Deathslinger trash?

Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

I've seen people say he's ok, some say that he's another trash legion and some say he's 100% top tier. I have been playing him a lot recently and want to know other peoples opinions on him whether he is good or bad.

It's surprising how little he is talked about seen as though he is the most recent chapter (obviously not when dorito head comes), it's almost like he was forgotten about just like after plagues release.

He's not even played that much either.


  • idekanamelol
    idekanamelol Member Posts: 33

    He’s mid. He’s one of my favorite killers that can counter chases but can have bad map control at times

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Yeah, he's so trash he and Spirit are the only killers I see at Rank 1.

  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    Literally this,I keep seeing him over and over together with Spirit.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    That's weird I barely see him, especially any good ones.

    At least we have an actual fun killer to verse now at R1.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    hes pretty high tier imo

    if you can aim very precisely, chases with him are extremely one sides and there’s not much a survivor can do, they're going down no matter what.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    He’s the greatest proxy camping killer in the game and, no, he cant stop gens too well, but he has the best power to counter exit gate teabagging.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    He’s good at 1v1, like the Clown. Unfortunately, the game is a 4v1. He lacks threat as a map pressuring killer, I’d put him bottom 3.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    He’s high tier in chases depending on skill and the area. Slap on PWYF and he can become really good. The downside is his map pressure which is terrible.

    Overall he’s definitely not as weak as some say but he isn’t amazing. I’d place him around B+ cause it really all depends on skill and the map.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    I wouldn't call him trash, but not great either. Map pressure in this game is far more important than chase pressure. With 110% ms, limited range and no way to go to other side of the map faster, his potential is limited.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    I think I've encountered less than 10 Caleb's since his launch, encountered only 1 in the last two months. I think I've seen more clowns. |

    I play him and I think I do well enough of him because I'm used to playing FPS games using projectile weapons. So I know that he's not as trashy as people say he is. He's very middle of the ground. I do well with him but he has too many caveats that makes or break him every match. I think the biggest issue with him is consistency.

    The Redeemer is pretty powerful when it works, He's decent in most situation but there are so many things that are out of your control that makes him just a weaker version of another killer. Its a very jack of all traits master of none kind of situation.

    Because Demogorgon and Huntress are basically stronger versions of him. The way that you can fake ads and shred, the way that you both can hit at a range,.

    His biggest reason that no one wants to play him is hit detection inconsistency. If you thought huntress and nurses have weird detection, wait till you see the harpoon clip through a survivor who's just standing still or hit them when they're 2 meters away from the harpoon head. Survivor animations are also inconsistent from one another, some survivors strafe faster or more jittery than others afaik Jake, Steve, Feng, Laurie have the jankiest ones while Jeff, Jane and Meg are the least janky ones.

    This can often leave people frustrated and feel like they can't get better at him because of things that players have no control over.

    The chain breaking values very inconsistent and feels random at times. Follow up on some int3act videos.

    He's power is more like a hybrid of Huntress, Demo and Legion to a lesser degree, but he's considerably weaker than those three who have focus on their kits.

    • Huntress is a monster at downing multiple people and can easily snowball and wipe out a whole team if they play too agressively. The hitboxes hit like a semitruck, AND SHE HAS UNLIMITED RANGE.
    • Demo is a beast at forcing survivors into impossible situation, has a slightly shorter range than the redeemer, hitbox is very forgiving. with virtually no penalty or cooldown. Moves at 115%. Has great perk synergy this makes them extremely deadly. On top of that THEY HAVE A FREAKING TELEPORT for map pressure.
    • Legion's also have a slow down mechanic for some map pressure, but Caleb who moves at 110% has little to no use out of the deep wound mechanic. Assuming that he runs into multiple people, he is still too slow to move around to get multiple people injured, not only that but if another healthy survivor takes the hit from the chain it doesn't activate deep wound on them.

    All of those all do something that Caleb can do BUT BETTER and for less of the risk and randomness attached to their ablities. Its apart of why people do not like playing him.

    One sure positive thing I can say about him is that he's not easy to bully and survivors are scared of him once they open the gates. Lul. He's definitely not a weak killer, he's definitely one of the more playable killers but there are far better killers that can do what he does but better and with half the risk.

    I don't understand why killers like demo, plague and phead can get 115% movement when they effectively all have the same engagement range. While Caleb has to limp around. This makes it pretty common to see matches with him where the far off gens get completed before you even reach the survivors because of how slow it takes for you to get to them.

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    I think he’s just not that good. His general gameplay is poor in comparison to other killers. Depending on the type of pallet that is dropped you can shoot the survivor to get an injure that’s true but once they are injured he doesn’t hold much power anymore. He would have to do a regular basic attack or shoot to reel them in again if they mess up to down. If they don’t he will then have to break the pallet. I do hate comparisons with killers but it is hard to ignore with someone like huntress. They both move the same speed but huntress in the previous scenario doesn’t have to wait for a chain to break and get STUNNED if they can’t hit the survivor in time on the other side rather her projectile damage if hit is immediate. Not only is her damage immediate from a hatchet but she has 2 things going for her where if you hit a survivor in close range the recovery is so quick she basically has a built in save the best for last but if she misses she can also just throw another one helping to zone a survivor in. She does have to reload but unlike deathslinger where it is every shot she at base gets 5 before needing to reload. Deathslinger can shoot through small holes in places to get a hit where almost no killer ever could like between wood planks but it is the same problem where sure he could get a sneaky injure but he can’t down them with his power where huntress can. This is just basic game play with them as well and when addons come in to the mix huntress can excel way more with faster hatchet windups, more hatchets, addons to slow them down or exhaust them and even changing her hatchets to one shots. Deathslinger’s addons decrease missed shot cool down, faster reloading, decrease TR when aiming, can have faster reeling speed and stronger chain And finally he has an addon to turn his power into a one shot as well but only if shot from greater than 15 meters. The reeling speed and stronger chain can actually be a problem if in a situation where you can’t get the survivor not only does it take longer to break than usual but there’s also still the stun wasting even more time. Also no addon of deathslinger exhausts a survivor so dead hard and other perks are a constant threat where huntress if she runs an exhaustion addon can forget about it for most part. Sure as seen above there is some stuff deathslinger has above huntress but his power doesn’t let him capitalize on an injury so any kind of small pro deathslinger has for him the huntress makes up for it through her ability to capitalize on her power a lot more and not a niche situation like getting a shot off through a plank of wood.


    deathslinger pros: Shoot through small spaces to injure, faster aiming (can help with baiting), deep wounds by default with power,

    deathslinger cons: Reloads every shot, has max distance able shoot, Wastes time to even get a hit with power, notifies survivor when they are being aimed at, not great addons

    huntress pros: no time wasted injuring with power, quick recovery after hitting survivor like STBFL, better zoning ability, no hard cap on distance of hatchets, ability to arch to hit over objects, ability to exhaust survivors with addons, has 5 projectiles at base, hit box is size of truck haha just kidding,

    huntress cons: not as good indoors, can’t get a hit through something smaller than hatchet,

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited June 2020

    Nurses Calling Cornfield sniping for t3h win <3

    Also Noed + exit gate butt dancers = lol

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I was struggling with getting his adept.

    But with certain perks it is really fun to play him. STBFL, Monitor, Nurse's calling (especially on corn maps).

    But he have limited harpoon distance and slow walking speed that makes him not so dangerous against genrushers. His chasing ability is good but he can't pressure more than one survivor. If he meet 2 survivors at once he can only pressure one. When he hit one survivor with harpoon, then down him, then reload, second survivor already run away and got half of gen progress on another side of map.

  • Member Posts: 1,398



    1) God in chase

    2) Can punish stupid plays/hook defence

    3) Stealthy approach (enhanced with M&A)


    1) Low mobility

    2) Heavily punished for missing shots

    3) Can be looped around certain tiles

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    My opinion of him as of this moment is: He has a lack of map pressure but solid survivor pressure

    While he does well in chase his movement speed is a hindrance

    He's the embodiment of the FPS "just land your shots 4head"

    He's fun to play but he can only go so far Skill wise

    Again it's my opinion

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Hes solid mid tier, excels against new or average survivors, but will have a tough time against veterans.