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What if this game had puzzles?

WRussoW Member Posts: 715

I was listening to the PTB PH chase music again and it got me thinking. Silent Hill revolved around puzzles quite a lot. It was kinda a good feature.

Survivors in Dead by Daylight do nothing but press M1 and juke killers. I'm not saying it doesn't require your brain cells to work but it's not something that makes you T H I N K. We've been hitting these timings and gambling during chases for years now, my brain is stagnating with this game.

Puzzles would make things a lot fresher. If you were a developer, what kind of puzzle would you implement in Dead By Daylight?


  • TheOhioHutcH
    TheOhioHutcH Member Posts: 178
    edited June 2020

    Have you watched pauly Esther's video?

    Polyester not. Sure how he spells it for the channel off the top of my head

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    In my opinion, puzzles should be a plan B for survivors when gens are no longer valid. (2 survivor - 5/4/3 gens left) Instead of immersing until one of your teammates dies, you both need to stealth and work with your brains to complete a less time consuming objective. It's not like you depend on each other, you just fulfil the task much faster if you do so.

    Also, if you do the puzzle beforehand, it should somehow help you escape when you're the last survivor. Maybe the doors would open slowly during the EGC.

    Now, it's hard to tell what type of puzzle would suit the game. But I think it would be something like "there are several pieces of the item you need to collect in a certain spot, each piece is hidden in a box/chest/etc. that you can unlock by completing the random puzzles (Like, the simplest types you can think of, idk, color-sudoku)".

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Oh, so now we call holding M1 in 2 specific spots a puzzle, I see, I see.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    i dont think this game needs that.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Honestly yeah that would be cool to have something other than hold m1 for x amount of seconds. I think a Pipe puzzle would work good

    Example of a pipe puzzle:

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'd probably get bored. Especially on killer side if the survivors are in a locker putting a puzzle together.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    It sounds cool, but I'm not sure. I'd have to hear of an example, because my first thought is it sounds like it detracts a lot from the main game. It works very well for something slow paced and brooding like Silent Hill, but DBD is more quick high tension. Would also be ball busting for solo queue. But then again, I dunno what kind of puzzle we're talking about here.

    Something like an item hunt/combining items/putting items in certain areas to start gen progress is kinda what I had in mind for earlygame rework.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yes please!

  • TheOhioHutcH
    TheOhioHutcH Member Posts: 178

    I mean no one knows if there is more to it or not could be elaborate things to progress after that