Have the broken sounds been addressed,yet?

Survivors make 0 sounds, no footsteps, no grunts of pain, no breathing, generators not emmiting sounds at different elevations.
Without iron will/balanced landing, they still make 0 sound.
Are the devs aware?
A mod briefly asked for specifics yesterday, but otherwise afaik no official response has been given whatsoever.
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Should just direct em to that Scott Jund video. The guy did a pretty good job at showing EXACTLY what was missing.
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I have a bug report doing that exact thing, and I know there's a more popular bug report doing the same thing
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Funny how the bugged Decisive Strike versus Doc got an official anoucement within hours, but sounds bugged to the extend where the killer might as well play without sound at all, gets no recognition after 3-4 days.
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Heres to hopin sounds get fixed. I know some people turn this into a contest of killers vs survivors on who gets screwed over more each update, but when your sitting next to a gen thats at 99% and its not making any noise at all... Thats nuts. Its just one more reason why I dont like the new map because I have to rely on sounds to know which gens are being worked on for the most part.
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This update has brought an insane amount of sound bugs. Often times survivor pain grunts, footsteps, breathing, and falls are completely silent. Theres also plenty of cases where gens are completely silent as if they havent been worked on at all.
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Scott put out a video earlier showcasing it and the sounds are more than just quieter...its completely silent.
I'm not typically one to watch his streams and all that, but often times he does a pretty good job at showcasing issues and backing up his claims with video.