Does Anyone Else Find Discordance to be a Stressful Perk?

As someone who plays a lot of Legion, you would think that Discordance would be a very useful perk since it tells me where survivors are clustered. I've tried it on numerous killers, including Legion, and find that it stresses me out more than anything. As soon as that sound goes off and a gen turns yellow, my stress level goes up, knowing that there are multiple people on a single gen. It's even more stressful when that gen is all the way at the other end of the map. I find that I play much more chill when I dont have that feeling like I have to drop everything and rush to a particular gen. Does anyone else experience this?
100%! It’s good for that first bit of information to get there and get a good Frenzy off, but after that, I feel the same as you. I get that feeling of “if I don’t abandon this chase for that gen, I lose it,” even if staying in the chase is the smarter move.
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Exactly! Glad to hear I'm not the only one.
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Totally agree that it's stressful. It's a great perk for the information it gives but that information is often confirmation that the team is working on that gen I really don't want them to finish.
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I don't find it stressful, moreso glad, since I know the position of at least 2 survivors. It's very nice on killers that can easily affect multiple survivors quickly with their power.
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Especially when it keeps going off on the same gen. I know a completed gen notification is imminent.