If you were affected by the Grade Reset Bloodpoints not being awarded properly, you will receive any missing Bloodpoints shortly. You may need to restart your game for the rewards to appear. Thank you for your patience!

I can't even enjoy the PTB as Killer.

DarXide Member Posts: 81

I can't even enjoy the PTB as Killer simply because I was Rank 4 Killer right before the PTB came out and I can't purposely derank on the PTB since it's using a fixed save state that resets your Rank to whatever Rank you had when you first launched the PTB. I can't even get games to begin with anyways.

I had to resort to using my alt account to get any joy of play8ng the new changes, which is ultra lame. I hope the Devs find the fix to whatever is cause Rank 4-1 to suffer from never finding Survivors.


  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    Restarting the ptb doesn't reset it this time.