Matchmaking tilt / killer main/ ~45h experience with the game

ins0 Member Posts: 118

I'll keep this short and sweet (disclaimer - this will NOT BE short and sweet). I have NEVER, in the last ~10years been so tilted that I felt the need to make a forum account for a game, just to vent.

I realize there are many threads like this and I have read some earlier, yet I want to actually post and re-iterate the fact that the matchmaking in this game is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE.

The games never seem fair and mostly, it's tilted towards the survivors since they play with friends and on voice chat.

I just got out of a game as killer where the 4 survivors were all from the same country, had each other added on Steam aka friends and were clearly on voicechat - 3 of them being red ranks (2 x rank3s and 1 rank4 with the last one being rank 12). I am a rank 15 killer with 45h of experience with the game (probably more than 10h of that was spent afking, looking up resources and youtube tutorials and from what's left you can safely subtract another 30-40% as time spent in queue - another amazing "feature" of the matchmaking system.

So anyway, I don't consider myself a moron and have been a gamer all my life (multiple rank1s in WoW, raided for a world top 50 guild, was SMFC in csgo, Divine 2 in dota, etc) so I picked up the game pretty fast and started working on finesse qol stuff like mindgaming the red stain, learning timings for when to break pallets and when to do loops, learning all the perks survivors use and identifying when they are on cooldown, etc. What I'm trying to say is that the games I've had so far weren't tremendously horrible - esp when the survivors weren't SWF parties. I've had rank 5s and rank7s in my games and I've won a few, lost others..BUT yesterday and today especially, I got a couple of games that absolutely tilted me the f out.

What am I supposed to do as a relatively new killer against a very well organized survivor team made up of sweaty rank3s and rank4s (red ranks) that have the best perks/ know the map and how to abuse it, know when to use their skills and talk to eachother on when to stall and when to push, how to move around the map, how to kite around and take hits for eachother, etc, etc, etc?

I got BULLIED, I feel dirty and USED - they tried blinding me nonstop (which I tried my best to counter), they played DS and baited me to down so they can DS, they bodyblocked me from hooking ppl, they pallet kited just outside range..once they figured out I was sort of new, they took even greter pleasure in doing all these things and got bolder and bolder. I downed a few and hooked them but I was never able to keep them hooked enough to kill.

Towards the end I had one on hook on his 2nd hook, 10% away from dying, one on the ground sort of next to him and the other two running for the gate which was opened - I thought they would gtfo so I went back to pick up the one on the floor and get at least 2 kills out of this ordeal when from OUT OF EFFING NOWHERE, I got blinded and at the very same time, another guy went and unhooked the one that was strung up.

I honestly think, given everything that's happened and the fact I played subpar perks (because I don't have the others unlocked), that I played relatively well for a new player but this is beyond atrocious matchmaking. I've spread my time played on billy because he is top tier and unlocked when you first start out, but I also played trapper to lvl15, leveled Bubba to 35 for his BBQ&Chili and played a few games with an underleveled clown (that I got absolutely destroyed in). Oh and one game as huntress with only 1 perk where I deleted a 2 man team of rank 8s by sniping them with hatchets.

Nothing I've seen thus far gives me any hope that things will improve and I am actually thinking of spending my time and money elsewhere. These matchmaking issues seem to have been around for years and no real effort was made into fixing them or even addressing them in a meaningful way.

Who thought putting new players against ppl with 2-3.000h is a good idea, regardless of if they are surv in SWF or killers? What is the new guy supposed to do? mind you, most newbies won't have my credentials and will be even less prepared and casuals won't make forums posts to complain, they will just quit because the game wants them to suffer and not have fun.

In closing, after they destroyed me and nearly lost 2 ppl in the end to a newbie - they also proceeded to mock me and call me a "NoED b***h" in the post-game. Classy guys!

Quick 2 cents on balancing - survivors are way too op when they unlock everything and learn how to play the game and the vchat element adds even more in their favor if they are SWF. Matchmaking time is horrible for killer and to wait to get into a game like this makes me not even want to play anymore. You will not be able to balance the game perfectly but things can be made to improve the gaming experience of the killer and since everyone keeps saying there aren't enough good killers left playing, I see this as a must and it should be the focus of the balancing team.

  • Pallets are OP and their spawn should be diminished - balance this by better loops for the survivors or add an element of skill to looping (other than looking back) to even it out.
  • Alternatively make killed lunges register better and/ or give more control to the killer when turning.
  • Lessen the healing capabilities of survivors and make investing in it a decision in itself - generally, make the game more strategic and less "run around constantly cuz we can heal anything lul".
  • add another layer to escaping, not just power the gens/ open the gate; maybe give an option to hurt the killer if he gets outplayed and even win the game by killing him or sending him back via a high risk/ high reward mechanics.
  • DO NOT put new players in games with red ranks. EVER! That's just bad for everyone and if there are really good new players at ranks 10-20, let them rise through and get to red ranks, rather than putting them with red ranks to begin with. The backlash from the reverse is going to be WAY less than it is right now.

This is no longer an indie company and should look to invest some real money into fixing these issues and not just focus on cosmetics and monetizing each Tome/ each clothing piece/ maximizing the grind to keep ppl playing through the carrot on the stick psychology, instead of making the game fun and engaging to play and insuring retention of players through that instead.

I may not have structured my thoughts properly throughout writing this essay and at times, I might have been all over the place trying to cover different aspects but it had the unexpected effect of calming me down enough that I went from wanting to break my monitor to being able to articulate my thoughts and write this ending paragraph.



  • Mordane
    Mordane Member Posts: 1

    Very similar experience. About 45 hours in game, most of that doing exactly as the OP described. Slightly less lofty but still gamer level resume and I unfortunately have run into the brick wall that is the DBD "I'm a basic #########" MMR.

    How to abuse MMR ... take 3x red rank, 1x green rank, sprinkle in a newish killer that is going to match your "carry" to load in and farm the ######### out of him.

    When your new player experience makes BFA dailies and healing grievous look like fun, there is very likely an issue.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    The game is very enjoyable when the two sides of it are somewhat in the same area of balance. I was deleting survivor teams when I first started out because I had way better movement and even as a brand new player, I understood the game better than the ppl I was matched against - you can't really fix this but allowing it to happen until the game manages to get an idea of my personal skill level is something that needs to take its course. There's nothing wrong with "climbing" and deleting ppl on your way up - ppl within a reasonable bracket that's close to your own. The problems start when you put someone that's learning/ improving/ growing and you put him against some of the best playing that game.

    It's like I just start out playing dota and my team get pitted against Na'Vi or just learning to aim in counter-strike and get in a CDL match. It's insane!

    In a game like DbD everything is made even worse by how the game is structured and the fact EVERYTHING is hidden behind either a paywall or a very large time investment. How do I counteract gen rushing (even from bad players but ones that know what gen rushing is) without pgtw, ruin or something like corrupt intervention? how do I get info on where they are without bbq, infectious fright, etc?

    All those perks are behind a paywall and then on top of that, are timegated by BP gain. I bought the game and started to play trapper, then watched a couple youtube tutorials (shoutout to Otz and Tofu) and got Leatherface so I can get bbq&chili..the more I watched and played, the more I realized I need even more DLCs if I wanted any semblance of being competitive so I bought the clown, myers and plague. I played a couple games on clown and de-pipped (even after getting him to lvl 10 to at least have 3 perks before playing on him) because he's not that good at map control and his starting perks don't really help - it also matched me against purple survivors those games too. I never even played Plague cuz she's lvl 1 and I'm scared of getting trampled.

    I can't even try out killers or survivors with different perks/ add-ons because there is no mode that allows testing unless you get in a custom game with someone else.

    Basically, this mentality of slow-dripping the content of the game to ppl will be the downfall of this game (my personal opinion) as it impacts new players in a very harsh way and it turns away the exact ppl that the devs should be targeting and enticing to play the game. The 2-3-4-5k hours spent in the game player will just take a break and come back if anything they don't agree with, happens. A new player has no time invested and possibly very little money investment in the game in order to care that much so he would just simply stop playing.

    The devs seem very greedy with the way they monetize it too and esp in terms of catchup mechanics - I mean, that shrione thing is just a joke: 2k iridescent shards to buy one RANDOM perk from a pool of 4 RANDOM perks spawning every week? and even then, I understand that bis perks like bbq&chili were on there only once or twice since the system came to be. That's just greed, especially considering how hard iridescent shards are earned.

    They should take a hint from the way Blizzard monetized Overwatch - you pay for the game and then you pay for loot boxes but you can also farm stuff by just playing the game a bunch and within a reasonable amount of time, you can get every cosmetic you want. On top of that, you don't need to grind Genji to level 40 to unlock his ultimate (lol).

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    I was looking through the screenshots and I actually got screenshots of the huntress game I mentioned and also, found a game where I deleted a rank 1 and 2 rank 4s + a rank9 team (don't think they were SWF though). I guess it varies wildly but still, it only shows that the matchmaking is a joke and needs some serious attention.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    I dont get why they just dont copy another one of the copyrighted MMR systems, if I was a dev i'd simply steal one, it's not like other devs can read your code or some ######### like that (i think, I never programmed)

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    ouf, another reason to not make business in the west ,my mom was right I guess

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Those bp scores read like you camped the ######### out of them

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    Honestly? My thinking is that when they launched the game, the aim was just to get the game out there in a state that would be acceptable and to get ppl playing. Once they had success, they focused on the wrong things aka making that $$$ instead of actually improving the game as a whole. This meant they started to add and change mechanics that would achieve that ROI bottom line (same thing a lot of other companies have done, the "shining" example for this type of greed is Blizzard once Activision became involved) - try to get the books looking good for investors and the stock market, where they focused on things like "engagement metrics" and "expenditure tracers" instead of making the game a blast to play and then watching the money climb up in an organic way.

    A standard MMR system wouldn't necessarily work for DbD, they would need to adjust it and test/ re-iterate on it for many months/ years in order to make it work. I think this is what they are trying to do right now but it might be too late because if things don't improve (or get worse), this popularity that the game has seen will fade once more and more new players try the game and quit, telling their friends which tell their media..etc. It's hard to recover once you get a bad rep.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917
    edited June 2020

    No I have had games where I was hooking everyone one after the other(In player order from left to right on the hud) and a david ended the game with less then 1k BP while having DS which never went off.

    You underestimate the power of potatoes in this game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because of intellectual property and people thinking stealing is bad?

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    Don't think that I did; in the huntress game, I just sniped them really hard with hatchets and they were caught in a bad position out in the open; I sniped them from half the map away, as they were doing gens and if I remember correctly they all came to help so it just was a hookfest.

    I don't really remember what happened in the Billy game but considering their ranks, even if I was to plant my ass down and camp one of them, they shouldn't lose to a fresh out the boat Billy in that way as a rank 1 and 2 x rank4s. How did those ppl get to those ranks in the first place and why was I put in a game with them to begin with? same thing as I said in the op only in the 2nd case, it was in reverse.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I wonder. Is it because of bad matchmaking or because there are fewer red rank killers these days playing?

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    Those two issues are 100% connected; if there are few red rank killers then something is keeping killers from either reaching that rank or quit the game/ start playing survivor instead.

    Considering that it's an asymmetric game, you'd think killers always have insta-queue but no, as killer you wait in excess of 10min to get into a game. Why is that?

    The game should never put a red rank with anyone over rank 10. EVER! Don't find a game? wait until you do or change the game in such a way that it evens the ladder and makes more ppl want to play killer. Ofc ppl don't play killer if this is the type of crap you have to deal with.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Those are just society standards, why obey them. in china there's no copyright either.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because they help capitalist societies (i.e.: all of them) function. Why invest your resources into something if someone else will reap the benefits?

    And last I heard, China was implementing copyright laws precisely because they realized the problem.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2020

    Listen im with you

    I've sunk so many hours of grind into this game and I'm still trying to get the killer perks i need.

    I'm about 2k hours on console its hard to tell. I absolutely destroy on other games and actively to the math around the dbd core game mechanics (for a 12hook game its 35seconds for a find-chase-hit-down-pickup-hook... each AT base or you loose skillchecks can shave 12-40 seconds off your kill time keys at the very worse shave at least 20 seconds)

    There's really no way for a casual to compete. This game is entirely built on hoping survivors play poorly. If they dont make awful mistakes theres nothing you can do. As killer you need to protect 7 objects across a map you can't reach and 4 players with health states, sacrifice states and bleedout bars equipped with 4 perks and a tool each that you cannot build to fight.

    DS breaks grasp-stuns killer- and heals you from dying to injured instantly. No

    killer perk does anywhere near that lvl of mistake reversal. The most killers get on some perks is breathing louder.

    You'll notice on hillbilly that his endure shave a second off pallets.

    That tinker alerts you to a gen that you physically can't stop from poping and if you want to use the stealth aspect you can't use your power as that noise alone ruins it.

    Lightbore has the vision drawback...WHY and it gives you 60% and 45% lets be real... 45% of 3 seconds is 1.3 seconds at most against a flashlight squad this will activate and be used what 5 times in a match ? This perk in the best case will buy 6 seconds. Yuck.

    They bully killers because they are that powerful.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I've only been playing for a few months myself, and in that time I have had some very unfun matches. The new MMR system was supposed to be implemented this month, but considering that it didn't happen during the rank reset, or the new patch going live, or even with the new event, means most likely it's not happening anytime soon.

    I'm a level 13 killer that constanly gets matched against purple and red rank survivors. And since swf teams can communicate with each other about what I'm doing and where I'm at even after dying, is probably one of the strongest abilities that a survivor can have. This is why I'm honestly too scared to play killer which is just f***** up. Survivors should be scared of the killer, not vice versa. But going up against survivors that are clearly more experienced and skilled then I am, makes DBD an absolute chore to play.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    First changes they should implement (like right now, tomorrow) would need to be:

    • once you get sacrificed, you just leave the game and don't have any way to view what's happening in the game (you can still wait it out in the post-game lobby if you want to but you wouldn't get to see the game)
    • ranked should have two queues from which to choose - one SWF and one without; both killer and survivors get to tick the boxes for which game mode they want to play - if I want to play faster games as a killer, I tick the SWF box and risk getting obliterated by a group like the one I encountered - if not, I wait in queue for a non-partied game. Same goes for survivors - if I want a faster game (presumably they would be faster games in the non-SWF mode) I chose non-SWF queue aka SOLO PLAY.
    • pallet numbers around the maps need to be DIMINISHED and the map layouts changed accordingly; possibly implement other ways of improving this aspect, without a cheap cop-out like trillions of pallets everywhere, that make chasing a competent survivor, impossible.
    • less HIGH chase impactful perks for survivors - at present, they have WAY too many ways to escape, in addition to being able to kite around pallet spots, loops favoring them, bad hit registering for killers, latency (which helps survivors WAY more than it ever does killers); good movement traits should be put to add-ons and those add-ons should be made ultra rare so if you play a #########-ton, you can still be rewarded by being able to get those add-ons more than a casual player and it would also add an element of strategy to the game (when do you use that big boy add-on you were saving? will you use it when trying to grab 2 pips to rank up or will you use it when playing with your significant other because he/ she is trash at the game and you need to make up for that? strategical choices with a limited availability item make more sense than an Oprah-style "YOU GET A DS>>ADRENALINE>>DEAD HARD and you get a DS>>ADRENALINE>>DEAD HARD, and you get a DS>>ADRENALINE>>DEAD HARD..etc."
    • work on health states in a way that lessens the number of hits that need to be taken in order to down (and possibly kill) a survivor - look at balancing this by eliminating some one-shot mechanics and skills from the killers (add one-shots to ultra-rare addons, same concept I mentioned above for survivor movement perks). is it hard to see that these things NEED to be tested and if they work, need to be implemented to the game? who the hell balances this game - did he play anything else before becoming the hot shot in charge of balancing this game or just went from tetris and mobile games to this? these are glaring issues that stand out to a guy that's only been playing for a few days (namely - me), how can they be missed by someone who has been involved with the game for (presumably) years? unless it's meant to be like this due to other reasons (aka business reasons *wink*wink*)

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    While your points about the matchmaking valid, the whole flashlight scenario sounds like something that was completely your fault and could be combatted with more experience, as are most of these things. Your suggestions for the game are also truly terrible, but that's just because you are new. They are implementing a new MMR system (which I do think will not really do anything) but in general queues are just atrocious right now. Even as the game hit its peak playercount EVER the other day - you had to wait for 3-5mins for a survivor match and 5-10 mins for a killer match in EU at red ranks. Somehow the queues are worse than usual, even with a growing playercount (which should theoretically be a lot of new players) - yet we can see hardly any new players play survivor because of the queueing issue // they rank up too quickly as it takes no skill to rank up, just hours played. To be honest, a lot of the time a yellow/green killer is probably on the same level as red rank survivors, but then there are ofc times when this isn't the case and the current system does not separate this atall. You can have a 50h player in rank 1, or a 5000h player

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    I just wrote a large reply to someone where I expanded on my suggestions and see that it's no longer here so not sure what happened to it but regardless, unless you can substantiate the "Your suggestions for the game are also truly terrible, but that's just because you are new" with anything else other than that statement in itself, I for one wouldn't bother saying anything tbh.

    It's like taking part in a debate and trying to combat your opponent by saying "nO, uR wRoNg LuL!!1"

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Same as always, holding M1 while their more experienced friends taunt the killer

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    It sucks, I know. Been playing for a month and from the start matches have been unfair. But I have kept going and I can hold my own now. I do lose in 5 mins when I'm against top survivors but other than that, I can manage just fine. I was pissed about matchmaking but now it seems that it actually made me a favor. I have been on steady climb and game has been really enjoyable. Especially when I can get the 4k against reds without a sweat.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    'Pallets are OP and their spawn should be diminished - balance this by better loops for the survivors or add an element of skill to looping (other than looking back) to even it out.'

    No they are not, looping is fairly skillful, mainly at maze tiles, but better loops for the survivors is a terrible suggestion. Take the map 'The Game' - this map just has safe pallets, but that's it, when you're out, gg. None of these pallets take skill to use, there are no mindgames, it's a boring as ######### map. The actual interactive way to balance the game is to have more pallets, but make them unsafe (meaning the killer can play around them and do actual mindgames) - your implication of less, but stronger pallets just makes for dull gameplay. The actual fun in the game is chase interaction, mindgames, etc - these things you suggest take away from that.

    'Alternatively make killed lunges register better and/ or give more control to the killer when turning.'

    If you get spun you are probably a bad player, there is easily enough control and infact because of latency, the killer can often swing and the survivor takes a hit while dropping a pallet when they probably shouldn't have. There is no need to change killer lunges, the only issue with them is the 'aim dressing' (autoaim) which makes you hit wood sometimes.

    'Lessen the healing capabilities of survivors and make investing in it a decision in itself - generally, make the game more strategic and less "run around constantly cuz we can heal anything lul".'

    Healing itself IS already an investment, a lot of people choose not to heal and stay injured because it wastes a lot of time (16 seconds per full heal) - in what is essentially a time management game, taking two players from doing gens and committing to a 16s heal which can either be interrupted, or require you to go to a safer area, is already a risk. You should try running sloppy butcher, a perk you can unlock on all killers, if you find people healing to be an issue.

    'add another layer to escaping, not just power the gens/ open the gate; maybe give an option to hurt the killer if he gets outplayed and even win the game by killing him or sending him back via a high risk/ high reward mechanics.'

    You already outplay the killer by running tiles effectively, maybe when you are utilising the 'OP pallets'. I don't see how this 'killing the killer' mechanic is interesting, fun, balanceable or why it would need to be added. It's a change for the sake of change suggestion, and unless you have any ideas for these mechanics, I don't see how you can take this as a decent idea.

    'It's like taking part in a debate and trying to combat your opponent by saying "nO, uR wRoNg LuL!!1"'

    I can accept this is a fair statement, but I disagree with this and I think it is fair to automatically dismiss suggestions by people who are stuck in rank 15/have less than atleast a few hundred hours or so. There are already so many dogshit suggestions by new/bad players who have no idea what they're doing about balance that you just can't take it seriously. Experience in the game is extremely necesary to understand it. Any competent player will laugh off your suggestions the way I did, and if you do choose to invest time into this game and get good, I guarantee you will yourself.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited June 2020

    Pallets in and of themselves arent op, its the number of safe pallets combindd with safe windows that makes it feel op. The opposite is more unsafe pallets and less vaults which is what you get on Hawkins. Personally i think this aspect is mostly fine as is if the other aspects get changed. With more experience you learn how to play around this.

    Yes the hits do need to register better, but the killers level of control is honestly fine, its the survivors (especially with a controller) have a little to much. It does get easier though with practice. They should open up tge fov a little though for sure.

    Well the base self care time is 32 seconds. It gets faster from there with 2 teammates being able to heal pretty quickly. If you were playing against ranks youre supposed to play against this wouldnt feel as oppressive. By the time you start playing against really good teams youll have more antiheal perks if you want them. You should have sloppy though, thats a really good perk. If killers and survivors go into a match with no perks/items/addons the healing mechanic is fine as is. Things can get pretty tilted once those things are introduced. The otger thing to consider is that you want them to heal, if theyre healing theyre not doing gens. So if you make healing to oppressive it can backfire on you as the best survivors dont bother healing much anyway.

    This is truly the heart of the problem. If the game had nonoptional secondary objectives a lot of the other problems you mentioned would go away. Pallets wouldnt feel OP, and healing wouldnt seem like a problem because it would give you a little more control over the match as well as a little more time.

    What you dont want tho is to give a 4 man swf group a way to kill the killer. Ever. If they can, they will. And you wont be able to stop them.

    100% agreed.

    Tldr: if your 4th (minus the killing the killer bit) and 5th points are implemented, there wont be a need for points 1 and/or 3. Point 2 semi agree.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    45 hours is nothing my guy, it takes a while to get anywhere near gud.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    I just noticed that one screenshot posted here was from console - am I to understand that DbD has cross-platform play? come to think of it, I think I did see an option referencing something like this but didn't pay much attention to it..I think it was a box that it asked me to tick. How does that even work? console usually has auto-aim in order to compensate for PC players (for games with crossplay) which usually results in console players getting a big advantage in games.

    I am also not hardstuck anywhere, I'm pretty sure I could easily climb even in my current situation, without the best perks unlocked, by simply making better decisions in game in regards to who to chase, where to be on the map, what to ignore and learning to better read the environment/ learn the map.

    I'm not missing pallet hits, quite the contrary, I get most of them in even if I get stunned but like another poster said, combined with all the other ways of escaping and the multiple escape perks that survivors have - it's just too much when there are 4 ppl trying to loop you around, using flashlights, perks AND add-ons to harass you. It feels like the killers don't get that many options in terms of movement and the killers that are considered top tier are the ones that have movement enhancing abilities included in their base kit (nurse, billy, freddy). Maybe this should be looked into, in order to bring the other killers more in-line.

    When you have 3 health states, bleed state, self-heals, received healing AND perks and addons that help with healing + auto-heal under certain circumstances (like DS, etc) - I think healing is actually an issue. I wasn't talking about it being an issue at top tier level of play because I haven't reached that yet, but it is an issue at MY level of play, which is where most of the people are atm.

    Debating this under bad faith with probably a survivor main also doesn't help things, as ppl tend to not want to lose their perceived power (be it in a videogame or irl). Usually, it's the bad players that struggled to reach the top and are bad at adapting to change that are also averse to things changing, since they're not sure if they can gain their status once more. I've seen this especially in WoW, with fotm comps that come and go as the game gets balanced after a big content patch so seeing these sort of opinions here doesn't surprise me.

    In closing, I did have a much larger post with some more suggestions but after I edited it to correct a spelling error, it said that it went for approval or something and I haven't seen it since. I'm not saying my suggestions were the best and I did write this thread when I was hella pissed about that ######### game I had, but disproving my points by saying they're bad because I'm new and then proceeding to talk down to me is the sort of gate-keeping attitude that will eventually kill this game, like it did many others before it (if this is an attitude shared by a great many of this game's top players, that is). Elitism is a disease.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    I'm sure that's true but I didn't make this thread to complain about me not being good - quite the contrary. I complained about me not being good enough to stand a chance in that game and having the game put me in a situation where I could do nothing but get shat on. I'm complaining about the bad matchmaking and questionable game design choices that brought on this situation and that should technically not happen to a newer player.

    Considering the wait time for killers, all the time I afked while looking up stuff on youtube or the wiki and the fact I played survivor for a little while too, I would say that overall I only played something like 20-25h so far on killers. I played Billy for a portion of that, since I also played other killers at lvl 1 doing challenges or trying them out to see how they "feel". I have no doubt that if I had the right perks unlocked and if I tunneled a top tier killer in order to rank, I could rise pretty quickly but that's not my idea of fun in this game - I want to try things out at my own speed and have fun, not tryhard (I have other games where I can do that, if I want).

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Going up against tougher opponents has certainly improved my skills, but I only have a few hours a day to play this game so I'm a casual player at best. And it would be comforting to know that when I do login I'm not being completely wrecked for a majority of that time.

    A tough challenge is one thing, but being outmatched is another issue entirely.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    First piece of advice for you, forget about "mains." I started the game playing survivor with a friend and when he wasn't able to play I dabbled as killer a little bit but I considered myself a "survivor main" until we stopped playing and then I only played killer and considered myself a "killer main." Now I play close to 50/50. The thing is, you learn to be a better killer by playing survivor and how to be a better survivor by playing killer. Also, when you put yourself in that one box you generally lose sight of things that affect the other side and objectivity goes out the window.

    My second piece of advice is, try not to take it seriously, just the fact that you put up your "impressive gaming resume" for competitive games tells me you take this all way too seriously instead of just trying to find the joy in playing a game. I've had those terrible matches, anyone who has played killer has, but I try not to let them screw with my fun. If I'm against a sweaty bully squad I go stare into corner of the basement and go afk and grab a drink, use the restroom, grab a snack, because if they can't bully me they'll usually just finish their objective and go so I can move in to the next match that will hopefully be fun instead of terrible.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118


    I'm by no means pigeon-holing myself in any category but so far, I did play more killer and am enjoying it more (esp when the match is somewhat balanced) and I felt it necessary to pick a side when making this thread so that ppl could get an idea about my experience with the game and where I'm coming from.

    Build on my previous statement, I didn't mention my history to brag, I did it to emphasize the fact that I come from a place where I understand certain concepts and ideas and know a little bit about how pvp games work (or rather, should work). Sort of like when you go in for a management position and you list everything you did in the CV - you don't do it to brag, you do it so the person standing on the other side of the table can frame you and your idea a certain way.

    I wanted to put the weight of experience behind my opinion, not just the saltiness of getting pubstomped by some tryhards. If showboating was my plan, I would have other things to put forward (things like being part of gaming orgs and competing, which are more impressive than just shooting head in cs or my kda in dota).

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    'I'm not missing pallet hits, quite the contrary, I get most of them in even if I get stunned but like another poster said, combined with all the other ways of escaping and the multiple escape perks that survivors have - it's just too much when there are 4 ppl trying to loop you around, using flashlights, perks AND add-ons to harass you. It feels like the killers don't get that many options in terms of movement and the killers that are considered top tier are the ones that have movement enhancing abilities included in their base kit (nurse, billy, freddy). Maybe this should be looked into, in order to bring the other killers more in-line.'

    'When you have 3 health states, bleed state, self-heals, received healing AND perks and addons that help with healing + auto-heal under certain circumstances (like DS, etc) - I think healing is actually an issue. I wasn't talking about it being an issue at top tier level of play because I haven't reached that yet, but it is an issue at MY level of play, which is where most of the people are atm.'

    Firstly, DBD does not yet have crossplay but will soon. To address your takes of autoaim, this is active on every platform (including PC) and cannot be turned off. The purpose of it is to try and make hits look visually better by adjusting your camera when the game has decided you were going to get the hit, but what this can do when you're swinging around a corner is adjust your camera so you instead hit terrain. It's really stupid.

    Based on these takes, I think your problem should be with the power of survivor second chance perks, which is an actual issue (I am a killer main btw, not a survivor main as you guessed below, I do play both sides but like 2/3 of the time killer) - Your solutions are too punishing to people who don't run meta perks, what you want to encourage is making them mandatory essentially (we don't need to encourage less perk diversity even more). Survivor item addons do nothing other than the medkit ones, which are used like 1 in every 50 games in my experience. I'd also suggest you maybe need to learn when to drop chase (generally when a survivor is an extremely strong structure, or if you cannot get a hit/pallet out of them after 10-15 seconds. Remember, pallets are finite, getting a pallet out a survivor is still good value) Flashlights are EASILY the weakest survivor item and once you learn to play around them, you will have a much easier time. Flashlights are actually genereally detrimental as everyone who has one will prioritise attempting to flashlight save (very easy to avoid these by looking at walls, or bait free hits by faking the pickup) rather than doing generators. DS/BT are played around by not going for the unhooked guy/slugging them if there is no BT, although in instances these perk can be unfair if the player with BT/DS active is super aggressive.

    Also people have been saying this game is dying/will die for a while now, but the playercount just keeps going up. I'll stand by this 'elitism' - as from experience, and having the same kind of complaints that you did when I was newer, you need atleast **300-500h** before you have a better understanding of the game. I don't intend to be condescending and looking back definitely did come off harsh, but as aforementioned, inexperienced players making balance suggestions is frequent (as I also did so myself) but their takes are pretty much always poor

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    Flashlights aren't really a problem for me, those guys only got 2 off - one after one of them dropped a pallet and then blinded me which wasn't a big deal since I just broke the pallet and pressed W since the layout gave him only one way to get clear of me but the 2nd time I got flashed was right at the end, after I picked the guy that was down in order to hook him. They didn't even seem to be near me, I think one of them actually used DH to get into position to do it.

    Problem was that they timed it all so well that not only did they manage to somehow blind me from nowhere but at the same time I got flashed, the last guy was near the hooked one and got him down and then they all ran out because the door happened to be next to us (it was on a winter map, with a central house and lots of pallets and windows around (also, multiple floors). I even think they chose that map via offering.

    I do need to learn when to break off chases and I think a lot of my lost games were due to chasing the better player on the survivor side, who baited me into chasing him. By the time I caught him or gave up the chase, they were already 1 or 2 gens already done and could more easily snowball from there.

    How do you fake picking someone up? isn't the action non-interruptible once you press the button? can you cancel it?

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    That map is probably the best survivor map (It's called Ormond) but yeah I also should've mentioned learning when to slug is another important thing (typically if you can initiate a chase extremely fast afterwards, or if there's multiple people hooked/downed near eachother, as this makes their recovery harder.) From the way you describe it that does sound like a decently coordinated squad though.

    It's always good to chase the weak link, you can usually tell in 3-5 seconds whether someone is good or not

    To fake picking someone up, you generally just run up to them and then let go of W, this can often bait survivors to move out, or at the very least make them second guess whether you'll commit to the anim. Some killers have powers like Demogorgon placing a portal, Trapper placing a trap, Hag placing a trap whos powers put them into animations. These animation changes can also trick survivors into thinking you will commit to the pickup.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Correct. Which means he should NOT be going against red ranks, moreso against a SWF. This is on the devs, their poor matchmaking, and their sluggish pace to do ANYTHING helpful. Look how long it took them to fix toolboxes (and even there, I feel they went the wrong way), and heaven forbid, god loops. Now we're approaching a year on this matchmaking, and still we get 'new MMR in the works.'

    If you have only a few dozen hours, you shouldn't be put against the cream of the crop. Doing so isn't good for any new player, and will simply push players away.

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    the other comment I was telling you about was apparently "approved" after my edit to correct Oprah's name (lol). It appears right before your initial post in this thread. Can you check it and reply? curious what you think. Some things I said there were in the op but some weren't and to me, they seem like valid ways to improve some things.

  • Cold_Oats72
    Cold_Oats72 Member Posts: 12

    I can't believe people still complain and make these forum posts. They're likely a team of 4 and instead of matching a killer that's red ranks, it takes a killer that is close to the lowest ranked survivor. It's unlikely that you would be matched against them if the rank 12 wasn't queued with them.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    This makes me remember when I started, survivors abused the swf system, 3 red ranks and 1 brown rank against a new baby killer, with insta heals.

    I'd say take this to learn faster, sadly this is the reason I don't recommend the game for new people, the constant bullying that happens these days to newer players is unaceptable, 45h vs probably above 1k hours of experience.

    If you don't want to pay to get better perks, get thana from the nurse, it's not much but it's better than nothing, save shards for original characters.

    Practice with friends or with people from here it is better since they can tell you what you did wrong or right.

  • thejacobo69
    thejacobo69 Member Posts: 13

    Why does every single killer on this moan so much about survivors working together, the matchmaking wasn't good but that'll only get better if more people play the game which they won't do unless they have fun as survivors. How can you say that you can't counter decisive strike which lasts 60 seconds after they're hooked so that means you're probably tunnelling anyway and you can just leave them on the ground and hit their survive with friends teammates who are probably crouching around for a flashlight save. Being killer is just about common sense maybe you should just play more and not take it so seriously when survivors are working together instead of watching YouTube videos.

    This is coming from a rank 1 survivor and currently rank 3 killer (deathslinger) I do play PS4 rather than pc but I think all this killer community is ridiculous so only problem with killer I feel is the ranking system - not being able to get a +1 without a 4k

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    That's not good enough though. There not some small indie company. They make millions upon millions each year. Maybe they should just get it into their heads that they just need to wipe the rank system away and start a fresh cuz every time they add something or change something it just makes everything worse. They have no excuse for having one of the poorest excuses of a rank system in any game. There are so many examples of good rank systems out there they've had plenty of time and they have the resources to change it but their to lazy and money hungry putting energy instead into rifts and new legendary skins which are overpriced and not value for money.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Well the devs have said they're not going to change gen speeds so I think other objectives before gens sorta like a start game collapse would be key to resolving gen rushing so I wouldn't say that's a terrible idea. It will just require survivors to put a tiny bit more effort in instead of just holding m1. The games rank system is a flat out joke and they keep ignoring everyone complaints.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's not good enough though. There not some small indie company. They make millions upon millions each year.

    Source? Keep in mind that profit is not the same as revenue.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Yes I know I did business studies. Here's behaviours revenue I'll look for other figures in a min.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Let me know when you have the actual profit. I'm guessing it's not that big.

This discussion has been closed.