I'm gonna start throwing matches.



  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Stop playing killer, no matter how many times you de-pip, how low your rank is, you are still going to get high ranked survivors in your lobby. I am rank 13 killer and have gotten at least 2-3 red ranked survivors in my lobby over the past few days, it isn't fun for anyone.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    I suggest you constantly remind yourself that it's just a game, and while you're playing the game, rather than actively worrying about everything, simply don't think at all. Do the things you have to do, keep your mind off of anything else, and just play. Until you get it out of your mind that losing doesn't matter, winning doesn't matter, and to just relax, you'll never enjoy this game. It is very stressful as a killer a lot of the time and unless you're mentally capable of accepting that, as specific killers, on specific maps, against good survivors, you making one mistake, and all the reasons why you can lose the game very easily, you won't be able to enjoy it.

    The sooner you don't take it so seriously and accept the fact that it's a survivor party game and you're the glorified AI, the better.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907
    edited July 2020

    as someone who also has bad anxiety and plays this game off and on, my advice is to just mess around as killer. i do this a lot in my matches. i get all four hooked for my bbq stacks, then i just do chases and hits, maybe down and let them wiggle out, and i mess around. one big thing i do is play pig and crouch at gens with other survivors. i've been doing this for quite some time and nothings happened to me yet. i also have messages off so i don't have to deal with the toxicity like i did when i was just starting out.

    i know this game can be awful for anxiety. when i started i wanted to play because i saw videos of people goofing around with their friends and it looked fun. as i quickly learned, most randoms aren't quite as tolerant to being silly and would prefer to just play the game normal. this game used to make me shake when i played it, second guessing everything i was doing, wondering what the survivors were thinking of me as killer, or what my teammates were thinking when i played survivor. its rough.

    but i learned how to deal with it and now i have fun with the game more often than not. i still deal with flashlight clickers and t-baggers and other such things now and then, and sometimes it does get to me, but thats when i call it done for the night.

    a few recommendations to keep playing but be less stressed, as killer at least, play doctor and just shock nonstop. play pyramid head and try to draw circles around survivors with his trails. play demogorgon and travel between portals randomly. Legion and vault the same thing for the entire duration of Feral Frenzy. just silly things. maybe you'll manage to make some body laugh by doing that. maybe make a friend, who knows, its happened to me.

    i hope this helps. i know what its like to play this game with anxiety. and if it gets to be too much, don't be afraid to just turn the game off for an hour or two, or even the rest of the day.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Dbd and almost every multiplayer game is very stressfull

    What you need is a chill single player game that can release some steam for you.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2020

    I did this the other night and it was hilarious:

    Play as Nurse with Insidious, NOED, and Dying Light (so they get gens faster), immediately blink INTO the exit, then stand at the door and wait for them to do all the gens and open it and come through. Surprise! 😀

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    For myself I've had fun using Freddy with Dark Devotion, Distressing, Infectious Fright, and Barbecue and Chili and using pallet add-ons.

    Actually had someone get salty at me for the IF / BBQ combo despite, y'know, Freddy. But honestly I use IF less for tracking and more for the laugh of actually getting it to work.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Yeah when they are done the gens you can open the gate yourself.

    Once they are powered noed and bloodwarden make a really deadly combo. Down someone opening the gate. Open it yourself and quickly hook them before others get out and it blocks them from leaving when they think they can

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That's good to hear lad. Meme builds are just fun and getting salt for that makes it even funnier lol

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    "I've hit my skill cap and instead of accepting that or getting better, I'm going to afk and ruin the game for others because I cant win every game anymore".


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Oh Nice you got a mod to edit your comment for you. Nice to see they still do this #########.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2020

    Pretty sure AFKing might get you in trouble if you do it consistently, especially if for example, you set a macro up to left click automatically, and leave the game running so it finds matches by itself for like a week.

    I've thrown matches myself to derank. If you want to do it, try and meme around with some silly strategies that'll be sure to result in a depip like Insidious Bubba guarding the basement chest, or Doctor who just zaps one survivor in particular for the entire match and never hits them. (You can bring Rancor to mori them after the last gen is popped if they're the obsession) Plague who just pukes on people, Franklin's Trapper who traps the items, NASCAR (or Formula One) Hillbilly with double turning addons who just chainsaws around the map, etc.

    This way you're not AFKing but still deranking, and zappy-doctor with distressing, Thrill Of The Hunt, and Beast Of Prey lets you still farm a decent amount of bloodpoints by shocking and chasing.

  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    lol good job insulting someone complaining about irl health concerns. Hopefully the ego boost you got from writing that made you feel good about yourself.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    afking has no point anymore, depipping won't save you from redranks.

  • CaenumPlays_
    CaenumPlays_ Member Posts: 45

    Just use a derank build. Rancor, PWYF, Brutal Strength and Noed. Find and chase the Obsession all game, eat through the pallets then down them and mori once all the gens are done. Could also swap PWYF for Blood Warden and if you catch another Survivor once the Obsession is moried you can activate BW. Best on Doctor, Legion or anyone who can accumulate deviousness points whilst in a chase.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I'd recommend taking a break. If you really wanted to get BPs for the event items then play with your brain off and run around as Billy or something, try and learn some new ways to chase survivors and get 4 stacks of BBQ.

    Then again you should really consider playing or doing something else instead. Nobody should feel forced to play something they don't want to play so if it gets to that point uninstall and forget about DbD for a while. I've taken a break myself, only very rarely playing survivor with friends.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Everyone's doctor would tell them to avoid unnecessary stress. That's like telling people to drink water or eat vegetables. It's a "health concern" every one on earth shares.

    OP shouldn't be playing competitive multiplayer games if stress is such a concern for them.

  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    If his doctor is telling him to avoid stress it's likely due to high blood pressure or another concern. I don't get texts from my doctor reminding me to avoid stress, idk about you...

    Also, the OP is asking for suggestions to play the game in a less stressful way. The devs have said about a million times that this isn't a competitive game... so he should be able to play in a way that he has fun (not afk, but playing with fun builds and ignoring ranks).

    By the way, I didn't even say that he should afk, just that there's no reason to be toxic #########... but I guess go off lmao

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    The devs mean it's not competitive in the sense that it's not intended for esports.. not that there's no competition in it at all

  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    The devs mean it's not competitive in the sense that it is meant more for fun rather than to focus on the ranking system. So playing in a non-competitive way is completely acceptable. They have even said on numerous occasions that the ranking system basically rewards you for playing the game, not being good.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    By design there are two sides competing against each other. It's competitive. And well known for being stressful. So if someone has ######### high blood pressure then they shouldn't play it

  • White_Jesus
    White_Jesus Member Posts: 65

    It is only competitive and stressful if you make it so. It isn't bannable to play in a fun way... "you could still do something to help the team and derank in the end if you really want." ~ Peanits (Dev-Community Manager)... You are literally allowed to derank as long as you aren't making the game unfun for the other people in it. That does mean AFKing is bannable, but not playing in a non-competetive way.

    So, the OP shouldn't be required to leave the game because he wants to have fun playing it. He can play in a for-fun way if he wants.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I have no idea what they edited or why ? It looks like my full comment is there i think ? I wonder if I said something wrong

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    You can use an endgame Wraith build if you want to farm Rift xp with minimal effort.

    NoED & Bloodwarden and any other 2 perks you'd like to use.

    Let them finish all the gens and then see how many survivors you can down during the End Game Collapse. Winning or losing isn't the point, but you should get anywhere between 450-600 xp for the match depending on how it goes.

    You're not AFK and you're not suffering at the hands of Survivors, all while farming Rift xp relatively quickly.

    Good luck!