Opinions on non-toxic SWF

GottaBlast Member Posts: 19
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

So I tend to enjoy playing DBD with a friend or two due to when I solo queue I usually get bad teammates who won't do gens as I'm being chased, won't come get me off the hook, camp hatch, etc. But my friends and I aren't toxic, no flashlight saves, head on saves, we rarely get pallet saves (usually we're not working together in the same spot) and of course we don't bm or talk ######### in endgame chats.

I will say we're decently skilled but we only escape 10% of the time at most. We play like a normal survivor would expect we give each other occasional bits of info like "Hey I'm being chased" or "I know where the hex totem is", etc. And even though we play normally we usually get called toxic/ one of us gets face camped from the beginning of the game.

I'm just kind of curious as to what people's opinions are on non-toxic, relaxed SWF teams.


  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    It's fine by me! I play solo both roles, and it does appear SWF gets a bad rep because of those SWF groups who choose to play as bully squads. Ultimately, from my experience, I've rarely come upon those types when compared to others. If anything more solo players are toxic than teams.

    Basically, I wouldn't skip a SWF team. As strong as they can be, they all have their weaknesses - it's up to the Killer to learn and adapt. It is possible, so long as people accept they will not always have rounds their way.

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    That's exactly how I feel. I also play killer so I do know SWF is really frustrating sometimes, but not all SWF are good, even if they're being toxic. Sometimes they're too toxic and don't get gens done lol.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Any swf that doesn't click flashlight, sabotage every hook, DS, t bag or flashlight save will get the hatch from me if I kill everyone else.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    This kind of SWF I have much less of an issue with. Y'all are playing to have fun, not to optimize to hell and ruin the killer's day. It's how I SWF as well.

    That being said, keep in mind you are still getting intrinsic advantages from this. "I know where the hex is" is something solos cannot tell each other. "Myers just chased me off my gen in the shack, it was almost done" gives two pieces of crucial information if it's early on in the game, and one piece otherwise. It does make it harder for the killer, but it also doesn't break the game since you're not optimizing everything. No problems with it overall.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I personally have no issue. Even if you get a flashlight save or whatever. You can see when a team is being toxic or just doing what they can to escape.

    Even if they all escape. You got points, i got points, no one was toxic, gg well played, see ya next time

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    It's impossible to tell the difference between bully squads and just a normal swf team.

    I go into every match prepared if it is a bully squad but if they play normal I will play more relaxed as well.

    When the bully attempts start the gloves are off and I am prepared to make that game as awful as I can for them.

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    Of for sure we do have advantage then, I can't deny that at all. SWF always has advantage it's just how they use it. We all run different builds that suit our play style and overall we just want to have fun with the game, and have everyone in the match including killer some BP.

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    Lol yeah I feel that for sure. I play killer top so I am aware not every SWF is a nice one. I just play to have a fun time with friends and to get better at a game I enjoy :)

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    And more power to you for that, you're the SWF I enjoy playing against when I'm killing.

    Generally when people are complaining about SWF here it's to complain about the hyper optimized bully squad, since those are the obvious SWF. Most casual SWFs don't even really look like they're a party, so it's just a normal game at that point.

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    Yeah, that's our goal cause honestly toxic survivors annoy me... They could be doing gens instead of antagonizing a killer who's just trying to have a good time too y'know?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Sounds to me like y'all are a blast to kill. πŸ˜„

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    I try to be πŸ˜„ I like chases a lot so I do my best in them when I am chased. I always compliment people on fun/good chases cause that's honestly my favorite part. I love interacting with killers and learning where my weak points are

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    I play on both sides but what about killers who antagonize survivors?.

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    I'm not saying killers can't antagonize survivors, I'm just saying most killers probably don't and it's not fair to bully them. Bully killers are annoying and unfun sure, (I've had plenty of experience with that) but two wrongs don't make a right. Just do your best as a survivor and move on to the next game

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    1. flashlight saves aren't toxic, neither head on saves

    2. if you guys escape 10% of the time in a 3 man swf, you guys are probably not as skilled as you think you are and your teammates aren't that better than normal solo queue teammates I get lol

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    1.) Flashlight saves are toxic if they're done through the whole match and abused like the usually are, same with head on saves. I'm not talking about normal use.

    2.) We are skilled and make use of our time as effectively as possible, I'm just at Rank 4 and the randos we get are always super immersed, don't do anything, try to be toxic and fail, etc. Two people trying to do five gens is hard last I checked. Even if we weren't as skilled with a good team we would love much more often. It's not about our skill, as I've run killers for fairly long bits of time and still lost in the end. It depends on the killer, randos, map, etc. I can't control other people.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Players that only play for fun together are very cool. I met an SWF consisting of the players "Apfelsaftglas" and "Ravioliohren" and they were some of the most fun people to play with i ever met in dbd.

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    I think I've seen em around before while in solo queue, they're pretty cool dudes. The game is supposed to be fun and competitive, not an excuse to bully people

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    When I play SWF we die way more than we escape. Main reason is because my teammates are just bad at listening or giving correct/good information. Lots of "I'm over here" "where?" "the corner" "which corner?" or "killer still chasing you?" "yeah" "you sure about that" "yeah" "weird, just hit me and is chasing me" πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ It sucks when there's 3 of us and the random decides to bully the killer. We just want to try and escape but that random being toxic has the killer end out being toxic towards us. πŸ˜’

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    Lol yeah my friends do that a bit, we got better with practice. But the rando does usually ruin the experience for us, like they won't do gens, won't heal anyone, etc. It's hard to find a good rando team so I usually refrain from solo queue

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    Non-toxic SWF? Sounds like a fairy tale.

  • GottaBlast
    GottaBlast Member Posts: 19

    I assure you it's not my friend. I assure you it's not. I just want everyone to have fun

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    Oddly enough I prefer solo queue. I do much better solo, probably because I pay more attention to my surroundings and don't have someone giving me bad information. Granted I probably piss my random team off when there's a pig and I'm getting killed trying to boop the snoot. πŸ˜‚

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    I'd rather play against a 4x SWF than anything else, as long as they aren't rude about it. Easy wins hold no satisfaction for me.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    All I'm saying is be grateful if you get a non-toxic SWF. They are rare and if they wanted to, they could be extremely optimal and sweaty and ruin your matches.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I'm fine with either. I generally go into a match assuming Survivors might be a SWF, if only on the logic of "better to assume and be wrong then not and be right".

    When I SWF with my friends, it's much like as it's been described here. We use our own builds to our own preferences or needs, and don't really coordinate pre-game beyond "I've got a ritual to do X", "Okay, we'll help you do X", nor in-game beyond "I'm being chased" or "I'm being camped" or so on as mentioned above.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Non toxic swf are good. They don't bm the killer if the lose and are respectful that it was probably a tough game for them.

    Though I will say pallet saves, flashlight saves and head-on saves aren't toxic. That's just being a good player.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    It's not so much that the players are always toxic in SWF groups it's that the advantage that SWF (or survivors cooperating in general) makes the game toxic to play.

    I'd say the majority of SWF I've run into are playing the game the way they should be, the problem is that the game is designed to be fair for lower skilled solo survivors.