A serious discussion on why legacy should be a unlockable.

IronTale Member Posts: 34
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

I understand and played through the grind in 2016, But honestly it's taken me way longer to get all the perks and prestige one character alone

As there is 134 perks in total which has to be bought 3 times each.

You also have prestige Which alone takes a considerable amount of time around 1.2 to 1.5 million bloodpoints

Which can alter on how theses boosters will effect your progress, You also have Tomes which honestly is a easy Bloodpoint booster but your extremely limited too doing them 1 at a time and the bloodpoints don't go over bloodpoint cap either.

A lot of legacy players also never knew prestiging ever gave you legacy or they plain out lost it due to save errors which again hurts Veteran players.

I bought this game on August 28th 2016, I never got legacy as i never knew it existed at the time.

Honestly you could make a really neat system to make sure your new and old players have to commit to there characters and gain Legacy.

You would have the option to go into a Survivor's/Killer's Legacy Prestige which puts your Survivor or Killer back where they started but there prestige cap is now nine levels instead of three.

Once you pick the option to go down this path your Survivor or Killer will only produce a new set of Currency instead of your regular bloodpoints which cap's at 500k.

We will just call it Blight Points.

Only Legacy Survivors and Killers can produce this currency when played this will limit the amount of grind they do at all times.

This path is basically hard mode once activated and can't be deactivated once chosen.

Legacy Bloodwebs will have there prices raised slightly to compensate for the original Grind

Common Tier will be raised to 5000 Points

Uncommon Tier is raised to 6000 Points

Rare Tier is raised to 7000 Points

Very Rare is raised to 8000 Points

Ultra Rare is raised to 9000 Points

This will raise the price 1000 Points higher than the original bloodweb making the grind as close too the original as possible.

A Survivor will Retain there Bloody Prestige but can only unlock a piece of Legacy every Three Tiers of Prestige.

Characters who don't have Legacy paths will have there prestige won't have the option to go down the path until the developers finish their prestige path allowing the Devs take time and make more prestige after people begin to unlock the original pieces.

This would allow Devs to release theses in sets over time instead of releasing every Legacy for every Character at once the can release the originals first like Dwight through Nea and Trapper Through Nurse. Once a mid chapter hits they release the Legacy outfits via chapter like Ace and Hag.

Currently for Survivor from Dwight to Nea it would take 750 Levels from 1 to prestige 3 level 50. This would Triple the grind by 2,500 Levels and Killer would be 2,000 Levels Tripling the grind entirely.

The Only Characters who can share the new currency is other survivors going down there Legacy Path but again it's capped at the original grind cap of 500,000 thousand points.

This would make new and old players have the option of playing through the old grind system. Which would allow your old and new player's to be reward for there pure dedication.