Campers and tunnelers in 95% of my games last 2 days during anniversary event.
Ok. I know people are gonna disagree. and I've been in all threads about this before. If it only where now and then I wouldn't care as much.
Just wanna say that it's not only me it happens to during my games so i speak for my fellow survivors During game. last 2 days iv'e only met campers (proxy or Face) and tunnelers. you know the ones that tries to ignore blocks etc. you've heard it all before. It's not fun. Yes we can gen rush. still not fun. I wanna play the game. Not get annoyed everygame I or someone else gets camped. I like the alturistic playstyle. or really a mix of everything. which is not possible with campers (Tunnelers). I have swapped to killer lately just because I got fed up with playing survivors. although I main surv. I mix mostly between both. I don't do either as killer as I really hate it myself. and all players are happy after my games as killer. I don't care if i get 0K. only thing is toxic survivors. like if i play a killer I'm crap at. just teabags whole game. runs up to me etc. and I knock them down for doing so. and they get mad. not my problem. but i trailed off abit.
I usually get up to rank 5 as killer and fall down again. Rank does not matter to me att all. Playing the game does. the game is fun when all people actually plays the game. as killer currently Rank 9 as killer due to poor matchmaking. meeting rank 1 - 4. it's not ok but I'm fine with it. Oops Second trail of xD. I feel like there should be more bp punishment for camping ETC.
If i get camped or tunneled I allready know that I am gonna loose pips. which i don't care about. but the game gets boring. Reaaaaally boring. espescially these last 2 days where it has been close to all my games. I disagree with devs that this is a legit strategy. it's ruining the game for so many people. and all who have played survivor surely agree on this. endgame proxy camping. Fine by me. Camping from beginning. freaking hate it. it really gets me salty and mad. have made me call killers stupid things before. espescially now these last games. and I am sorry for that. but also it's the legit feeling I get when i feel like it's ruining the game. everyone I have played DBD with really hates it. so I think most of survs agree!