Need advice for playing Ghostface

When playing this killer, survivors always break me out of stealth or have spine chill so they start running away, making it difficult to actually get them exposed. So I've started to just use his stealth for the 0 terror radius alone because that's all his power seems to be really good for. Any advice or tricks for playing him efficiently?
Also, I'd like a good build idea for him. I was thinking STBFL, Hex:Haunted Grounds, Infectious Fright, and Thrilling Thremors. I think this is a good build to help him in chases and give him a decent idea where survivors are. Any thoughts and suggestions?
Okay so from my (admittedly, limited) experience, stalking is not what you really want to be doing most of the time. Stick on his power recharge add-ons and go to town by having 0 terror radius on demand.
Build-wise, STBFL is glorious. He's an M1 killer and the ability to one-shot (as bad as it may be) to only lose 2 stacks on your obsession makes it so worth it. Thrilling Tremours too, is a great tracking perk and helps slow gens (but I'd still suggest BBQ over it imo). I'd replace Infectious Fright with Discordance tbh, but since Infectious Fright is practically a win con in and of itself then if you want to keep it, go for it. Haunted Grounds I'd replace with Pop Goes The Weasel, mainly because PGTW is imo the best killer perk currently in the game.
For other perks you could consider, A Nurse's Calling is godly, Whispers is decent, and Enduring is helpful but not exactly needed.
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Lol discordance either stays off the entire game for me or goes off once. I'll definitely try some of the other perks though. Thanks !
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When you stalk people, always try to lean while doing it. Makes you stalk faster.
If you notice survivors running away early, start looking backwards when you approach them (Spine Chill won't activate).
Like you said, activate night shroud during chases to hide your red stain.
Don't be afraid to leave chases and spread the damage. One of the best aspects of Ghost Face is his knack for changing targets.
My build recommendation: Ruin, Haunted Grounds, BBQ, and Nurse's Calling.
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The build I run is BBQ/Nurse's Calling/Sloppy Butcher/Ruin(or Pop).
And yeah my general playstyle is poke at people instantly to injure them and keep them off gens. If I run into anyone healing, I down them. Of course, I stalk too when the chance arises.
STBFL is good if you can consistantly get your one hit downs in. Wouldn't run Haunted Grounds as you're already a one hit killer. Infectious is much better on Killers who can reliably one hit like Billy or Oni or Plague with Corrupt.
GF is a stealth killer and doesn't have the mobility of Nurse/Spirit/Billy/etc. so information perks are really good on him so you don't waste time searching for survivors.
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You should always activate your stealth immediately, wether your in a chase or looking for survivors it's beneficial. Don't always go for the stalk you should really stalk for two situations.
1. The Survivor is unaware
2. You see multiple survivors (This way you can chase one and leave the rest with some stored stalk so next time you see them it's quicker to get them exposed.
For Perks I'd say definitely run Corrupt Intervention and Nurses Calling, the other two are more preference of the player, so say you struggle with protecting gens you'd use PGTW and Ruin. Or if you struggle with chases use Brutal Strength and Bamboozle.
So to sum up don't stress on always stalking, but try to be in stealth mode as much as possible.