2nd Post 2nd cheater

pa4n Member Posts: 79

Hi guys my second post here. Just a few days ago i run into my first cheater i have a post about that search for "exploit" if u are intressted.

I just played a game as hag on a macmillan map....game started normal i put down some traps and injured 3 people, then chased after a prestige 3 nea (rank 1 adept perks , skelton key with the addon where u can see the killer). I was playing with a controller what I not do really often and whiffed an attack on her and was like y that happens when i play with a controller. However i chased her down and just before i could have hit her she kinda lags out sliding along the wall and then dissapears. I'm like ok nice lag tabbed out to check me connection and everything is fine.

Next time i found her the same thing happens....after that i just went looking for the crown cause i didnt want to play this game anymore....so all gens get done and i cant find the crown....then suddenly a trap triggers i take it and down the nea......im like ok what to do now.....cause if u read my last post i was scared to pick her up cause u cant hook those kind of people.....so i just slugged her . The other tried to save her but i downed her over and over again.....then they had to leave and the timer run out......

PS: also it was a hard to keep track of her while she was a slug...she teleported like 4-5 times during that time (roughly 4-6 meters per teleport)

So at least she died.

Then i wanted to write with the other surviors about what happend........and this little ******* takes my exact name which had an orange color and just spams "2" in the chat...like infinte rows of 2s....at first i thought it was me but when i typed something i realised my name was yellow...so y couldnt write with the others unfortunately. After i accused him of cheating a lot more 2s appeared and as i kidna shittalked him al little bit that he died as a cheater...then he wrote some nasty stuff which i dont wanna talk about here...and a lot more 2s appeared....then the game started lagging (frame Drops) so i just left...I reported him but y i guess that wont help ...i tried to get to his steam profile but that doesnt work anymore......

Pls i Beg Behaviour do something against that....i hate cheaters so much and it is just a waste of time to play against them.....