Running Bond is painful

I knew I usually did the brunt of the generators when I was playing solo, but Jesus Christ, Bond just proves it... Watch as your teammates crouch in a corner for 5 gens, crouch walking without urban evasion when the killer is nowhere near, and running away from any generator in fear that the killer might patrol there.
Guys, seriously, it's simple- If you're not in a chase, not healing, etc, just do a ######### gen
Literally had a Dwight, rank 4, crouch next to me in fear that the killer would be headed our way. The killer was on the other side of the map chasing another survivor.
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I love bond. Great for getting the killer off me by sandbagging those on a gen.
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Bond makes you jaded real quick.
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Solo survivor here who runs Bond and Kindred.. It's pretty depressing most times.
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be glad it's not sandbagger survivor with bond and diversion
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i dont run bond because it saddens me every time.
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If you think bond is bad, try empathy. Bond won't show you all the self care going on deep in the corner of the map
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I run bond a lot since I don’t have any friends who play, plus my fear usually leads me to play alone, not find others to get in a sfw with. If you see a teammate not doing anything with bond, when I’m being chased I usually lead the killer to them. It’s their fault for not participating, after all.
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Yeah, I run kindred 'cause most of the time I'm soloing... Man I feel really depressed. It's hard to see that you're doing gens, someone is hooked and then 2 survivors are crouching in the corners of the map too afraid to do something. Btw I play in red ranks so... No "newbies". That's just sad.
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Empathy is way better. It's map-wide. It also replaces self-care since you can use it to heal folks or find them to be healed as well.