Why do killers only have to "Finish the trial"



It's ridiculous. Killers don't even have to get a single kill. Finish the trial. Why do survivors have to escape?

People are going to sweat, and tunnel, and camp, and sometimes they purposefully try and ruin it for you, as well, so why can't we just.. finish the trial with a crown as well?

It's just that much more frustrating.



  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I agree. I think you should just have to finish the trial too, but I think they want it so people don't just get the crown and then hook suicide.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    would you rather we sweaty tryhard kill you? or would you like some mutual respect, get our bp but still let you get the crown? If you want me to sweaty 4k you i can, but i was trying to be nice here ...

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    if devs would put condition to kill all survivors to earn crown it will be utterly mori sea so no.. but yeah they could implement that you need to kill at least 1 survivor that would be fine. othwrwise whats the point ? in a 2 weeks no one will use it anymore, but I understand at least something to do :) and once again who cares you have 2 weeks to finish it .. so you telling me you cant survive few matches within 2 weeks ? :)

  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145

    I don't feel like the problem comes from it being a challenge i think it comes from the asymetric ammount of effort.

    Its not that people don't mind having succed in the trail its the fact that survivors need to do way more than killers in that regard.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    If you just sit afk with a crown as killer you can get the cosmetic.

    So.. take that into consideration.

  • Mooshroome64
    Mooshroome64 Member Posts: 105

    I think it could be changed to be rewarded to survivors for repairing the equivalent of 1 gen or something similar. Would solve the problem of people hiding with keys all game while making the goal more doable for solo.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Idk but thanks it I can just do farm games while getting the crowns as Killer, that way the Survivors I play with get free cosmetics too <3

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    and killers can freely tunnel them when they see they have it, bm to make sure they know they're doing it, and ruin the game for everybody.. because that's fine,,

  • LadyRahl
    LadyRahl Member Posts: 15

    Keeping in mind, I play both sides of the game and enjoy both sides... but you say this and I can't help but wonder, what about the killers just going and getting the crown and then wandering around doing nothing the whole game to get the crowns ASAP?

    When I'm playing survivor I appreciate a fun, friendly killer. They're so rare I greatly appreciate someone who's willing to not be sweaty and just have fun. After a dozen games of tunneling and camping killers, I had to log off for the afternoon because I was fed up with it.

    The point of this thread is that it's the Devs are asking a LOT more of survivors than they are killers. Yes, a survivor could just get the crown, run to the killer and kill themselves on hook to collect the crown. However, they are required to survive the match. The killer on the other hand just has to get the crown and doesn't have to do anything else the ENTIRE MATCH to get it.

    With 2 weeks to get the crown on my survivors (and I already have 5) I'm not worried about it at all and getting it for killer will be easy because hey, all I have to do is find it and BOOM, it's mine after the match no matter how badly I do. I could legit get the crown and go AFK off in the corner.

    The fact you can't see the problem with that... I feel sorry for you.

    Killers should at least have to hook all survivors at least one time to get the crown. That would be far more fair in my opinion as far as obtaining a cosmetic.

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2020

    Its extremely frustrating for survivors currently. All I've had all day are sweaty killers that don't want anyone to escape with the crown, even if they are already wearing it or sparkling from finding it. They literally have no challenge and no one is stopping them from obtaining the event item.

    Post edited by NikkiMouse on
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    not if you were to equip all the anti tunnel perks you got.

    its not like the crowns made it any easier for the killer to tunnel you after all.

    what you are describing here is the playerbase acting toxic towards one another - which isnt really a surprise tbh. ive had survivors with crown heads walk around, stealing crowns just so others couldnt get them. that too wasnt nice of them.

    oh and no, i didnt say "that was fine" - being toxic in general isnt fine. but the camp / tunnel question has nothing to do with why this requirement was implemented in the first place.

    its not ment to be a challenge towards the survivor, it is ment to deny them the ability to instantly suicide (which most would probaply do).

    these crowns arent ment to be obtained by completing challenges, they are ment to be obtained just by playing the game. is it harder for survivors to do it? certainly. is that fair? no. - but its a necessary evil.

    and i guarantee you, if killers had any way to end the game early and just go to the next one while the others were still playing, that would be restricted aswell.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,658
    edited June 2020

    Yeah, I think it's pretty bad, too.

    I mean, I'd rather have it so that I need to kill someone that has the golden aura.

    That'd be better, right?

    This is sarcasm - This community is far too fragile for any real push/pull events :(

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23

    Then killers should at least need a 2-3k to keep their crown. All I've had all day are sweaty killers that either have the crown or found it and just tunnel survivors so they don't get to keep their cosmetic. Something at least should be driving killers to keep their crown just like survivors - otherwise one side gets it effortlessly and the other side may be deprived from it.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I main both sides.

    Yes the adepts are bullshit.

    But so is this event.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    playing killer is a service.

    The bullying and toxic and imbalance from the power role team is mostly unbearable.

    I've been letting everyone escape today and I've seen many posts about the same.

    I see your post is complaints that killers are playing hard to win and you find yourself loosing. I'm not sure how you could loose a survivor game alot because that role is ridiculously easy... you dont even need to play just hide in a locker near the gate and wait for him to close hatch,open before he arrives you get out 70% of the time just doing that.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    you missed the point of my post.

    i merely pointed out why the restriction is in place, and why it is necessary to be there.

    i never said that a killer AFKing after grabbing a crown was okay (its literally a bannable offense - if one does it, record and report them), or that it was fair towards the survivors - i completely agree that its quite unfair and certainly not the best solution they could have had, but it is a solution to a very realistic problem that needed to be addressed.

    without this restriction the forum would be full of people complaining about survivors grabbing a crown and immediately suiciding on hook not even 5 minutes into the trial. that ruins the game for everyone, therefore they had to disable that option.

    whether its fair or not, whether some killers have a toxic mindset or not, whether its fun for both sides or not, whether killers can just AFK or not, etc. has nothing to do with my previous post.

    i merely tried to explain why the system works this way, the one who brought all these things up and put tons of words in my mouth i never said (such as "i wouldnt see a problem with killers grabbing a crown and AFKing") was you and you alone.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    No you dont I got it as plague and got displeased yet it is in my inventory.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Literally the only event where I can remember how I got the items lol. I swear.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,366

    As I said on other post, shouldn't we be asking for survivors to keep their crown on death rather than complain about the other side? I'm just letting people escape in the meantime.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    If the crown is just for fashion, then what difference does it make that it's easier for one role to get over the other?

    There arent bragging rights.. It doesn't grant any hidden effects or anything. This is just completionist ######### isn't it?

    If you've been playing dbd all day long so far on a tuesday.. do you really doubt you won't have all these 2 weeks from now?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i would prefer it if they allowed survivors to keep their crown when they sticked around until the trial was over tbh.

    the crowns arent ment to be challenges a player needs to complete, they are ment to be given to those who just participate and play a bit.

    so instead of making it harder for killer (which would suck, especially for those who still need their Nurse crown), imo they should make it easier for survivors to gain them.

    why not have it so that crowns will be awarded to those who collected one once everyone is in the end result screen?

    that way no one can just suicide on hook, grab their crown and leave within 5 minutes, while its also not a necessity to survive in order to get one.

  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    people are complaining BECAUSE things are getting handed out like halloween candy to killers, but unreasonably difficult for survivors

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I've been playing for 3 hours.. Have only gotten 3 crowns because I keep getting tunneled as soon as I get one.

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23

    That would be nice! Because although the crowns aren't a new challenge and just fashion, killers I've come across today seem to be making it their own challenge to not let those that found the crown escape via tunneling. So it's become an unfair event.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    It is not unreasonably difficult. And survivors get easier challenges and easier adepts so just deal with it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Could make it so Killer needs a certain number of hooks in order to obtain the crown.

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23

    What about my remark confuses you, exactly? I'm saying that killers should have to earn their crowns like survivors have to. If the survivors have to find it and escape, killers should have to kill (maybe at least 2). The fact that they can find the crown, which guarantees the cosmetic, then can tunnel survivors to deprive them of the same item they get effortlessly is frustrating survivors.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah apparently there have been a lot of players out there with a toxic mindset today...

    i never understood such people tbh. yeah i can understand tunneling when someone pissed me off, but doing it just to be toxic, for no other reason, just to ruin someone elses game - someone who has done nothing wrong - thats just scummy imo.

    i think there is definitely room for improvement in this events structure - lets hope they will fix these problems with the next event / maybe even change how this event works before it ends.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Oh man, its was a joke. Have you seen the sheer number of posts about this, if folks spent as much time playing the event as they did whining about the event they'd have the dang thing on every toon by now. Try and laugh a little its fun.

    You know fun "the employment of time in a profitless and non-practical way" ;)

    DRAGOON Member Posts: 126

    Don't worry about it, they will give away all of this events cosmetics next year for free.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180
    edited June 2020

    Welcome to the world of killer. E.g. why do survivors only have to escape the trial to get the adept achievement, but killers have to get a 4k and a perfect emblem score. Suck it up buttercup, it's definitely not that hard. I got the crown for feng and Dwight within 30mins, even though 2 survivors killed themselves within the first minute of the game for one of the matches.

  • SlingerKing
    SlingerKing Member Posts: 65

    Because we have to get merciless for our adept achievement while Survivor scrubs only have to escape. Deal with it.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    He's not confused you potato, he's pointing out the stupidity of your comment. You're complaining about killers being try hard and killing you and your team (not letting anyone escape), but then saying killers should have to get a 4k to secure theirs. Do you not see the issue there? What you're suggesting will result in killers becoming more try hard, which will make it even more difficult for you. Use your critical thinking skills next time, lol.

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23

    Nice attempt at the insults, especially when my entire point has flown over you and the other person's head. :') Did I say I expect to escape? No, lmao. Do I need to break down the basic game mechanics to you, bud? To get the crown, the survivors need to find it and escape just like a normal game. It keeps them motivated and they won't DC on the hook after finding it - so the game proceeds like normal but they still need to get their ass out to keep it. That's fine. Killers can find the crown and either go afk or decide to be toxic, like many people are seeing today, and make sure no survivors leave with the crown but their own is guaranteed no matter what they do or do not accomplish. Killers are going to kill, obviously, but to be fair I (and others) are suggesting that theirs should be a challenge, too: like getting at least 2 kills to secure their crown. It keeps the games going like normal and they have a goal just like survivors. They'd have to work for their cosmetic as well instead of going, "well, I have my crown buckled down, time to tunnel and deprive the others just to be toxic!" That, or as someone above suggested, maybe letting survivors keep theirs as long as they find it and complete a gen or don't kill themselves on hook/DC. This wouldn't be a complaint at all if killers weren't intentionally tunneling survivors with them.