What criteria should be met for an outfit to be a "set"

Witherrr Member Posts: 85

•The design is made where you cannot possibly separate certain parts into individual pieces of the set (bunny legion)

•The design is changed so drastically that it changes the model entirely (lisa garland)

•Sets that change the model making it an entirely different character should have different voices, and a different name display as well as their character replacing the original character on the selection screen (example: cheryl mason's character portrait and name display would be replaced by lisa garland's character portrait, would show her name as lisa garland instead of cheryl mason and have an entirely different set of voice lines and character description to match lisa garland. This would also justify it being a legendary and the ridiculous price for the character.)

Basically, if it doesn't change the character so drastically that it HAS to be in a set in order for it to work, it shouldn't be a set. Cheryl's green rarity cosmetics and pyramid head's new cosmetics do not meet the criteria to be a set and bhvr has been radio silent about them, they haven't even tried explaining why they're in a set, if it was their decision to make them a set or if it was Konami's (which it wouldn't make sense for it to be konami's decision since they basically told bhvr they can do whatever they want with the characters) or if they plan to keep them as a set or not.


  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    This is a good question.

    I think the best way to use it is just for recognizable characters. Anything else would suffer from not being customize-able. A licensed or recognizable character wouldn't suffer as bad from that and it would make sense.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,561

    In Cheryls case it may very well just be Konamis decision that those outfits should be sets..

    but other than that, yeah, pls don’t force outfits to be sets just because they are new!

    also: they said they want to implement different voice overs for legendary skins, but can’t at the moment.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    A skin which is a new character ie Lisa

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    To litterally answer the question. For something to be called a set its at least 2 pieces that cannot be seperated. In the case of Lisa Garland thats also a set. But its considered a Legendary skin additionaly.

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    IMO. I agree with you. those cherl and triangle head should have been normal outfits.

    but even then. we don't really know what made the devs decided to put them together as sets. was it because of konami? we don't really know.

    and even if they were forced by konami. since they didn't meet the requirements. they could've at least been cheaper.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,643

    I would disagree. You will get more money if you would allow mix&match. If someone only likes the Headpiece of an Outfit, they will spend those 400 ACs to get it. But they will not want to buy the full set, if they dislike the Body and Legs. On the other hand, if you allow mix&match, players might more encouraged to buy the full set - because it might be possible that they like the Body and Legs later, or something comes out which makes a good combination. AND it is discounted at this point.

    So if anything, the decision to sell Outfits only as Sets will reduce the will to buy it instead of make the player to spend money on it.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    You seem to forget how people use iridescent shards when mix and matching.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Like they said on the recent Q&A, there are some outfits they want to make that would not be mix & matchable due to clipping and things like that. An example of this is Laurie. If they wanted to add more outfits for Laurie that WEREN'T made for her current high-waisted clothing model, they would probably HAVE to make them "sets", as a shirt or bottom that wasn't high-waisted would not mix at all with her current clothing, and would look horrible due to clipping. Likewise, if they wanted to add outfits for other female characters (Nea, Meg, e.t.c.) that involved high-waisted clothing pieces, those high-waisted clothes wouldn't match AT ALL with their current outfits, and would clip when paired with other, non high-waisted clothes. I'm glad that they're employing different methods to bring different styles of clothing to the table for the Survivors.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    That mixing with shards and cell cosmetics still earns more money than no purchase at all which was my response to the pyramid outfit not being mixable. It's a huge anti selling point. Even the Legion one I don't see why the weapon is included. I bought it because it's hilarious they made Legion a band of furries but if a set isn't that massive a change they probably won't be bought often.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    You're saying partial purchase would be better than no purchase which is indeed true. But in the same post, you admit that you bought a full outfit for Legion even though you admit you wouldn't have bought the knife if it wasn't a set. You know what's even better than partial purchase? Full purchase. You just proved that the tactic works.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Honestly the knife isn't bad or anything and it's not like I had another one as none of the other Legion cosmetics really spoke to me. It's nice enough just seems an odd thing to actually lock on a skin. Not like there would be clipping issues with other weapons. Just another reason to be extra picky about what linked skins to buy though. A single piece being forced on you is a deal breaker if I don't actually like it. Pyramid it's just the body I don't like and bam they lose 2/3 of a purchase because of that. It's a very risky business move, I wouldn't have bought my Jeff skin either if it'd have been linked to the rest, honestly I can say that about at least 80% of my purchases and I'm certainly a heavy buyer as far as skins and dlc go.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I mean, are you really telling me you or anyone else has ever actually bought individual pieces of a full cosmetic outfit?? It's nice to have the option and the freedom to do so I guess, but I've personally never done that and I'm really pretty sure not many other people do either.

    But yeah makes sense. I think BHVR did it to show that they want to be able to create cosmetic sets of any rarity, not just full blown, blow-everyone-out-of-the-water legendary outfits. But obviously people aren't on board with this idea

  • Mooshroome64
    Mooshroome64 Member Posts: 105

    Hopefully exclusively for licenses that are particularly stingy with their rights, or understandably legendary skins. Mix and matching is the best part of cosmetics and taking that away for original character outfits is a bad idea.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Yes, I have bought individual pieces instead of a full outfit because I don't like certain parts of it. Take blight huntress for example, I don't care for the mask and the weapon is whatever to me. So I got the body, slapped my hound mask on and gave her the boar weapon. I bought a plague doctor's head and nothing else for his cosmetics and recently got Feng Min's "Toxic GG gamer" shirt thorugh shards since I liked how it looked with actual pants instead of those stockings.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I think the only full cosmetic outfit I've gotten are Huntress' event ones. And they were event rewards.

    Everything else I've only gotten piecemeal; whether auric cells or iridescent shards. Most outfits just don't look that great together IMO.

    They have like a piece or two that looks cool and that's it. Why waste money getting the full thing if I don't like it?


    Maybe me and @starkiller1286 are just the outlier exceptions, but given how pricey most outfits are and how many people I run into mixing and matching them, I'd be inclined to think otherwise.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Fair enough.

    Psh. There are plenty of great outfits that look perfect together, especially if we're talking the costlier premium ones. If there's one thing or statement that I think that DBD community can rally behind, it's the art department and their work on character models, maps, and cosmetics.

    So saying "most outfits don't look great together" is low-key insulting to the art department. (Yes, I read the IMO part)

    But y'know, agree to disagree, yadda yadda yadda, and all that.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited June 2020

    Ash has 4 dollar pants that are a slightly lighter shade.

    Two of Nancy's three outfits have rather lacklustre hair.

    Adam has 4 dollar hair that's just his default hair, but an inch taller.

    All of Zarina's non-recolor pants look more bland and average than her cool default boots.

    Legion's twin Day of the Dead cosmetics come with nearly identical obsidian knives.

    Like 60% of Nea's premium outfits have cool tops, but boring bottoms (oh boy, scuffed up jeans or baggy pants; it's weird that's kinda familiar - almost like it's her default bottoms except it costs 4 dollars) and weird head cosmetics (who was allowed to make the head for the premium Nea outfit with the hoodie and sweatpants?).

    Literally every Plague outfit has an okay weapon and meh body and weapon.


    Sure there's stuff like Scarecrow Wraith, Bunny Feng, or Elf Dwight; that looks great in it's set.

    But there's a ton of stuff that just doesn't look worth buying. And even of the stuff that does, it can look as good or better when it's mixed and matched with other cosmetics.

    Yadda, yadda is right though. People like different things. Just explaining my opinion, because I think it's less "I hate the art department" and more "those cosmetics are not worth 4 dollars and don't add anything to the outfit".

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    You know for certain they told behaviour they could "do whatever they wanted" with their license? Cause... that does NOT sound like Konami and I'm willing to bet that characters(Lisa, Alyssa, Robbie, etc) were specifically required to remain intact if they were to be used.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621
    edited June 2020

    I NEVER touched Spirit until I unlocked some pink sword for her in archives and thought it looked cool so I tried her out. I never liked her base look so I used shards(free) to get her school uniform and short hair style. None of them are from the same set. Only bought the cloak for Ghost Face classic outfit(cash). Pig has standard head but Saw weapon and Biker gear, both from different sets(cash), I got Legions Robbie and Dia de los Muertos outfits(cash) but also got the blue hair and wire mask individually(free) because I didnt like the weapon(a sharp ruler is dumb). Also want to get Pyramid Heads alternate shop skin(cash) so, I guess I'm in a niche group that buys both sets and individual?