Lol I heard that match making was off its rocker but wow
So occasionally I get pitted agasint people out of my rank range, usually its one or two survivors that are between rank 4 and rank 8 or something like that. This is the first time I ever got three rank 1's. Granted I did rather well against them despite the rank difference, They even agreed that I did rather well considering. It did surprise me that they weren't toxic about it.
This is hilarious though.
4 Decisive Strikes AND 2 Unbreakable, holy damn!
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######### is even that?!
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You’d think after having to wait 10+ minutes in killer queue it could find a better match.
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I got similar matches with red ranks and in some of them they laughed at me that I suck. Good times.
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No, since its your job to be a killer for the survivors that want to play, not to get a fair match yourself.
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I mean, that's not that really surprising given their Ranks. I can't remember the last time I played a game against Reds without at least 2 people with DS.
I find it much more shocking that 2 of them were running Bond.
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You are not a real Rank 15 either, looking at your Perks and Add Ons, which you even protect with a Black Ward.
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Yea, matchmaking is [BAD WORD].
At least both you and they were chill about it.
It's refreshing to see people being gracious winners and losers.
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You devotion 1 and 4 teachbels from other killers thats not you true
rank ... Ps p1 wraith
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Whenever I see that combination, literally 2 Unbreakables and a combination of DS or Dead Hard I always assume it's a SWF, don't ask me why because I can't quite explain why.
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That is my current rank. I was at one time roughly rank 8-10 but I stopped playing for a while and came back when pyramid head came out. when I started back up I was back to rank 20. So yes I do have prior exp playing and am more capable than the average rank 15 but that doesn't change the fact that a rank 15 was put against 3 rank 1's
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Level 50 all meta perks on level III red addon and level devotion stop deranking and complaining about playing people on your level git gut scrub 😴
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Everytime i see these post it's always a "low rank" killer with a full build made of perks of several killers and atleast one devotion level
I think the new matchmaking system has already kicked in for some and killers who smurf are feeling it the worst
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That is behaviour not giving a crap weather or not they retain new players or not.
Smart marketing move there.
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They say sometimes they do live tests of the new matchmaking system on live without telling anyone and that system doesn't care about your rank, but a hidden value, so it could also partially be that.
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Except that this guy is not a new player.
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It's worse on Xbox right now because DbD is free on Game Pass. I solo queue at rank 1 and all I get is rank 15-20 survivors on my team in like 70% of my matches. Wish they’d hurry up with the matchmaking update because this is a nightmare.
This is a shot of the match I just played... 😑
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I assume thats because those perks are more common when you play killer than when you play solo survivor (or casual SWF).
If your rank is the same on both sides, the only solution for this is: SWF running them more often.