Any chance of matchmaking fixes?

Don't get me wrong, I am really grateful for the new content and also the event.
Just, I started playing Killer so I can get them halos, and well...
I haven't been playing very long, I am rank 20 as killer and tbh I haven't gotten more than a pip because I keep getting matched with survivors who are faaar more experienced than even I am as a survivor. Granted, I've only been playing survivor a few months as well.
Idk, it just sucks to be a new killer and have people in rank 1 in your games looping you endlessly without you having had a period of practice among other newbies. It got to the point where a whole group of survivors apologized after a match to me.
yeah I know that feeling... trust me its even worse in higher ranks as what you are experiencing right now :) all what I can say is dont play on win play to learn, watch yt videos and twitch streamers and try to learn maps, their layouts etc..
and dont feel bad for you most of the maps are survivor sided you just have to gain more experience.. sadly this game is p2w which means if you really want to have some of the bet perks you have to buy them with shards - takes ages or just buy it. I recommend buy it right now becasue of good sales - definitely buy leatherface and level him up until bbq which will be oyur best perk.