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Tactic or Toxic?

DTJObe Member Posts: 170

I'll probably be trashed, but I'm honestly curious what the consensus is on this use case for EGC camping.

Let me preface this by saying that I am absolute trash with Deathslinger. I can't quickscope to save my life or take anyone else's, but the only way to get better is practice. So, I decided that I would practice today. But what is a killer to do if they're not so good at doing their only job?

Get creative.

Here's what happened.

I went into the game with PGTW 1, NOED 1, TT 3, and All Ears 1. Because I'm leveling up Deathslinger. I also equipped a green mori.

Now, the game goes pretty rough. I get four hooks in before all of the gens pop, miss plenty of shots, but manage some pretty clean ones, too. Overall, I'm still not good, but I'm improving.

I want to kill as many survivors as possible (because that's literally the job of a killer), so I get to work. I find a survivor, down them, and hook them in front of the exit gate. Then, I open the exit gate. I proceed to walk all the way to the back of the gate and hold my sights on the hooked survivor. If the other survivors want to leave, then they can. But I'm getting in some shooting practice if they don't.

Only one of them has the good sense to leave.

Here comes this Nea's savior: a Dwight, of course. He sees me and panics for a moment, but then he commits to the unhook. Unfortunately, he panicked. I down him, and by the time the Nea is at the back of the exit gate, I turn, quick scope and down her too. To avoid DS, I mori the Nea and then hook the Dwight.

The last remaining survivor still hasn't left after seeing this exchange in their UI.

It's a Cheryl, but she's more cautious. She peaks her head out around a T wall, I see her, and we start the chase. Eventually, I quick scope her (finally getting okay at this point in the game) and down her. The Dwight kills himself. We're so far into the EGC, that I leave her to go and kick pallets. But I forgot about one thing: Soul Guard. She picks herself up and runs to the exit gate. BUT SHE DOESN'T LEAVE.

No, she waits at the gate to do the one thing that all lone survivors love to do when they think they've outsmarted the killer: she want to teabag.

However, I have a plan. I strafe the wall outside of the exit gate, so she can't see me approach. I aiming down sights. I peek out from the side and land the shot. Cheryl gets reeled in, and I let the last five seconds of the EGC take care of it.

Needless to say, the end game chat is FURIOUS. It's a litany of "trash killer", "toxic", "reported". Oh, yeah: the Dwight claims that I'm getting reported for camping. But I did my damn job. I killed as many survivors as I could by capitalizing on their mistakes.

TLDR: is camping a survivor on second hook inside of an exit gate to mask your TR as Deathslinger during the EGC toxic or is it a tactic?


    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    edited June 2020

    As a big 'ol survivor main advocate, I think camping and tunneling in end game is pretty much the only time its understandable. This isn't that toxic, especially since the Cheryl could have easily escaped. Even with your initial hit, if Dweet had taken it, off-hooked with BT, and let Nea take the gate hit, they could have escaped.

    It is upsetting to be camped to death - and frustrating to watch someone get camped to death. But, its also your last opportunity to secure any kills and you have nothing else to do during that point of the match. All three survivors could have escaped through the other door.

    This was totally fine.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    From my perspective, once gens are done -- and especially once gates are opened -- anything constituting "fair play" is out the window. As far as I'm concerned, my only job at that point is to secure my kills, and that is about the only point where I will camp the daylights out of a hooked survivor. Sniping them from the exit gates with a ranged attack is just using your power to your advantage.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Yeah, that’s the only time either can be somewhat viable. Especially with deathslinger with NOED. Don’t feel bad that they played it bad and want to deflect blame

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I main Deathslinger so speaking from experience here, you pretty much taught the survivor a lesson. I've done it a few times myself. Survivors like to get too cocky and think just because the exits right there, they're basically free. What they seem to forget is Mr. Cowboy can pull you away from safety and hold you there. So, it's on the survivor for staying knowing there was a chance to be killed, all because they felt the need to 'rub it in' about getting away.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah mate this is an example of capitalising on good endgame play. I say well done.

    The mori was used in the best way possible to remove the ds escape. The rest was punishing bad survivor plays.

    you earned that victory mate and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 170

    Thanks, y'all. The end game chat was rougher than usual on this one, so I wanted to get a second opinion.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Yeah looks like you did nothing wrong here to me