Stop with the FNaF Posts.

As someone who would be fine with Springtrap being added, please stop all of these threads with FNaF posts. I mean, if you don't believe me when I say I'm for it, I made a chase music video of him that got popular.
I want to talk about the actual game, I'm sick of all the time wasting for having to comment and even just look at all these FNaF threads. BHVR must've gotten the memo that some want it and some do not at this point. I literally made a post as well about why I think he should get in with a whole sort of essay layout, and that was my mistake.
You can do a whole reasoning on why he should or should not be added, but I don't care because this is just getting annoying no matter what side you're on with this. Use other platforms if you really want him, there are petitions, YouTube videos, etc.
This is all just a big time waster to see these constant threads and replying to them in general. If you really want him in, you're not doing a good job of convincing others when constantly creating these threads. I replied to a lot of them and I'm stopping now because I want these posts to stop. If you don't want FNaF in the game, just stop replying to these threads as well.
I don't care what side you're on, each side is responsible for toxicity and rightfully so with this topic because it's consuming these forums. STOP MAKING POSTS WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST FNAF X DBD, STOP MAKING POSTS SAYING THEY SHOULD BE BANNED, THIS SHOULD BE THE FINAL POST JUST TELLING PEOPLE TO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT OVERALL.
Please for the love of baby Jesus merge them into one or ban the three people who spam these forums with this silly garbage.
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Im wondering if its the same person with multiple accounts
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It also f*cking sucks because some people who might give good reasons for his addition might be flooded away by the amount of people who are mindlessly giving reasons to add him and using alts to do so.
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At this point it might be and they also padding those petition votes. As if petitions ever worked for anything lol.
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but how about we talk about adding foxy into DBD? ;)
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Thanks for being one of my prime examples of people who drive me to the brink of insanity.
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I think DBD should stay the way it is.DBD doesn’t need anymore wild hooligans going around creating more toxicity.
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Agreed. Enough is enough, EVERYONE knows you lot want your FNAF robot in the game. Give it a rest.
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on another note I really do enjoy your music. want to see more custom music from you as I think your clown music would fit well into the game.
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I wish they’d merge them. It’s obnoxious to constantly have an idea shoved down your throat and in fact, the overabundance of it will only do more harm.
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It really sucks, because as someone who is taking this suggestion and trying to execute it very well, it doesn't help when people constantly shove it down everyone's throats. It's actually just horrific to be honest, and I can completely see why people don't want his addition due to this. To everyone making constant threads about his addition, please. just. stop.
Again, as someone who literally would be fine with the character being in DBD, just stop all these threads it's driving me nuts. Like holy sh*t, do you really think helping your cause means to constantly talk about this one specific concept? Bring it up when the topic is actually viable, such as "what licensed killer would you like to see?"
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First we had people spamming IT
Now we got Fnaf
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FNaF is the new NOED. It's also only 4 letters. Coincidence?
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New killer is teacher from incredibles confirmed.
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Can you flag and report discussions for "Multiple discussions about same topic"?
Doesn't say exactly in the forum rules but some common sense would dictate if there's a thread already then don't create another.
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Like at least just merge them I'm not against the idea of Fnaf in the game but god if it is this bad then just do something
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As I said earlier, unless you have something so revolutionary, extraordinary, and mind-blowing to add to the discussion, then yea the number of threads needs to dwindle a little. None of these new threads are really adding much to the discussion, and I'm sure the devs have gotten the message by now.
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HeY mAn NiCe FnAf PoSt GlAd To SeE sO MaNy PeOpLe DiScUsSiNg ThE ToPiC!!!
But seriously ye your right. I'm all for Springtrap in DBD, not as a chapter, maybe as a paragraph. I love FnAf and Fanf 3 is my all time favorite I love Springtrap. But the one person who pit up the Help us get Springtrap into DbD❤️ post was good enough. It had a link to the petition and if you want to talk about it, comment on that post.
But as I said I would LOVE Springtrap in DBD, just not as many posts on here about it.
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Another part of the issue that the posters of these threads don't seem to notice is them being obnoxious about this only validates people who argue against FNAF's inclusion because the fans would be obnoxious.
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I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not really a vehement hater of it, and I believe it could be done if it was done really well (I'm not exactly looking forward to the possibility either) but I do get tired of seeing the posts about it so often. It's part of why I get kind of annoyed with the fanbase a little bit.
To be clear, I'm all for people posting their ideas, but a lot of people say something like "I've read these different threads of people saying all these same things and I want to add to it!" I don't understand that because honestly at that point you might as well comment on that thread... That little nitpick aside, people can post their ideas as I said, it's just... I don't exactly get annoyed at people asking for Chucky because you might see something about him pop up every once in a long while, but it's not a constant bombardment.
Maybe the reason is because they gave a pretty definitive answer on Chucky being in the game (due to his size) and I'm not sure if they've done something like that where they acknowledge FNaF, but I wish they would just come out with something saying how they feel about it so people can just spam that in the thread any time somebody comes around asking for FNaF to be introduced. It's not like I don't want people to share their ideas, but when it's the same answer over and over in those threads I think that's the point where it just needs to be addressed so there can be a common knowledge answer to a FNaF proposal.
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I'm not a fan of FNAF, not a fan at all.
But like....I can see why people would want certain characters in it. I'm not opposed to the idea or the discussions, I say...let them discuss it.
Now including it in the game, is a separate discussion that I'm willing to have a great heated debate over.
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It's just a vocal minority who keep posting these. It's annoying for sure, though.
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I really wish the mods would just start merging the posts because it's getting obnoxious.
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I mean, 8.5K people is a lot of people. I can't really say if it's a minority or not because there's really nothing to compare it to.
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It's definitely getting a little annoying seeing all these threads with nothing but the same thing over and over. I understand people love Fnaf but this approach will only push people away.
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8.5k is definitely a lot of people, but there are not 8.5k people posting threads about what they want their next killer to be.
8,500 people is a lot of people, but when you look at the total copies of Dead by Daylight sold(5,000,000, less than 0.2%) and the average amount of players on Steam in the last week(40,071 avg(21%--not a bad number); 77,341 peak(almost 11%, still not a terrible number), it certainly isn't a majority.
And you can't assume all these people are players who even bought the game, it's an online poll, we don't know where it's been shared. Are these people even players of the game? Do they just want it because they might play it if their favorite Game Theory topic ends up being implemented in some other game?
At the end of the day, though, it won't matter how much a bunch of people sign something, all it will do is let BHVR know there is a group of people who want to this character to be added as a Killer. Spamming the forums about it won't actually get people to back you up, it'll only annoy them and probably make them leave, which is not something BHVR would want at the end of the day. They want their players engaging in the game and the community, not leaving because a few people think that mob tactics are effective.