The Tome Challenges are Boring & Grindy, and They are Just Getting Worse



  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    140 hours is 70 days each 2 hours per day. That is the average playtime of the community. There are people finishing it earlier (I reached rift 70 with like 8 challenges of level 4 left and more than 2 weeks before deadline), some don't reach it in time. If this is too much for you, then you don't reach the average and are not supposed to finish the rift.

    Nice that you got your own opinion and not take the words of others without thinking about it or evaluating or getting multiple POVs. Or take the time to note to get a clear idea rather than just complaining about something you don't even understand in detail.

    This is not ridiculous, this is just what "THE AVERAGE" player does exactly. they decided to orientate their challenge design on the average. This is pretty simple and pretty fair. You can also do with your time what you want, but when you don't want to spend that much time, then don't request to remove content that the average player is happy with.

    And I'm not just about the cosmetics and wanna feel special. I just want to have some goals beneath the everyday play, that makes me try different builds and go for something else than 4k and escapes. Nice try to say "you got no life" btw

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    I didn't say you had no life, i literally said you can spend your time however you want. I even used Paulie as a reference and most of his time according to him is spent playing. That's fine, that's what makes him happy. But i mean just you would get defensive out of nowhere highlights my exact problem with this, it also means you understand the problem with this. Its a massive time sink even by your very conservative estimate of 140 HOURS. Basically playing this game as a part time job but instead of money i pay them.

    It's also not 2 hours a day btw. I mean we can pretend that we don't sit in lobbies for 10 minutes at a time or get into games with face campers or gen rushers and it might be 2 hours....i still doubt it. Again you need 16 500 xp games for one tier

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    It is not a conservative estimate, it is well calculated with an assumption that you finish the challenges within that time. Then you get half the rifts by the challenge rewards, and half of it by playtime. In addition to that, I already stated that I needed far less than the expected amount of games for level 1-3.

    Again, it is a massive timesink for you. The average will say that it is right the perfect amount of timesink. Besides that, you don't pay them if you don't want to. Half of the game you can unlock with playtime. And regarding the time I played this game compared to stuff like Resident Evil, which I even play several times, then the money per time quote is massively better on DBD.

    The calculation goes for exact 60 minutes per day, divided into 6 matches of perfect length. You don't get more XP when you play longer, you get less XP when you play less. 1 hour was the initial estimate from BHVR which is in a perfect world. Add queue times, spending blood points and set up builds and you get to 2 hours per day. Just check it yourself, 3 matches per hour is valid. I asked in the beginning if you want the threads where this was discussed, so far you try to decline what I say without any deeper information. Do you want some details?

    And defensive out of nowhere... you used quite some subliminal phrases. If that is not in your perception, I would rethink about what you write and what the intention of your response was. Combined with the assumptions you make wihtout having clear numbers or ignoring my feedback it feels more like waving off, which makes me assume that you don't want details as you don't want to have valid counter arguments. To that point: you didn't say anything to the most important part in my opinion. It IS designed for the average, manageable for the average and you request to remove content because you don't hit the average

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    Ok right there you admitted that you don't care how long it takes. You will spend 500 hours if the devs tell you to do so. I understand that, i don't agree but i understand. You lost me when you started talking about resident evil but the main point here is you are dedicated super fan and 200 hours is nothing to you. That's great but can you at least underhand for the average fan, people who like the game and play it often, it's still insultingly grindy?

    Because most people have other ######### to do right, and besides that they also play other games. I just don't feel like the battlepass (something invented for casual players, popularised by fortnite) should be exclusively for those superfans. It should take effort to complete yeah That's the whole point but anything over 100 hours is ridiculous to ask of most people

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    honestly. i really dislike the challenges because they’re just turning into “play the game for X amount of matches.” its really boring

    also dislike how some of the challenges require you to play really badly to get them done. like, why do i need to be on death hook and escape to get a challenge? it really doesn't make sense

  • maeru
    maeru Member Posts: 7

    Im nearly done with all Challenges. The only ones who are missing are:

    • Huntress adept
    • Huntress 15 Hatches ( this will be fun because im an absolute looser on huntress)
    • Hook 20 different survivors.

    I must say that there are some Challenges you can play arround and some which are time consuming but in the end you are also getting rewarded shards just for playing a normal game. Right now im at rift 60 and most likely played when new challenges are up or i have some missing. Because of some time consuming ones (heal 12 different survivors, hook 20 different people) i managed to get further into the rift then for example in the first one where i finished everything and was arround 50.

    A lot of them are VERY difficult especially out of the perspective of a survivor. As a killer you make the rule of the game. Either you turn it into a farmgame, a total destruction (kill every survivor in the match) or trough domination that the enemy survivor just give up (mirror myers game on the game)

    I heard a lot of complains about hook your obession 12x. For that i made myself a build which had nemesis in it. (changes Obsession everytime someone drops a pallet on you or blinds you)

    I will definetly use the current Event time to finish some challenges which are nearly impossible in a normal game and hope for a farming killer but in the end. The Challenges last forever. The rift doesnt.

  • Azterikk
    Azterikk Member Posts: 76

    I don’t mind most challenges except for the Blood Debt one, I actually did enjoy the “hide in killer’s terror radius” ‘cause I just followed them around the map lol

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    Why would you even care? There's nothing interesting in the rift at all. I'm still at cleanse 20 totems lol

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited June 2020

    XD of course. If in any world 5000 hours of free time would be an average, then why not?

    I think you make a mistake in your assumptions, and exactly at that point what I am critizising on your approach. I am not defending it because I can manage to finish it. I am defending it because the design fits the purpose that they made it for. If 5000 hours would be the actual average, then I would say it is fine if I don't reach it. When the community is THAT active and I can't reach it, I would not care how long it takes and simply accept that I am not in that range. I played for example Starcraft 2 online for some time and noticed that competitive is totally not my way, because the APM requested there is far above what I consider being fun. I want to build and have some battles and not perfectly optimize the first 5 workers to not being rushedby 6 Zerglings and kicked out of the game. This is not what I considered fun and I could not bring the dedication to this game to play it online for ranking, accepting that I can't get all the achievements and stuff. For DBD I feel different, and a lot of players do to play 2 hours on average. That's what creates the base for the rift. It is to give dedicated players more content, not to give new players, that don't even have all characters unlocked or leveled, an ez pz bunch of extra BP. Like "log in, play your game and go prestige your next char"

    I am not a dedicated super fan, I am slightly above average, that's what I'm saying all along. I can just repeat. I don't get where you get your point from. The average you are talking about should be fine with the "grind" and be able to finish the rift, because that is what the challenges are designed for. Again I can just repeat that I have actual numbers, that the design is fine for that average. If you can't handle that, then you are not the average. Period. If you have other ######### to do and play other games, fine. Go for it. But did you ever get a customer card for a shop or something? Or payback cards? Ever went to that store and said "I was here 3 months ago, I want that one for free". You need some more frequency to be entitled like that bro. I don't care if Fortnite or any other game handles that differently, BHVR explained how their intention was with that rift, and the implementation fits perfectly to it. It is not exclusively, it is just not fully achievable. You get your challenges, you get the lore, you get the BP. You just don't get all cosmetics. And your "above 100 hours" calls everyone out that just plays 50 hours. So this is not really a point, this is just your opinion, most likely because it is the value you could afford.

    And I hope, when you say "You lost me" that you still read what I write, or we can simply stop the discussion. And my guess is exactly that, because you are again not interested in the actual numbers, you again ignore my comment on "average" and simply redefine the "average fan" for your purpose and you didn't respond to my statement that you request to remove content for all players, because it doesn't fit your playing habits

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    Look im not trying to be an ahole but im actually responding to this while waiting for a lobby so i can't read it all.

    But from what you're saying is that it's fine because its the average amount of playtime....but then why are so many people complaining. And keep in mind if you are on this forum chances are you play more than average, i know i do.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I would prefer if you complete reading.

    If you play above average I'm wondering why you have problems to finish the rift. And there are frequently new users popping up on the forums, asking about builds and which chapter to buy and stuff. Being on forum is not an indicator or how much you play. You said it yourself, you pretty much judge others by your own standards here.

    Btw people complain about everything. And like half of the complaints about rift are not about the grind but about the challenges itself, causing stupid gameplay. And that is a whole different topic. Don't pick single answers and present them as main topic, if you want to do that you would have to read all posts and count

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    I wouldn't mind grinding these challenges if I got an actual reward because grinding to finish pass is unfun imo when you get less of the fragments you deserve

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I prefer challenges be really grindy than super conditional getting one match challenges.

    When you could get in the course of No One gameplay the other you have to build a round and then still need a lot of luck on your side or you need your opponent's to play like absolute potatoes

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    So apparently the claim is that you need 2 hours playtime on average to get the Rift done at this pace if done daily. There's ONE big issue, though: you'll need AT LEAST 4-5 hours to get that amount of playtime since you need to consider the time spent on the queue itself which is quite bad for killers, there's also the issue of games being too short which requires you to queue up even more. Do you see the issue here? It's effin hard to get two full hours of actual gameplay.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I did that challenge by equipping the Feral Frenzy duration addons and using M&A and Distressing, the trick is having a massive TR to detect everyone, while the build is terrible and survivors might escape its about getting 5 hits not getting 4K.

    You can also trade the challenge for BPS, show them you want to farm.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256
    edited June 2020

    The first rift I was able to complete the tiers by just doing the tome challenges but since rift 2 it has got way harder. Let's face it, BHVR are trying to encourage the buying of tiers.

    In rift 2 I got to tier 65 doing the challenges and a lot of gameplay on top, with three days left to go and I couldn't get to tier 70 without buying them. I have life commitments and I can't spend more than 3 hours a day on DBD which imo is a fair expectation for any game. Rift 3 is the same deal but this time the challenges themselves are even more grindy.

    There is no other way to frame this, BHVR want us to buy tiers because buying the rift itself obviously isn't good enough for them. I doubt their greed will be kept in check anytime soon unless more players speak up about it.

    My solution is to have the whole rift completable by just doing the challenges, scrap earning rift points through gameplay because that makes it impossible to measure what reasonable progress is.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited June 2020

    The only challenge I had trouble with was Kate's one due to tunneling for some reason or it not counting when I escaped against a farming Wraith on my death hook.

    Grabs I farmed in a single game, as they are bs to pull off in a real game and in reds, if you grab someone they will probably only let you do that due to ds and I prefer to down or slug, rather than grab.

    15 hatchets in a game? Stupidly easy, just slug, let them heal, keep on slugging or just wander around and toss em like hot cookies.

    Legion 5 hits in feral? Yellow and brown duration are enough for it. Dip from the first hit asap, so they can mend before you hit the 4th guy, allowing you to hit them once again for the 5th time. It is much easier than people seem to make it look like.

    Dwight 10 meter ones, actually are super easy too, as it doesnt need to be 60 seconds from start to finish, you can be for 10 seconds first, 5 then, 6 later, etc. Up to 60 seconds during that game (ez if you keep juking), the new 30 sec one is so stupidly easy is not even worth mentioning.

    50 pallets or gens? Thats like 3 games top. Also heard ruin also counts when it starts the regression.

    Hook 15 obsessions? 2-4 games. Equip perks that changes obsession in match, you can get up to 12 hooks in a single game in a perfect scenario.

    Chasing different survs x time? Just play normally, it is literally just play X games as a killer

    These tome challenges arent as bad as you make them to be.

    Overall progress doesnt seem that bad either. I started this Rift when only 40 days were left, by playing 2 or 3 hours per day max, sometimes even none, im already at 62 and still few challenges left to complete in tome 4.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Yeah the rift challenges can be an absolute pain. I'm doing one right now that is very situational. I have to unhook a survivor that unhooked me - and do it three times! - meaning that the only way that's going to happen is if I'm running around like an absolute fool so that I can be hooked first, and then staying close to the survivor that unhooks me until they get hooked themselves. FUN!!!

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    I am under the impression some of the challenges dont calculate correctly. Kate's use dance with me 3 times in a chase is one of them. I jumped through windows and pallets several times in a chase, one game making sure to jump through 1 per chase without it on cooldown and still didnt get it. Also the complete x things is more tedious than anything since the perks to make it easier arent always on the shrine for purchase not to mention some nearly throw the game.