Anyone else really liking Clown after his buff?
He's definitely better than before, but he still has very little map pressure and he still fails to get quick downs against competent loopers. But like I said, definitely better than before!
What build(s) have you been playing? I'm prestiging my killers atm so my perks are somewhat limited but I've been using BBQ, Pop, StBfL and then a filler perk like Sloppy or Brutal.
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hes okay but will get trashed on maps like haddonfield still and of course against the sweatiest swf that never make mistakes. I learned now that its better to just tap his bottle throw, you dont slow down so its always a free hit if youre in the open lol. I would always hold it, i never play clown but now i might level him up a bit more
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Okay but name me a killer that doesn't die inside on Haddonfield or lose to top-tier SWF?
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I've been playing him at rank 1 since the buff and having good matches with him. Buff was very needed and might be enough honestly.
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Just you wait until the bug he suffers from (since Silent Hill patch) is removed, You are gonna see some serious play.
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Been running this lately. With the BPs I get from BBQ, I've actually been able to get a decent amount of addons+blackwards to use whatever I wanna use, although I typically try to avoid the pinky finger since I just feel like thats kinda cheap. The middle finger is pretty fun to use though.
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spirit lol
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depends- top-tier swf that use all meta perks with good rng will still win.
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idk man, my spirit is pretty strong lol. maybe the rare double window rng of tiles together to maybe have a chance against me addon-less. If i notice a survivor trying to abuse something like that i stop chasing that survivor and go for the weaker ones. Its a 1 in a million game where all 4 survivors are that good to beat my spirit. At most ill take 3 of them. I can say that in confidence. I slug a lot early game too to keep the pressure high. So theres that as well
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if they remove the slow on clown they should remove slow on huntress with hatches :D same thing