Crown Cosmetic

Just asking if I am the only person that sees fellow survivors that use licensed characters like Laurie Strode and William grabbing the crown? I am not complaining and I mean you do you but I am wondering if the people doing this are doing it because they think the 750 points are worth it or they do not know that the licensed characters can't get the cosmetic?
I only ask because I see fellow survivors who can get them while I am playing and I try my best to help them get them but then others steal if even knowing they can't keep it or need it. I personally won't grab it if I do not need it because the points are not worth it and would rather help fellow players and this includes killers as well to get them. I have even as a survivor made a killer chase me to one and let him grab it then down me.
I wan't to say sorry both for the long post but also because I don't want to come off complaining but I am just curious as to if people are grabbing these from players that do need them to be toxic or if they truly think the 750 is worth it, or maybe they do not know what characters can get the cosmetic. Just trying to help fellow players out to get them while they can. 😃 Have a great day everyone! Also as I play killer I let survivors escape if I see they need the crown because I can still get over 20k points easy without needing the 4k kill. 😃
It's only 250 for me. How come everybody else gets 750? 😢
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Oh really you only get 250? I wonder why and maybe I am seeing things wrong but I did take a few screen shots and I believe it was 750.
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Everyone keeps saying 750. But not on my game. It's not really that big of a deal, though. I already have my crowns and save them for folks like you now.
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750 total- 250 for collection and 500 for escaping (survivor)/ending trial (killer).
AFAIK anyway
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Thank you and yeah the points are not a big deal to me but to others it might be. I do the same though and try my best to help fellow players get them even when I play killer I will let survivors go because I know how hard it is to not only get a good team and escape but also how hard it can be on some maps to even find the crowns. lol
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Aaaah that makes sense and thank you for the info. =)
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Now that I've collected all the survivor crowns I play as Tapp trying to direct other people to them if I see them. If we get to endgame and everyone else has a crown, and I happen to see another, I'll grab it just for the hell of it, but not if I know someone could be missing out.
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That is very nice of you and I am happy to see other players not being toxic and helping each other. I do the same thing and even when I play killer I help survivors get them as best I can. I want everyone to get a chance to get them while they can and that is why I will chase survivors as a killer and maybe even slap them but wont kill them and sometimes even carry their bodies to the crown because some of them are clueless. lol
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When I was collecting the killer crowns I tried to 2-hook everyone and direct them to the crowns & escape, but because I don't play killer outside of dailies and archive challenges, I'm pretty low-rank (at the start of this event I'd been rank reset back to 20) so most of the survivors I was against were probably brand new and didn't really understand what I was trying to do, so there were a few hook suicides and DCs, but tyipcally the Nea players understood, for some reason.
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Yeah, it is funny you point that out. I feel like when I play killer and I try to help the survivors it is more than likely the Nea and Claudettes catch on first that I am not here to kill them. I love the people who you chase forever and clearly could have hit and yet they keep running thinking they are outplaying you. It is like look and think if I wanted you I would have had you. I am trying to help you people! I mean you ran face first into my boobs and motorboated me and I still did not swing, obviously I do not want to hurt you. lol
Oh and yeah I do try to hook everyone at least once to give me points and let them get points for saves as well but yeah some people kill themselves because I am guessing there is to many killers that are not to nice in the game. lol......I normally play killer only wanting to kill 2 players and let the other 2 go. I could get the 4k win but I after the first 2 are dead I normally already have over 20k points so might as well help the survivors as well, especially now with the limited time they have to get these crowns. 😀