Possible Decisive Strike Balance

I cross-posted this to Feedback and Suggestions.

Decisive Strike (DS) is perk with quite a bit of controversy. Survivors widely hail it as "The anti-tunneling perk." Killers see it as "invulnerability." I think there's value in DS in the game. It's a cool perk, and survivors do need something to avoid staying on hook the entire game. But we all know how survivors like to be toxic and block for their friends.

It seems to me that something needs to be put in place in the perk to discourage survivors from abusing the perk while still discouraging killers from tunneling. The initial mechanic of escape and stun should be kept in place to fulfill the latter, but for the former, I propose the following addition to the perk:

After a killer recovers from stun, the killer gets bloodlust level 1 when in chase with all survivors who are not the current obsession for 40/50/60 seconds. This effect ends early if the obsession changes, or if the killer downs a survivor.

Note that in this proposal the killer doesn't get the boost for the full 40/50/60, but only while in chase with another survivor. This is my attempt to keep the perk strong enough to dissuade killers from seeking out DS on purpose to grab the speed/continue to tunnel the same survivor. However, if survivors continue to use DS as protection for others rather than for themselves, the bloodlust could be given as a full boost as well.

What do you think? Would this bring balance? Would it anger survivors? Killers?

Just an idea. :)


  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So you want to reward the killer for having tunneled til the DS Hits? Surely not.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    The community calls it anti-tunnel. The devs don’t. If they wanted it to be anti-tunnel my change would be to simply have it deactivate if another survivor is hooked unless the person with DS is slugged or deactivate if they work on a gen. Another suggested nerf by the community is to have it deactivate if the person with DS unhooks in your terror radius or takes a protection hit.

    These all seem fair to me, but the devs say the perk is anti-momentum. It’s not just for tunneling.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Blocking for other survivors is not toxic. Its actually a specific way to generate points. DS was designed to enable survivors to make bolder players - like tanking hits.

    Survivors using it for purposes other than tunneling is not 'abuse'. Contrary to the second sentence of this post, survivors here do not consider it an "anti-tunnel perk"...because it isn't EXCLUSIVELY an anti-tunnel perk. That is a phrase used by Killers to argue why it should be nerfed because it works in other scenarios besides tunneling.

    Is there any Killer perk that works this way? That after a Killer uses their perk (a one time use perk, no less), survivors get 40/50/60 seconds of buff toward their objectives? I can't think of any but I'm not a Killer main, so I'd be interested to know.

    There is nothing wrong with DS as it currently is. It really doesn't need a rework. But I appreciate that you gave it thought and wanted to propose something that wouldn't completely gut the perk like a lot of the suggestions I've seen.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    DS also serves purpose to protect from being farmed by survivor/killer. It's not just about tunneling over and over.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    Currently ds is a fine perk except for the amount of time it is active, that is literally the only problem.