Small changes that MIGHT be good for each killer...

A friend asked me if I could make small changes to each killer, what would I do?
Keep in mind some of these ideas I am very proud of, others are terrible and only put in to fill the blanks on said killer, respectful criticism is needed.
I personally find his traps are fine the way they are once they are set...but the problem is getting them set before things spiral out of killer control. I just say strap another trap to start with and call it a day for him (I would say let him have ALL his traps at the start but he could lockdown any area immediately and I find that a “little” brutal...but that’s just me).
He is fine the way he is, maybe just slightly increase his base speed when invisible (Idk).
Fix his dang bugs and KEEP THEM FIXED!
She is a tough one.
On one hand I love the changes that were made for the blink cooldown, but on the other hand I find it too oppressing for the killer. I feel like give her the original blink but leave the add-ons the same as they are now, because I feel everyone’s beef with Nurse was when she could blink 3+ times.
I can’t say if this is “better or worse”
I feel like stalking to get to T3 takes much more time than it should. I feel like the amount of stalking it takes should be decreased, and to compensate, decrease time he is in T3.
For his iridescents, keep them the way they are. I mean that if my idea was implemented for reason unknown, there would be no difference in stalk amount to reach T3 than current amount. Make sense?
I had nothing for her, maybe make her a 115% movement speed killer? Honestly I have no problems with her in current state.
No changes, didn’t even bother.
Her base kit is fine, but let’s have a look at the “forbidden add-on”
Make it so if she hits a survivor X meters away, they are put into the dying state. She can have all 5 hatchets, but will need a ranged hit to actually insta down someone.
Cannibal (Bubba)
This one is more of a personal change, bring back the rev! For me whenever my bar is “this” close to full (unnoticeable by human eye), and I let go, everything stops. No chainsaw. Just a cancel, and a “WHAT!?” coming from me.
Nightmare (Freddy)
No changes, didn’t even bother.
Pig (Amanda / Jigsaw)
Her base kit is fine, but I feel the reverse bear traps need more requirements to start the timer to add some sort of semblance to them. Timer starts:
- Upon a generator being finished
- Upon being healed one health state
- Upon start of end-game collapse
- Upon start of objective action
- Upon start of first jigsaw box search
- etc.
Not ALL of these are needed, but just an idea.
My idea: when a survivor is IN the puff of smoke, their vision is either HEAVILY distorted, or blocked off (most of screen covered with pink gas that can’t be seen through except small points). Idea has room to work with, just tossing this around to spice clown gameplay a bit...
No changes, didn’t even bother
I have numerous ideas...but they all end in a bad way so I gave up on this guy...for now...
Maybe slightly increase effectiveness of vomit..?
Ghost Face
This is more of a survivor thing:
every time I look into his direction, even FACING him, it is inconsistent with revealing him. Maybe make it a bit easier to reveal him? To me, it either works, or doesn’t.
Personally the most terrifying killer to face, let’s just leave him at where he is and don’t touch him...for my sake and sanity.
Maybe make it to where he can break pallets while reeling in survivors, but while he is doing it, the timer either continues to go up, or goes faster during animation (maybe a slower pallet break than normal?)
I am not saying anything for because I have only faced him as a survivor no comments will be made until I face him a few more times (does no one but me play him on console?)
These are just small changes that I thought of, what do you think? What changes would you make that would be fair for both sides?
Edit*: For Executioner I would say give more love to the cages. Make the killer WANT to use cages, not HAVE to use them (since OP I faced 2 more, and none cages me even though I was tormented)
My personal Wraith changes would be cloak movement speed add-ons are now default. Also, after hitting an M1, Wraith can press the active ability button to instantly cloak after his recovery. This renders him completely invisible, even when moving, for the next 10 seconds or so. When he begins to decloak, he becomes visible as normal. I feel like this amplifies his hit and run nature while introducing some paranoia for survivors to his gameplay. Might also make directionless bell default for his next decloak after doing this.
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With Legion, I've had a idea that is probably never going to be implemented because it would take too much development time, but I think it would fix them and give them an actual killer identity.
- Legion is back to 110%
- They can summon another Legion member for X amount of time and give them basic commands. Such as chasing a survivor, or patrolling a gen
- Survivors now take a total of 3 hits to down
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That is a lot better than all my crap legion ideas, plus it adds variety to play style
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Don't think 3 hits to down as well as 110 is necessary, the 110 killers' powers are extremely strong, like Spirit phasewalk. Can you tell your summoned Legion to chase someone and then you chase them too, though, ensuring an easy down?
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Ah well, here we go:
Trapper-->Either start with all Traps OR give more Traps at start (1, maybe ability to carry 2 extra, so basically yellow Bag basekit) and let the other Traps spawn more in the Center.
Wraith-->More Speed while cloaked, less noise while cloaked (breathing, footsteps), invisible from the distance while cloaked (so that you are not screwed as Wraith when you get Bloodlodge and everyone sees you miles away)
Billy-->Bugfixes, Add On Rework.
Huntress-->Add On Rework, mainly Exhaustion and Iri Heads. Give her an Add On to Auto-Fill Hatchets for some requirements. Also a brown Crosshais-Add On.
Hag-->Something I would LOVE to see is to let Survivors walk over the Traps without triggering them and buffing her Basekit accordingly (setting Speed, Teleportation Range)... But other than that, she is fine, no real changes needed. Maybe something small that Waterlodged Shoe makes her 115%.
Myers-->Some Add On Reworks, Tombstone Piece nerfed, Add Ons which are only relevant for EW1 revisited.
Doctor-->IMO a little bit overbuffed, Shock Detonation Delay Add Ons should be changed.
Bubba-->One of the Killers who needs a bigger Rework, mainly Add Ons since they are mostly useless (and a bunch of them is copy&paste). QoL would be that he stops his animation or has a shorter animation after getting a down.
Freddy-->Overbuffed #########. Remove Oblivious. Cooldown to Snares. Make him not melt braincells when playing.
Pig-->Mainly Add On Reworks, more focus on Dash and Stealth and less on Traps.
Clown-->Another Killer who needs more love. Bottle Refill different, the less bottles are refilled, the shorter is the refill time. If Clown only needs two bottles to down a Survivor, he should not spend the full time to reload, only half the time (since only half the bottles). But I am not really sure what to do to Clown...
Spirit-->Fine IMO.
Legion-->Less Cooldown after Frenzy.
Plague-->Nerf Corrupt Purge (like minimum amount should hit to inflict damage). Give Survivors reasons to cleanse (putting into Dying State over time, action debuff) so that she has constant access to her full Power without snowballing a team that easily.
Ghostace-->Make his fking Reveal Mechanic work. No reveal behind Objects, reveal when he is in the Open and looked at. Also more love for stalking.
Demo-->No Footsteps after using a Portal. Other than that, he is quite ok. Maybe Rat Liver Basekit.
Oni-->He is fine.
Deathslinger-->Mostly fine, change his TR Music, because it seems to give him an extra 2-4 meters of stealth.
Pyramid Head-->No Cage Auras, all Hook Perks work for Cages. Less Cooldown after using his Power, Delay after cancelling his Power.
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I’m confused with the hag, do you mean survivors can walk over traps and they won’t trigger thus not allowing her to teleport, or can she still teleport if they walk on it, just no animation?
Also I can’t believe I forgot to put Demo in my list...let’s just go with your idea since it would make his portals more useful
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As for nurse. Bring back her old power without the cd, fix her bugs and "re"rework her add ons again. Quadruple blink nurse was broken and required no skill. Don't bring that back but her current add ons suck and her power is too inconsistent since her rework. Most matches I feel like I am fighting the blink mechanics more than the survivors. Too many times my blink did not go through an object or after a blink my nurse auto locked onto a rock or a hook instead of what I was aiming at.
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Allowing Survivors to walk over Traps. The thing is that Hag is basically only camping the whole game. Does not matter that she is away from the Hook. During Unhooks, the Survivor either has to crouch, giving the Hag time to come back or have to walk triggering the Trap. So when allowing to walk (not run) over the Traps, she would need to be buffed in other aspects like Teleport Distance and stuff.
But like I said, not sure if that is really an option, because powerwise Hag is in a good spot. (I personally dont like her, she is not really a Killer where someone can show how well they play Killer. You cannot chase with Hag, you just hope they run into your Traps...)
Regarding Demo - the Rat Liver is the Add On which increases the Speed when charging his Shred. So instead of 92% he is on 101%, so around the same as a Survivor. Its probably his best Add On and makes the Shred more useful.