Today's Strength: The Survive With Friends Survivors (Voice-Chat)

Boss Member Posts: 13,616

For an explanation on what i mean with "strength" with Survivors, please read this poll:

For this example, we got: The Survive With Friends Survivors (Voice-chat)

For these Survivor polls, i'd like for you to imagine every poll that you're one of the Survivors.

How are you experiencing your friends with communication?

Today's Strength: The Survive With Friends Survivors (Voice-Chat) 26 votes

They Hide 24/7, Getting AFK Crows, Like They're Not Even Here
They Try To Help, But Run Far Away From The Slightest Disturbance
bm33 1 vote
They Help, But Suck At Skill Checks & Chases
LonelyBananana 1 vote
They're Not A Beginner, But Certainly Not A Pro
PaxtonizePanchy 2 votes
They Can Hold Out Well, But Mistakes Happen
KnotEnthusiast 1 vote
They're Alright, I Feel Supported & Can Somewhat Depend On Them
NebulaKawaakari 2 votes
They're Not Phased By Much, But Will End Up On A Hook Eventually
VolantConch1719arslaNhahadrillgobrrrilliumred 4 votes
They're Quickly Aware Of What's Going On At All Times
IhatelifeTaigaEnderloganYTAwkward_FiendPaisleyParkCitrusfruitTotemsCleanser 7 votes
The Killer Seems To Barely Be Able To Touch Them
SnakeSound222Seiko300Raven014MusicNerd_TCManyAchievablesjargonkiller777 6 votes
They're Ridiculous, You Might Even Suspect Hacks
NuclearBurritoWubalubadubdub03 2 votes


  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    The Killer Seems To Barely Be Able To Touch Them

    It doesn't matter how well you do, if you're killer isn't spirit or nurse, and it's a good swf, you're going to get gen rushed and lose.

  • Paxtonize
    Paxtonize Member Posts: 47
    They're Not A Beginner, But Certainly Not A Pro

    I don't get it why everyone thinks that there are only the "SWAT" SWF teams. Sometimes me and my friends are playing together and not even talking about the game.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Yet again I don't play swf... so I can't really comment on this without seeming biased from my experiences as killer.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263
    They're Not Phased By Much, But Will End Up On A Hook Eventually

    Having voice coms make these SWFs hard to surprise, but they're rarely as strong as people often make them out to be.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667
    The Killer Seems To Barely Be Able To Touch Them

    Simply having voice communication gives you like 8 more perks each and removes multiple Killer perks too. Any Blindness perk or Knock Out doesn't matter because they can just go "hey where did you get downed".

    And if they have an OoO and you're a set-up Killer, it's basically GG the moment you start.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953
    They're Not Phased By Much, But Will End Up On A Hook Eventually

    Depends what kind of SWF it is, so kinda hard to actually rate them. Swats are untouchable, good swf is hard but manageable most of the time, others are easy.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    The issue isn't that voice comms make a swf superpowered it's that it gives them the option of removing the primary source of difficulty in the game for survivors - working together as a team with limited information. You don't need to be in a SWF to be good at this, of course, but voice comms are basically an easy button for survivors if they press it.

    A SWF can be any of the above options, it's entirely up to them. Which, of course, is the problem as the killer is pretty much entirely at their mercy for a fair game.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    They're Quickly Aware Of What's Going On At All Times

    SWF have the highest potential for power in the game atm, with the exception of arguably Iri Head+ Infantry + Mori Huntress

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464
    They Can Hold Out Well, But Mistakes Happen

    God squad SWFs are arguably the most powerful thing in the game, but that has less to do with comms and more to do with getting 4 very good players together. SWF doesn't give skill, it gives coordination: survivors still have to be good at the game to be an effective SWF. 4 mediocre players will still be mediocre in a SWF, just slightly less so.