New Chapter: The Entity Revealed
New Killer: Robert of Rivia: The Entity
New Survivor: James O'neil
New map: The Campfire
The Entity: Stats:
Movement Speed: 150% (6,0 meters per seconds)
Terror Radios: 48 meters
Weight: Tall
realm: The campfire
real name: Robert of Rivia
Gender: male
Nationality: Brazilian
Power: Semi God's true power
Weapon: Claws
Teachable Perks: Dark Mist(30), No More Hope(35), under Control(40)
Power: Semi God's True Power:
You start the trial with 0 tokens. For each survivor you hit, you gain a token up to a maximum of 10.
1 token. Can block any window or dropped pallet for 20 seconds.
2 tokens. Can block any generator for 20 seconds.
3 tokens. The next hit you have on a survivor will insta down them.
10 tokens. Allows you to mori the survivor. (Note the survivor you mori has to at least be on the hook once!)
When you open an exit gate by yourself, the other exit gate cant be activate by 60 seconds.
Dark Mist: When the trial starts, a massive Dark Mist will be Active for 100/120/150 seconds. When Active Survivors will have a Blindness status effect. The Killer dont see the Mist.
No More Hope: After Breaking 3 generators you can block any gen for 20/25/30 seconds. The Blocked Gen will regress at a 0,7 charges per second. Can be affected by other perks.
Under Control: The Amount of times that a survivor can vault the same window is reduced by 1. In a Chase, if a survivor vaults a pallet 4/3/2 times, the pallet will automatically break.
James O'Neil:
Gender: Male
Role: The Strongest Soldier of USA.
nationality: United States Of America
Teachable Perks: Calm And Cold(30), All The Hard Work(35), I AM the Commando(40)
Calm And Cold: While In the Killer's terror radios you produce no Sound Or Running marks if you are on healthy state. This Perk have a 60/45/30 seconds cooldown. The Cooldown only starts when you arent on the killer's terror radios.
All The Hard Work: When You stun the killer with a pallet, the stun takes 2/2,5/3 seconds more to recover. The range of the pallet stun is increased by 0,5 meters. When Hitting the killer With the 0,5 meter bonus dont inflict the +2/2,5/3 seconds stun.
i AM the Commando: When being chased all survivors in a 48/92/128 meters radios Can see your aura and the killer's aura.
New Feature:
When Facing The Entity you will see a new object, The LightBringers, LightBringers are used for stun the entity and reduces his movement speed by 5%. 7 LightBringers will appear in the trial. You Can Find LightBringers on chests with a probability of 0,01% of finding it (can be increased to a maximum of 5% with perks and Offerings but you could use it against any killer)
Let’s start with the power. It seems too weak. It is literally the Demogorgan but weaker which isn’t good. When u think about the entity, what’s the main thing the entity does? It blocks vaults and it also kills survivors when they are on the hook or at endgame. So why don’t u make the power so that the entity can block vaults and pallets for 10 seconds each and he can block 4 vaults/pallets at a time. That way, when chasing a survivor, the entity can quickly block a vault leaving the survivor no where to go, therefore the entity can hit the survivor.
Now for the perks.
Dark Mist. I think Dark Mist should affect the survivors for 60/90/120 seconds at the start of the game. But then at the end of the game (when the last generator is done) it should affect them again for 20/40/60 seconds. That way the killer can get more use out of the perk than having it just affect them at the start.
No More Hope. I don’t think it should regress the generator, buy maybe how about this idea. After kicking 2 generators, the next generator you kick will also be blocked by the entity for 10/15/20 seconds.
And now Under Control. This is OP. What if a survivor was being chased around the killer shack? I’d say, if the survivor vaulted the same pallet 4/3/2 times (instead of it breaking) the entity will block the pallet for 10/15/20 seconds. During this time, the pallet cannot be broken by the killer. And then the window idea being reduced by 1 is fine.
Calm and Cold. No just no. You need to give the killer a chance. This needs to be changed. First of all, I would give it a cooldown of 90/75/60 seconds. And I would make it so that u produce no sound or running marks for 10/15/20 seconds when you start running.
All The Hard Work. Definitely reduce that to 1/1.5/2 seconds. And get rid of the extra 0.5 metre radius.
Also, people have already came up with a perk like this. I know I have anyway in my creations. Cuz I have made over 20 fanmade creations if u would like to check them out! 😂
I AM The Commando. So survivors get to see the killer when ever they like? As long as the killer is chasing a survivor. I would change this so that the survivors have to be further than 128/92/48 metres to be able to see where the killer is.
The LightBringers are literally just a firecracker but it adds a stun?
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No, lihtbringers are a firecracker that removes killer movement speed permanently, how were we going to defeat the entity with his Sprint burst speed?
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ah. Well u need to be more specific when creating something. Cuz like me. People will ask questions. 👍🏻. Anyway, I don’t see that u have used any of my changes? Because u have seemed to make the perks OP and the actual power weak. Lmao
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I didn't changed anything yet because I am using the time between classes to think what I should change and when my class time finish I can do the changes
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Aah. Okay. Sorry. I didn’t realise. I have just read my comment again. I hope I didn’t sound cocky. 😂
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Dont Worry. Also i just got out of my online class
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Is his power better now @LuluTheLion14
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I like the idea of the tokens. But I would change them to something like this.
You start the trial with 0 tokens. For each survivor you hit, you gain a token up to a maximum of 10.
1 token. Can block any window or dropped pallet for 20 seconds.
2 tokens. Can block any generator for 20 seconds.
3 tokens. The next hit you have on a survivor will insta down them.
10 tokens. Allows you to mori the survivor. (Note the survivor you mori has to atleast be on the hook once!)
I know destroying a pallet may not seem like much but it is actually a big game changer. If you destroy the pallet that’s at the killer shack, that changes a lot! Destroying any pallet that hasn’t been dropped is a lot! 😂
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Nice idea, any survivor changes?
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I don’t know if u saw. But I already gave some changes in the first reply. 👍🏻