Old Spirit Animation

ArtoTime Member Posts: 35

Since there wasn't a "suggestions" tab, or at least from what I saw, I'm gonna put it up here.

I don't know when this was removed, but it's something that I still want to be re-added. It's nothing major, but I figured since it should be stored somewhere in the files, it shouldn't be too hard to re-implement.


Her weapon, as it was going back into her hand, would display a blue, round ripple effect (it's really hard to explain).

I don't know why it was removed, too demanding? Too distracting? I think we would all appreciate it, even if it does cause' a bit of lag/distracts us, it's only for a short amount of time.

My guess is the different weapon variants. I'm guessing this was removed shortly after the PTB for her chapter, and with the introduction of more crooked, bigger and bulkier swords, it had to go to what we have now. If that's the case, make it exclusive for the base weapon.

This is nothing huge, but I'm guessing this would only take an hour or two to re-add. If it's completely gone for some reason... then maybe skip it, but please, consider it.