New Survivor Looking For Tips


So I picked up DBD about two months ago on PS4 (Only for them to release it for free a month later haha) and I've had a blast. I'll post a separate topic for Killer, but I'm just curious what tips people have are.

I main Kate Denson with Unbreakable, Boil Over, Windows of Opportunity, and Dark Sense. I'm getting better at juking killers, and my item of choice is a toolbox for speedy gen repairs. Any advice from more experienced Survivors?


  • jobasco
    jobasco Member Posts: 32

    My biggest tip for a new player is to not get upset if you do not escape! You can still pip (level up) without surviving and try your best to fulfill all categories to improve both your evasion skills and your altruism with team mates! Having a great teammate can make or break a game!

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Number 1 Focus:
    My number one piece of advice is to camp the first generator you find. Don't start repairs until the killer has patrolled by you. Doing this tremendously decreases the odds that you'll be found first.

    Ruin Counter Guide:
    My second recommendation is to ignore Hex: Ruin. Killers will often claim it's a meta perk but honestly, it's weak. Unless you stumble across the totem for it just ignore it as more often than not all of your allies will drop everything until it's cleansed. If you join the mad search then nobody is on generators and you will all die. Work through Hex: Ruin by just normally doing a generator with the following in mind:

    • Great Skillchecks are ideal but if you can't manage them that's okay. Silent Regression is better than Loud Regression.
    • If you get a "Good Skillcheck" while Hex: Ruin is active, stop repairs until the sparks go away. You cannot make repair progress while the generator is sparking. Repairing while the sparks are there only gives you the opportunity for another skillcheck, which is what you want to avoid.

    Killer Countering Tips:

    • Prioritize looking down more than looking up while navigating the trial once you find a trap. You could get out easy, or it could take a while. If your teammates are toxic or very fond of looping, disabling any traps for a few minutes will earn you friends if they see. Also look before you vault, it's amazing what a quick glance can do.

    • He can be burned with a flashlight while cloaked. While cloaked he also has a shimmer, be sure to watch for it once you know he's lurking around. Wraith cannot strike while cloaked, use the uncloak to run towards anything to gain distance. Be wary of hook saves against a Wraith. Some Wraiths will camp the hook completely invisible while still, and rush a grab on you or a hit on your ally.

    • If you hear the heartbeat and the saw look for him. Hide if you can, otherwise get into the open and run in circles; this can cause the saw to miss. Remember he has a hammer, stay healthy or he'll use it.

    • Weak to stealth. If you think she'll do a long blink run towards her and she will phase through and pass you. If you are trying to juke blinks try to look at her head, on most maps a nurse can look down to cancel a long blink. If a nurse is Prestiged or Legacy they usually know their stuff. Can also be burned while her hand is up.

    • Run in unpredictable patterns if she's readying a hatchet then start to run towards cover then run back into the open to waste her ammo. Use the lullaby to hide. Beware of short loops as hatchets can pass over some.

    • Just mess up a skillcheck or use Bond. For real though just rush gens and get out of the trial asap. Bloodwarden and NOED make for an endgame play that can wreck house. Also look for grass and birds when you hear the song.

    • Use your eyes and ears to spot him, them duck for cover to delay his tiers. If he gets to T3 hide until it's over or a teammate is about to die on a hook.

    • Split up to avoid saw combos. When he starts swinging do a wide serpentine if you can. Like Hillbilly remember he has a hammer so stay healed. Always expect BBQ & Chili, even on campers.

    • There are always two types of pig players; those who tunnel the trapped people and those who don't. Try to figure out which one you have. Also if your RBT hasn't activated yet, consider doing generators, it really screws with their plans.

    • You can lose madness by crouching except in T3, use this to lower the meter out of his TR to increase the time you can be inside it (before you scream) in a pinch. You gain madness and cannot interact when shocked, you get shocked by direct therapy hits as well as when you run into the therapy. T3 madness prevents all productive channels and item usage (includes flashlights) as well as causing you to scream. Additionally T3 madness's unique "Snap out of it" channel is visible to Nurse's calling, if you hear the TR stop the channel and run.

    • Avoid the gas, try to trick him into throwing it one way then run the other way. Avoid close contact as he can gas and swipe then gas again for a quick down.
      The Spirit:

    • When she uses her haunt avoid grass/corn/bamboo as it reveals your exact location to her. Just keep crouching and attempt a juke.

    • Crouch, crouch everywhere. Especially crouch before and during an unhook, wouldn't want to summon the hag, would we?

    • There's more to learn and know, but this should help you get started.

    Oh, also on indoor maps look for exit signs if you can't remember where the gates are.

  • greenzebra64
    greenzebra64 Member Posts: 65

    Learn how to pallet loop. Run around pallets before you drop them to waste as much time as possible. Sprint burst will help you get to a pallet fast when the killer finds you. Keep Windows of Opportunity on as it's good when you're new and don't know where pallets are

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    Level up Kate as much as you can, since she seems to be your main. Once you reach Level 50, do not prestige yet. At Level 50, you can then spend blood points on other survivors to unlock their unique perks for Kate to use. When you prestige, you lose all items, add-ons, offerings, and perks (except for that character's unique ones; but they reset to Tier 1), but you should be able to level up Kate and have access to every perk (provided you unlocked them first).