Suggestion V.S. Gen Speeds. Thoughts?

I try to be as constructive and optimistic as possible throughout interactions with other players in our community. I try to hear (read) various opinions from numerous perspectives. After all, isn’t our overall goal to achieve something closer to game balance?
We can ignore the trivial repetitive topics about perks, “dirty” playstyles, etc. But I believe gen speeds is something that does need constant focus. Notice how I say gen speeds and NOT gen rush. Often, a team of solo survivors complete the game quickly, not intentionally...they’re not being chases and have no reason to stop repairing; most times I have to believe the game isn’t being rushed, the gen speeds are just too crazy.
I want to thank Devs for their constant attention towards this topic, including the slight speed decrease we’ve recently received. I am also aware that you will never make everyone happy, so you’ll focus on what changes definitely need to be made to ensure product survival.
My suggestion for helping with speeds is simple:
- When match begins, only 5 generators are spawned into the map.
- After the first generator is repaired, a 6th generator spawns into the map.
- After the 2nd generator is repaired, the 7th and final generator spawns into the map.
No other changes. Perhaps this is something we can test in a PTB to help decide if it’s a worthy update. And yes, I’m aware that this change should also affect changes to other mechanics and/or perks. If this style of play is implemented, things like Corrupt Intervention perk will have to be altered (just one example, there are more).
What do YOU all think this style of gameplay would accomplish? Would it help, waste of time?? I implore you to please be specific on why/why not you would agree/disagree with this idea.