South African Community tournament

autastic Member Posts: 4
edited August 2018 in Tournaments

I am going to be hosting a tournament for the South African Dead by Daylight community. The tournament date is not fully set yet since I am still trying to finish the last few details. A significant more details can be found on the challonge page:

This posts has 3 purposes.

1)If anyone form SA stumbles across this post who is not in the steam or discord community chats, feel free to join the community and also partake in the tournament.

2)To ask the devs to look into their hearts and possibly help sponsor some prizes for the winner.

3) Most important, I am struggling to find anyone in South Africa who:

  • knows Dead by Daylight well enough,
  • Streams on twitch that is willing to cast the tournament, and
  • that is willing to help me run the tournament.

Something that I have made for this tournament is a dashboard that everyone will be able to use to see cool information and how games went.

There is a link on the challonge page if anyone wants to check it out.
It is powered by putting information about a game in a spreadsheet.

If you do want to help stream because you think it will be fun or you want so views, add me and message me on steam.
Any help will be highly appreciated

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