PyramidHead and Devour

Why does PyramidHeads SPECIAL ATTACK: Punishment of the Damned triggers Devour Hope? Is this planed or Bugged? So why does it works with Devour and not with NOED


  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    You serious?

  • TheBlueJohn
    TheBlueJohn Member Posts: 15

    Yes, he hits me with his ranged attack and Devour triggers with the exposed effekt

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Special Attacks don't work for any Instadown. So NOED, Haunted Grounds and DH won't activate when he uses his ranged attack on you. So this is a bug if it did down you instantly.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,064
    edited June 2020

    Ok, so the OP is not saying that he was insta-downed by the ranged attack, but is saying that after being hit by it he was notified that Devour Hope was active, and received the exposed status. This is most certainly a bug that needs to be addressed as DH shouldn't notify anyone that it's active or exposing them until someone is taken down by it via basic attack. With Huntress for example, she can hide the fact that it's reached 3 stacks and is insta down ready by downing survivors with hatchets only, and Hillbilly can do the same just by using his chainsaw. If Pyramid Head can't, then that makes the perk much less useful to him because he doesn't have the same "Surprise" advantage that other killers with damaging powers have.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,064
    edited June 2020

    I've Been in situations where either myself or an ally is hit by chainsaw and hatchets without the DH being announced, but then the killer basic attacks me or a teammate and it suddenly appears, so I don't think this is a shared issue for killers with damaging powers. Unfortunately Devour Hope is an uncommon perk to go up against, so I don't have any recordings of it in action with those killers, but I swear it never reveals itself unless the killer basic attacks. Hell, I've even used it on Pig, and kept downing people with her ambush attacks (which don't count for exposed survivors) until it reached 5 stacks, and they were none the wiser about its existence. Overall the design of Hex perks is made so that survivors aren't notified of their existence until it affects them. Take Thrill of the Hunt for example: the moment a survivor attempts to cleanse a totem and it affects their cleansing speed, they get the notification, but If they never attempt to cleanse a totem however, they never get notified because it hasn't affected them.

    Personally though, I find most of the Hex effects already pretty obvious, and wish the devs didn't coddle us by spelling it out every time with up to 3 separate on-screen notifications (perk name, icon and level on the left side of the screen, Cursed icon on the right, and for some, the perk icon next to our own in the bottom right). It feels excessive, and after becoming a seasoned player... insulting to my intelligence and earned gamer instincts. I mean as a beginner that stuff was necessary, but after getting used to them and their effects, I hardly even pay attention to the notifications anymore and when I do notice them, they come across as an annoyance. I really wish the devs would add an option in the settings menu that would allow us to turn off "hints" or "notifications" just to allow those of us with Earned game instincts to use them in full and not have our hands held at every step. It's so... Condescending feeling, y'know?