Which characters do you want to see more cosmetics for in the future?

Personally, I really want more Steve, David, Demogorgon & Hag cosmetics to come out in the future. Or kinda just more licensed ones in general for the older licensed characters, I understand that it is difficult to get them though.
Jake. He doesn't have a lot of good cosmetics IMO and since he's my main, I'd like to see more for him.
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Nea could use some she’s beyond ugly😀.
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Jake and Yui and maybe more legendary skins for Cheryl like Maria or Cybill.
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Bubba since he doesn't have any apart from the masks. I'd love to see cosmetics from both the original movie and the remake.
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Hag, because she has rather few, and Adam for the same reason
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Nea gets so much outfits already though, because of no0b3 wannabes.
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Love Jake as well, I’ve bought most of his but I always seem to go back to the cowboy outfit.
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I want more Oni cosmetics, since he's my main. I would also like to see a halloween 2018 Michael, and a 2000s leatherface cosmetic. A scp-096 reskin of demogorgon would look pretty nice as well. A legendary skin for Steve that turns him into Robin. A deathslinger skin that turns him into Roland from the dark tower series. Finally, a kuchisake onna skin for spirit.
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A Bubba and Freddy cosmetic would be incredible, but I don’t know how realistic that’s going to be.
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Hag has so much potential with new cosmetics and it’s been a while since we’ve had one for her so I’m ready for it.
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Cheryl(my new lady fave) poor Nea...
Adam (favorite male)
Also Silent Hill theme for anyone(Like Legion's Robbie Rabbit suit)
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Right? I feel like most of them are.... Just weird (hag in dress?)
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It’s so messed up that Adam has less cosmetics than Yui as she’s only been out for six months.
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My personal favourite is her snake charmer one and lettuce hag, they were so creative to start with.
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A good way to get people to play different survivors is through cosmetics, so I hope they get justice soon.
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Agreed, more creative skins please! (and not just for her)
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I’m also down for Jonathon or Hopper, maybe Nancy could have legendarys for Joyce and Robin.
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Jonathon looks too similar to Quentin in my opinion, Joyce and Hopper would be cool though.
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I feel like they’re going to try to work more on inclusivity now with the survivors, with their appearances, orientations, etc. I feel like it would be a welcome change.
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Personally I would love more ace cosmetic (totally not biased).
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Cosmetics that I can actually mix and match. She is my new secondary main when it comes to Survivor after all.
Definitely would like to see some legendaries for Cybil, Maria maybe even Cynthia, Eileen or Elle
Any new cosmetic for my main girl is amazing. As much as I love her gaming themed one i find.
Her elegant and cute ones are always best her lunar New Year and her Bunny outfits come to mind
Also maybe a beach theme outfit especially considering summer
It would be nice to get some Amanda cosmetics I really want her look from saw 1 when she was in the Trap. Her purple top skirt and stockings combo
The fur coat based off what Hoffman wore personally I don't want a Hoffman legendary but an outfit based on what he wore would be great.
Honestly just a maskless variant that's all I really want I feel like I missed out on a massive opportunity by having that as the archive outfit
Demi Logorgon
It just needs more looks the poor thing is pretty underrated when it comes to characters received cosmetics
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Wraith of course.
Biased asf btw.