Rewards for devoting and prestiging

I just devoted for the first time and it's kinda lame, you just get back to lvl 1 (wich doesn't matter since the irridescent shards value still the same from level 1 to 100) and get a "devotion". I THINK (and that's the operative word) that you should, at least, gain a boost or a sum of irridescent shards when devoting...
Prestige is the same... Just not worth it if you don't have BP to spare, since you get just a "bloody" base skin...
Just my thoughts...
I really wish the devs had just let the levels go up to any number of digits to avoid the people who don't seem to understand that devotion is just a helpful way of letting the players know the xp per level is resetting. So many keep thinking it's more than a hundreds place.
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Iridescent shards are the reward for increasing player level. You can buy original characters, perks, most cosmetics, or bloodpoints with it. It’s a good system.
Prestiging could probably use a buff.
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But what I meant is, doesn't matter a lvl reset, since the shards reward ratio/exp doesn't change no matter what level you are (roughly 0,0714 shards/exp point) so "devotion" is just a gimmick so you don't go level 101, 102 and on...