The FNAF Paragraph - DBD’s first “Puppeteer” killer

There’s been increasing hype for a killer from the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise in the DBD community. I’m no fan myself (I was there for the initial craze and fell off soon after), but I thought that it could be a cool opportunity - I’ve always loved the idea of a puppeteer killer, someone who uses AI-controlled minions for map control and pressure. FNAF offers the perfect framework - a full cast of haunted animatronics built by an insane serial killer. Even though William Afton’s work was his undoing, surely the Entity would help him gain a sort of supernatural control over his creations! I studied up on the lore and got to work. I spent a long time refining the stats to be balanced. I’ve seen a lot of Springtrap ideas, but I believe this one is the most unique, game-changing, and in-character one of all!
Without further ado, I present:
New Killer: The Springtrap
Power: Fazbear & Friends
“The animatronics are alive, and they have a job to do.”
At the start of the trial, 4 dormant Animatronics are spawned randomly throughout the Trial Grounds. Each Animatronic is linked to an individual survivor. Press the Active Ability button when standing next to a dormant Animatronic to activate it for 2 minutes. Press the Pick Up button when standing next to a dormant Animatronic to carry it as you would a survivor.
Active Animatronics:
Active Animatronics follow their targeted survivor at 60% speed. If any survivor steps directly in front of an Active Animatronic, the Active Animatronic will grab the survivor and attempt to bite them. The survivor must succeed 4 difficult skill checks to break free (about 4 seconds). Failing any one of these skill checks will free the survivor, damaging them by one health state and returning the Animatronic to the dormant state. Succeeding these skill checks will free the survivor and return the Animatronic to the dormant state.
If an Active Animatronic’s target is in the dying state when caught, succeeding all the skill checks will return the survivor to the Injured state. Failing them will cause the Animatronic to stuff the survivor inside the suit, where other survivors will have around 30 seconds to rescue the survivor before the spring locks in the suit come loose and kill the survivor inside.
Your failures pale in comparison to your successes. Whiffed lunge attack cooldown is 25/16/10% slower. While in a chase, miss a lunge attack to gain 1 token out of a maximum of 6. Hitting a healthy survivor with a lunge attack will inflict the Deep Wound status effect at the cost of 2 tokens.
Tricks of the Trade:
You know how to exploit the dangers of heavy machinery. Kicking a generator inflicts the Dangerous status effect on the generator for 15 seconds. Any survivor who works on a Dangerous generator becomes Exposed for 15/20/25 seconds. This ability can be triggered once every 70/60/50 seconds.
Good Business:
Covering your tracks is part of the job. Hooking a survivor grants you the Undetectable status effect for 3/6/9 seconds. This ability can be triggered once every 40/35/30 seconds.
- The Springtrap has 115% base movement speed.
- Like the Trapper, the Springtrap can hit a survivor restrained by an animatronic with his Basic Attack.
- The Activate Animatronic action has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
- Active Animatronics can climb through windows about ¾ the speed of a killer.
- Active Animatronics become dormant after being stunned by a pallet.
- Active Animatronics will freeze for 4 seconds if blinded by a flashlight.
- Non-iridescent Add-ons increase the duration of the Active Animatronic state, decrease activation time (base 4 seconds), increase Animatronic skill check difficulty, and increase Animatronic movement speed at the expense of duration.
- Iridescent add-ons notify Springtrap when survivors are close to Animatronics, allow Animatronics to break pallets, turn failed Animatronic skill checks into insta-downs, and remove duration deactivation at the cost of slower Animatronic movement speed.
- If an Animatronic’s target is on the hook, it will pace in front of the hook and attempt to grab any survivors attempting a rescue.
Thanks for reading my post! I’ve thought up a lot of killers in the past, but this one really makes me excited. Let me know what changes you would make!
I should also note that The Springtrap sees the auras of dormant Animatronics.
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Just put one of the legion skins on and your cosplay is complete.
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I'd be cool with Springtrap being added but I don't think any other animatronics should be added, wouldn't fit.
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I think this could be cool and the perks are interesting but the well-oiled perk is going to be useless on legion
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