Why BHVR are going to nerf Hillbilly?

Hillbilly is one of skill-based and balanced killers. Actually Hillbilly is my favorite killer to play on and aganist. A decent survivor will loop a good Hillbilly player without a doubt, but low skill players continue crying that he is op. I have played lots of matches where I downed all survivors in a few minutes because survivors were such noobs (at rank 1 btw) and then they cried that Hillbilly is op. Also I played matches where I chased one survivor, and after a few minutes all gens were done, and everybody escaped. This is why I said think that Hillbilly is the most balanced killer in DBD. If a strong Hillbilly player played aganist strong survivor team, he will not kill more than 2 survivors. But if a strong Hillbilly player versed a noob team, everybody will die in a few seconds. And I don't understand why BHVR want to nerf him.
I believe it is a bug not a nerf, can't confirm though, I stopped using hillbilly when he barely got bugged on the last patch
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Why do.....head hurts so much.
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BHVR said that Hillbilly's power is going to be nerfed in the future :(
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Where was that stated though?
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When did they said that? Because I haven't heard that before
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I don't think billy's basekit will get a nerf.
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only change i know for sure, billy is getting add ons change (no red add ons) and im pretty sure tuning guide will be purple so i guess its nerf in some way? i dont use it anyway so <shrug> i like using only brown add ons
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My bets are on Billy getting the Nurse treatment: At first it's only "going to nerf the most powerful add-ons" and the final result will be a severely nerfed basekit with lots of useless add-ons.
I'm waiting for add-ons à la "hitting a survivor with the chainsaw applies Blindness for 60 seconds".
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For me, it's a combination of over-exposure to Hillbilly, and the rampant over-use of his chainsaw as a weapon.
He is SO EASY to play on console combined with the fact that he has the easiest base-kit instant down to hit with outside of Bubba's AoE.
Yes, I can run a Hillbilly for a long time and yes he'd down me 3 times faster with his hammer, but he persisted on using the chainsaw and it feels horrible. Especially when latency has me hit by an attack from around a corner or with room for another survivor to run through.
Of the top 3 killers, based on most community tier lists (Nurse, Spirit, Hillbilly), he is the easiest to play, and has a basekit instant-down with no drawbacks. And is completely base-game.
I think that the only (or one of) reason(s) that he HASN'T been nerfed is that those who rely in the saw are punished by the Emblem system that a vast majority of the community ignores.
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My guess is he's talking about the lovely "addon pass" that the chainsaw bois are going to get like Nurse got.
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Is that confirmed to come though? Genuinely asking because that could very well mean they will also look at the base-kit. I just didn’t know they were wanting to look at it in near future.
plus in last Q&A they only specifically mentioned Clown in regards to reworks.
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We all knew this was coming one day. Gonna miss the old Billy, theyll probably make him get gas cans from lockers or something to use his power LOL
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After Nurse received hers it was confirmed they would be the next ones to get the same thing.
Whether or not that means they'll get butchered or actually helped is anyone's guess but expect basekit changes alongside the addon pass.
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Okay thanks, good to know!
frankly in case of Bubba a rework is more than welcome.. Hillbilly on the other hand.. well I would say let’s see before we get our pitchforks. But don’t let us forget where those are.
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Not just basekit changes but "sLiGhT bAsEkIt TwEaKs".
Like 2 ######### 3 seconds cooldowns, new maps littered with deadzones, and servers randomly janking around your chargemeter, or outright taking away your ######### power for good.
Billy mains are so gonna cry like we Nurse mains did.
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There is no way they'll nerf Hillbilly, he's propably the best killer they have when it comes to balance
-strong but fair with weaknesses to exploit
-fun to use and fun to go against
-has a high enough skill ceiling to really allow great players to thrive with him.
Nerfing hillbilly would be like saying outright: "we don't want strong killers anymore, all we want are Mid tier killers with cooldowns and hinderances in their power" and there is no way they want their game to become this stale, one dimensional bs.
I know very well what kind of response I'll get for saying this, but that is indeed my belief (Because after 4 years, playing straight from the release, I still have no idea what they're thinking). If they do endup nerfing him then atleast I'll be sure what kind of developer BHVR is once and for all.
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Lol they're already crying and the rework hasn't even begun. That gamebreaking bug still hurting him last I heard, but been there done that as Nurse.
And yet I still feel a cooldown or power meter on the winds for them. Tis the season.
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What is broken about Hillbilly (and that's not even the killer itself) is his hitbox mixed with trash connection and other tremendously well coded mechanisms. They should wait with nerfs till we get the server validation patch. That's like 3 years away :)
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Hillbilly is one of the least fun characters to go against for a lot of people, or so it would seem.
If you have a look at the characters that people hate going against, they all follow a similar trend: Freddy, Nurse, Spirit, Hillbilly, Doctor........
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Tuning guide is just a be all end all green addon, it shouldn't be purple.
Red add-ons will be electric motor for instachainsaw action
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Yeah people don't really like when I play Billy.
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Unpopular opinion: I think the ability to feather the Hillbilly's chainsaw and walk around with it should be removed. 😘
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They nerfed nurse so anyone can be next -.-
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You mean they all require something more than just looping ? The game needs killers that change things up though, atlest imo
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To make it the same as EVERY OTHER ABILITY? No. Why would they do that?
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I don't think they will nerf Billy. He currently feels unplayable because sometimes when you end your chainsaw, the chainsaw revving sounds keeps playing for a while. I think they are going to fix his bugs and look into his add-ons.
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Nurse needed nerfs, unlike any other killer. Besides iridescent head huntress.
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Well, yes. And I think that 99% of Doctor complaints are unjustified.
Main thing was that they all end chases super quickly or ignore an important survivor defense. Nurse ignores the map, Spirit ignores visual clues, Hillbilly ignores having two health states, Doctor cancels vaults/pallet drops and Freddy is Freddy.
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Yeah, I think they are changing his add-ons. Carburetor tuning guide needs to be ultra rare in my opinion, and he needs bug fixes. After those changes, he'll be fine.
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Meh I disagree. I'm on console and spirit is way easier. 30 fps makes chainsaw a nightmare without shadowborn and I think I've only met 1 good Billy since deathslingers release.
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Calling it now - cooldown and movement speed nerf.
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Turning is a lot easier apparently. Especially since it's just moving the camera.
Spirit is easier mechanically, but I also find it hard going back to her since she's a 110, and majority of the killers I normally play are 115's. I legit just play it straight and throw off so many people.
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Don't forget dozens of bugs that do not get fixed for a year minimum.
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I'm not a Billy main or anything but I feel like turning is harder now. I played a match or two before the sensitivity change as well as after, and with my basic understanding of curving it seemed easier before. Could be my imagination though.
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I think he's second least fun to go against,next to Bubba. That's only because Bubba is probably going to camp. I just personally don't like any of the insta down killers from either role. I'd give Michael Myers and Spirit a pass on that though. Michael needs to load up his insta down,and Spirit has to be pretty precise. The one hit kills just always felt cheap. That's actually why I steered clear of the game after trying it for awhile,at first. But I play both roles,if people like him,I'd hate to see him get ruined.
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Deep wound chainsaw hopefully. Thank god this op killer getting the nerf he so rightfully deserves
Maybe then they'll finally gut bs strong Cannibal too
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Notice how the OP stopped replying after you asked that.
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Insta-chainsaw needs to go tbh other then that I find Billy's pretty fun to face
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Her add ons needed nerfs. I think most will agree quadruple blink nurse was broken and require little skill. Her base kit was fine the way it was but they had to #@$% with that. Not to mention the plethora of bugs she's had since her rework that have yet to be addressed. Her new add ons are garbage on top of that. She's still top tier but her bugs just make her unfun to play. Your fighting her mechanics more than the survivors. How many Nurses have you seen since her rework? I've hardly seen any.
Post edited by EvilJoshy on1 -
Imagine making an unoriginal and unhelpful comment in order to try and silence someone who's actually made points about their opinion on a topic before.
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if you spam taking the chainsaw out and putting it away you can make the chainsaw sound play forever when you dont have it out
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I haven't heard about any nerf but I do remember on one of the streams were discussing mobility and not wanting The Killer to have so much (iirc it was The Spirit and why she couldn't Phase the entire map) and that The Hillbilly does have a lot of mobility. No hints or any thing about a nerf but maybe if a nerf was incoming, that's what it would involve.
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Instasaw has been gone for over 2 years, since the Tinkerer change.
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Is he getting a nerf? I don't really see any issues with HillBilly as he's been.
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Wouldn't it be funny if bubba and billy end up switching places on the tierlist
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I don't necessarily think Billy baseline is that bad, but he seems overwhelming to me when he gets his best offerings for cheap and gets to run them like every game. I think it's kinda fun going against Billy sometimes because I agree, his power feels engaging to go against, but when pretty much every Billy I run go up against just does the same thing where he just gets right behind me, back revs, and ends up downing me no matter how hard I turn (thanks dedicated servers) or even if I go around a corner. Not even talking about him curving the corner, I'm talking about turning a corner when he's running up to the wall and still getting hit from around it. They almost never M1 either, it just feels like practically every time (and usually is when I check) an instasaw Billy doing, as I said, nothing but backrevs and running chase perks like Enduring and Spirit Fury.
I can play fine against a Billy, it just feels like he doesn't really have any punishment for using his power (besides the little cooldown at the end, which is also usually reduced by addons like tuning guide). Not saying that every chainsaw needs to have him take a big cooldown or whatever like Legion at the end of his power, but what I mean is even if he misses, he doesn't even really lose distance on you other than just enough to get a little farther around a loop (because who's honestly going to try to outrun a Billy) and even out of a chase it's still useful because he can always go really far really fast, meaning he can exert tons of pressure over not only gens but hooks, allowing him to tunnel pretty effectively. That's a big thing too, because I see people complaining about Pyramid Head and his tunneling recently, so people obviously have a problem with killers tunneling. I know it's not exactly the same thing, but Pyramid head, although he can cancel certain perks, can't just zoom right over to a hook like Billy can (on most maps.)
Once again, I can play just fine against him usually, so don't take this as me hating on him just because I can't handle him. I just think he's like Freddy where he's super versatile and has a ton of upsides, without having a lot of drawbacks or skill required to play them. Not even saying that Billy is on the same skill level as Freddy, but I don't exactly think billy is the hardest of characters. I don't exactly think Freddy is "OP" either, but definitely quiiiite the strong character for taking not a lot of skill. Makes it pretty boring to play against them, that's exactly why I hated Nurse before. Any joe schmoe could pick her up and use her disgusting addons and just dominate, regardless of if they actually were good or not. That makes for a boring game, in my opinion.
Not everybody has to agree, but that's just the kind of thing I find boring. Strong or not, just doesn't feel good to play such a much more punishing game when my opponent is going EZ mode.
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yes another un-requested nerf product of the mind of some DBD product owner genius that surely doesn't play the game
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Not saying he’s OP but he can be very oppressive with high mobility and instant downs along with infectious fright.
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I havent seen that many billy complaints and hes no where near as strong as old nurse.
I think there probably just gonna nerf his add ons
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Yeah, I don't think her base kit needed nerfs, just her stupid add-ons.