk activates, they will be kicked out (or be forced to perform a rushed action like head on).
2- Camouflage: its basically distortion but for killer just like how The Oni perk and windows of opportunity are the same
3- 6th sense: after hooking a survivor, any survivor within 16 meters of you will have their aura shown to you for 10/15/20 seconds