Repressed Alliance - A bad attempt to shift the meta

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

First things first. Yes. pretty much every perk in the latest update sucks, barring a few exceptions. I'm only picking on RA here because, rather than simply being poorly made, it seems be the devs attempting to change the current perk meta for killers. Mainly PGTW. I am now going to explain why they failed. And why the perk is bad.

  1. It needs an entire minute worth of repair time to activate for some reason. Absolutely ludicrous.
  2. If the killer isn't running any of the 3 perks that block gens its a dead perk. The normal regression from kicking a gen so pathetic that blocking the gen for 30 seconds robs you of more progress than the regression would have.
  3. It doesn't even help counter PGTW. The timer of PGTW is 60 seconds. Literally twice as long as RA. Meaning the killer have ample time to return to the gen after the block is finished. This is even worse if survivors are trying to pressure 2 gens at once to split pressure. By blocking on of the gens you've assured the killer that they can go over and kick the other one without losing any gen control. And on top of that the killer will mostly likely chase you since you have to use RA when they're approaching to the gen, preventing your team from making progress if you lead the killer away. Once again, all it does is help the killer.
  4. Even in the best case scenario where the killer doesn't chase you and can't kick the gen. It's still blocked for 30 seconds. PGTW regresses a gen for 25% progress, or 20 seconds of repair time. You're losing more progress by using RA than simply repairing the gen after it's been kicked.

The only situation I can think of that makes this perk useful is against Ruin. But even then once the hex is gone the perk is dead. Why have all the recent perks been so terrible?


  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I honestly think it's quite a powerful perk. I don't think it's meta and I feel alot of people use it incorrectly.

    It has 3 major uses.

    1. is to waste the killers time. Killer just hooked someone and is coming to your gen to kick it, pop or not. block it. Now they have to either go back to the hook or wait for it to become unblocked.
    2. Is to 99% a gen safely. As gens get completed it is easier for the killer to patrol gens. You can 99% a gen block it and leave to another gen and start working on another. The killer now has several gens that are all nearing completion that they have to protect.
    3. Because all survivors can see the aura of the generator, its a good way to communicate in solo queue that you've been pushed away from a gen but that it's nearing completion. I've had several games where I've blocked a gen and never even bothered to go back to it because I knew my team mates would take care of it as soon as it became unblocked.
  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Wanna change meta?

    BT is easy to change it. Just make it in game mechanic.

    Adrelanine nerf it like it only work when gen are repaired, if you were on hook or other situation Im sorry but adrelanine doesnt stand in the body 4000 hours.

    Dead hard is already nerfed with servers but if you dont allow to jump traps and such it would be good.

    DS make it actually an antitunnel perk if you do other option that is not running meter empty fast as hell.

    Bye survivor meta.

  • MIP2
    MIP2 Member Posts: 2

    It doesn't even stop ruin. The gen will regress while it's blocked I tested it.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited June 2020

    I like this idea of perk, it's fun to use but sadly it's poop.

    Now, I don't know why is problem to need to do gens in order to activate this perk. This perk is easy to activate and it needs some cooldown that it allready has to be activated again. This aspect is well balanced and fine.

    The main problem here is the timer. I totaly agree that it's hard to counter PGTW. I tested it in many games, barely used it once on avarage and it still didn't do much.

    I think that timer should be at least +10s extra to have a chance to counter Killers perks in some meanigfull way.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    All the recent perks are actually pretty good not sure what either of you guys mean

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2020

    If they really wanted to shift the meta, they would nerf the good perks to an average level and buff lesser or average perks to be more viable.