Fix Nurse, especially for Midwich

Was watching a streamer play Nurse and Midwich came up and this is some extreme bull. Here's a clip from it.

Here's the link directly if the embed doesn't work:

The entire match survivors just ran to the same area because Nurse literally can't use her power there. It's a 100% safe infinite. Hey BHVR you guys ever gonna fix anything involving Nurse or just keep letting stuff like this pile up? Sure would be nice.


  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Bumping this thread hoping a dev will actually see it and maybe start working on fixing a bug for once

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I personally have not had much of a problem on that spot but I do find it infuriating when survivors just run to areas where they know blinks don't work and just rely on that.

    I wish it was reportable. But yeah Devs get on this please.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612
    edited July 2020

    Devs:oh look a bug post... *sees its about nurse* *walks away whistling* (in all seriousness gl nurse only gets bug fixes when its at her advantage like the bug that gave her faster movement speed you were banned if you even used the addon)

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I'm hoping they're just working on one massive patch to fix a lot of her bugs and performance issues, possibly even her ######### addons and maybe another power change for the better.

    But I very much doubt that.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    I entirely understand. When Midwich first came out and I did my first Nurse game on it I found various areas, including literally a spot in a straight hallway, where I couldn't blink properly.

    They just keep ignoring the Nurse bugs (some years old now) and making maps that she doesn't interact with properly. It's just so upsetting that I can't play the Killer I find most fun without a 100% guarantee that something will break.